NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

I gotta say this has been one of the best seasons II can remember as a fan of any sport in a long god damn time. I legit thought we would win 6-8 games max this year and be reading over draft profiles in January. Just shows how quick the window of opportunity comes and goes in the NFL
One of the silver linings of them being trash. Will be nice to have a stress free watch in January :lol:

Foreaaal, and it sucks cuz I can feel the end is near (or probably has already arrived) but oh well... gotta give credit to the up-and-coming teams we got today :pimp:

gonna be interesting how this new era of teams gonna affect how the Pats get **** done once TB12/BB are out.

Yay we're in the playoffs

What are the odds that Jerrah actually does what's necessary on Black Monday tomorrow?

Pretty high. Doesn't really need to do much though. Garrett's contract has expired, so he dont even have to fire him, just, BYEEE, Felicia!

Feel like Zimmer makes so much sense for them though. I'm good with that, so long as Zubiak is retained.
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