NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

When I say WR error I mean something clear like the QB put it right in the breadbasket and the WR bobbles it not able to secure it and the defender ends up taking it from him. Or the the QB puts it on the money and the WR just whiffs like the ball going through his hands and the defender takes it off him. I would say those aren’t clear instances of an interception being the WRs fault
You would just simply get scorekeeper bias with this.
Ramsey's expressed interest in the past in playing for the Titans because he's a hometown kid but there's no way the Jags trade him within the division.
He doesn't want to spend the rest of his career in and out of injured reserve.

Some team is going to go all in to try and fix a terrible secondary by trading roughly 3 firsts for Ramsey and Fitzpatrick together and it’ll be a massive disappointment. My prediction. Like an old school Dolphins or Washington move.
Some team is going to go all in to try and fix a terrible secondary by trading roughly 3 firsts for Ramsey and Fitzpatrick together and it’ll be a massive disappointment. My prediction. Like an old school Dolphins or Washington move.

So, Seattle or SF?
Jets best make a call. DK if I'd want them to give up a 1st tho, but may be worth it.

I take it back. Yes he may be worth it, but not for the Joe Douglas' first upcoming draft with the team. I want him to have his 1st rounder.
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