NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

So I’m just going on texts from my brother but on the 1-5 scale how screwed did we get on the last two calls?

It’s on to Philly. Not all bad I’d rather play them than Minnesota.
Overturning a PI call in that situation would have been ugly.

Also, get rid of reviewing PIs

What u talking bout man thats partly why the damn rule was put in.

You one of those "cant make that call at this point in the game" types huh
So I’m just going on texts from my brother but on the 1-5 scale how screwed did we get on the last two calls?

It’s on to Philly. Not all bad I’d rather play them than Minnesota.

1st - 4
2nd - 0

Should not have even been in the situation to begin with though. Seattle's own fault
What u talking bout man thats partly why the damn rule was put in.

You one of those "cant make that call at this point in the game" types huh

Yeah, overturning that at the end of the game would have been ugly.

They called a bogus PI on SF on 3rd and long that should have been 4th and long. Instead, a garbage PI and 17 yards away from the end zone. Terrible calls are part of the game but I hate reviewing **** at crucial moments or weak *** flags
So I’m just going on texts from my brother but on the 1-5 scale how screwed did we get on the last two calls?

It’s on to Philly. Not all bad I’d rather play them than Minnesota.

On that scale, 2 calls didn't even matter. Pete's clock management tho... you can't even put a number on that, well I'd say priceless
There is no more regular season football.

Feels like it’s going to be a long while before free agency.

Good game to end the regular season.
So I’m just going on texts from my brother but on the 1-5 scale how screwed did we get on the last two calls?

It’s on to Philly. Not all bad I’d rather play them than Minnesota.

ehh the stupid PI call on kwuan williams shouldnt have been made. Not saying that one bad (non-) call cancels out another but bad calls go both ways thru the course of a game

in any case, helluva game. My ******* anxiety levels still sky high. GG elpablo21 elpablo21 100027 100027
GG elpablo21 elpablo21 100027 100027 . Literally could not have been a closer game
GG mane and aNYone aNYone moe200069 moe200069 L lightweight champion

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