NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

I hope the odds on Jimmy G winning MVP tank after this. In throwing the bag on it.

Man i haven’t even played with them yet. Been stuck on this Now QB1 ****. I’m the Bengals QB :frown:

I played against them in like my second season and that defense made me toss 4 picks :rofl:


I played online with them last night vs the Niners and this ************ Mitch’s accuracy was so bad. He threw 4 ******* picks to Richard Sherman. Ridiculous.

Dude didn’t score a single point on offense vs me but had two pick 6’s :lol:
Matt Patricia was pretty awful in his last season with the patriots too.

NFL is weird man
Matt Patricia is traaaaaaash

These teams are so desperate to get anything associated to the Patriots they’d promote New England’s tackle sled to OC. Meanwhile this is how someone like Bill O’Brien is entering his 5th season.
Dude legitimately broke a NFL record for total yards allowed through like 8 weeks and got a head coaching gig because he carries a pencil in his ear.

How Andy Reid’s OC ain’t get a job after we’ve seen how his coaching tree has flourished but hoodie castoffs still getting jobs I don’t understand

Matt Patricia is traaaaaaash

These teams are so desperate to get anything associated to the Patriots they’d promote New England’s tackle sled to OC. Meanwhile this is how someone like Bill O’Brien is entering his 5th season.

But we been doing this for well over a decade, who’s legit the most successful hoodie assistant to become a HC?
Craziest thing to me was Patricia replaced one of the worst franchises most successful coach just after 4 seasons. 3 winning seasons and 2 playoff births.

Perfect example of us having to work twice as hard
Hell naw. Caldwell was trash as ****. One reason CJ81 didn’t come back. Peyton & Jim Bob Cooter extended Caldwell’s coaching career EASILY!!!
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