NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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damn i was looking forward to seeing vontae davis shut folwer down too... sucks for fowler though man...
eh somewhat. only because brady could have simply said yeah i did, so what ? but like i said before, he thought he washed his hands clean.

i kind of get what you are saying by media driven but which nationally publicized sports sandal story isn't ? by you saying it's embarrassing, it makes it seem like your are seeing through the smoke and mirrors and that you are not easily fooled. but the writing is on the wall. brady clearly lied and there is no denial about that.
I say it's embarrassing because I feel that it's a non-story. Like I have mentioned in my previous post; I don't think the league cares either, but is feeling the pressure of the media circus. If the league truly cared about this issue, teams wouldn't be allowed to provide their own footballs. Since they do allow teams to provide their own footballs you would think that the officials would truly inspect them (checking psi and condition). Since they don't do anything more than a simple eye check, how do we know teams aren't getting footballs by inspections that don't meet the guidelines? We don't and the only reason this is being talked about is because someone in Baltimore tipped off someone in Indianapolis. Do I think these two teams had an agenda? Absolutely; this story was purposely leaked to the media in an attempt to smear New England and since we are all in here discussing it, mission accomplished.

Brady has made it apparently clear that he likes the football a certain way, so how again did he lie? Don't we hold the officials accountable for making sure the footballs submitted are league regulation? We saw from the second half of the AFC title game that the psi in the football made absolutely no difference. Maybe just maybe this is nothing more than a mental advantage for TB and really doesn't equate to any physical advantage against an opponent. Again; I would make this same argument for any QB in the league facing this media created non-story. The court of public opinion has already convicted TB and the Pats, which is evidently clear in this thread.
Y'all laughing but Ryan Grigson applies that same type of logic for building his team though. 
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