NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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My dad needs me to take a ride out to Long Island with him for the day. This will be the first time both miss watching a Jets game live in IDK how long.

Feels weird, but maybe it's for the best. Who knows with this team anymore....

With that said, we match-up stat wise with the Rams, which isn't a good thing. Rams are coming off a tiring OT tie, and we are coming off an embarrassing loss. Again, who knows with this team anymore. I'd like to think we squeak out a win? /wishfulthinking

Tebow comes in.

1yard run.

Tebow comes out.

We've never seen that before.
These rookies on Defense for the Pack coming up big early.
3 Passes defended early.
Dat Jets defense :lol: :lol:

Secondary looking very Patriot-like :x . I know theyre missing Revis right about now :smh: :smh:
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