NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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How are you going to kick a dog? :smh: me two old ones:


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i don't like when people chop the ears on pitts.

But it really is all on the way they're raised. i have 2 buddies with pitts and they're awesome dogs. One of them lives with a chihuahua and treats it like a little baby 

But i do keep an eye on them whey they get riled up
My neighbor had a pit and it attacked him, they had to put it down. Shame because I used to play with him but he just snapped one day, think he was about 3 years old.
Aww man
Devon Still has put out a call for prayers as he shared some discouraging news regarding his daughter's ongoing treatment. "I need some prayers sent up for Leah tonight! We hit a pretty serious complication from the stem cell transplant called VOD. They caught it early so hopefully it gives the doctors a better chance of stopping it from getting aggressive. As you can imagine our minds are all over the place but we're going to try and remain positive! ‪#‎LeahStrong‬ ‪#‎WaitingForTheDayEverythingReturnsToNormal‬."
Baby girl.
Great dog pics fellas.

Never have had a dog sadly.

Growing up I asked my old man if we could get one, and he hit me with a
saying he doesn't want a dog "pooping all over the yard."

BTW Pikachu is that dat dog.
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Titans dropped the ball man.

As much as I didn't want to see him go, they should of traded for Rivers when they had the chance.

Marcus won't get them anywhere imo, at least for a few years. We'll see if the coaching staff still has their jobs by then...
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