NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

So I’m just going on texts from my brother but on the 1-5 scale how screwed did we get on the last two calls?

It’s on to Philly. Not all bad I’d rather play them than Minnesota.
There was a PI missed

But you don't even want to know how bad Pete and co. ****** up..delay of game, wasted timeouts

It was like Pete's pinnacle cluster****
Looking like a San Fran - Bal/KC Super Bowl.

Jimmy G hoisting a Lombardi...


Delay of game wasn't a big deal IMO. Not ideal but SF know the run is coming, they stuff it, SEA has to spike it to stop the clock, they get one more play.
Where as they get pushed back 5 yards (more space) and get 3 shots in the endzone.

Defend Russ and Pete at all costs.
Now I’m so glad the Packers and Saints won today.

This has become a Knicks v Pacers type of rivalry.
Looking like a San Fran - Bal/KC Super Bowl.

saints playing the best.. but they gotta go on the road round 2.. plus ain’t like vikings are a push over, I assume they’re better than the last 2 weeks
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