NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

55k for the potential of your brain turning into mashed potatoes??????????

Nah fam.

55k to get electrocuted, climbing telephone lines and power lines for AT&T is a better option, I guess. Or, falling 20+ feet, when your harness breaks. Everyday you wake up, you’re taking a risk.
55k to get electrocuted, climbing telephone lines and power lines for AT&T is a better option, I guess. Or, falling 20+ feet, when your harness breaks. Everyday you wake up, you’re taking a risk.
one of those isn’t a guaranteed risk. running into grown men full speed is always going to end badly.
55k to get electrocuted, climbing telephone lines and power lines for AT&T is a better option, I guess. Or, falling 20+ feet, when your harness breaks. Everyday you wake up, you’re taking a risk.

Damn bro he was talking about selling phones in the stores not climbing up poles for them :lol:
if I was a kicker I'd do it, you're not catching me lined up for 70+ plays

this is just a hypothetical tho cause it's still **** Vince
You ever play?
Image result for sips tea gif
You ever play?
the point was, these are football players, not some scrubs sitting behind a phone/computer commenting. Easy for us to say hell no, I wouldn't do that for $55k.

But this is what these guys want to do and love. $55k would be a lot for most of these guys. Its an easy decision for them to sacrifice their bodies for $55k. Hell, I know most guys in here who don't even make $55k would play football if you were actually a football player that could even touch that level.

Has nothing to do with if I played football or not. I know you wanted to try and make this a big **** contest but you missed the point. Hope I cleared it up for you
‘big **** contest’ huh mad ******* corny. But I wouldn’t suspect anything different from a guy who posts his wife’s *** for Internet likes.

It has everything to do with whether or not someone has played the game. If you’ve played the game you’ll realize how dangerous this ****. $55k or less is a disrespectful salary and a slap in the face for these guys to go out there and put their bodies and life on the line. Regardless of that ‘love of the game’ fantasy **** you’re talking about.

If you’ve never stepped on the field you can’t tell me whether or not the risk is worth the salary. How would you know?
What y'all think these practice squad dudes making a year? After taxes it might be alittle bit more than 55k not by alot tho lol
‘big **** contest’ huh mad ****ing corny. But I wouldn’t suspect anything different from a guy who posts his wife’s *** for Internet likes.

It has everything to do with whether or not someone has played the game. If you’ve played the game you’ll realize how dangerous this ****. $55k or less is a disrespectful salary and a slap in the face for these guys to go out there and put their bodies and life on the line. Regardless of that ‘love of the game’ fantasy **** you’re talking about.

If you’ve never stepped on the field you can’t tell me whether or not the risk is worth the salary. How would you know?
I don't need to have stepped on the field to know whether or not its worth it. Its not for ME. I've always said I won't let my kids play football, plain and simple. I know how dangerous it is. You'd be a fool to disrespect the danger aspect of the sports. Its why you see plenty of guys who make peanuts who are still laying it all on the line to fulfill a dream.

Whether or not if you played football or didn't, ain't nobody in here has the ability to play at the XFL level. So its easy to say hell no, I wouldn't do it for $55k. We'd get killed out there.

Sorry, your high school days don't play a facto in this discussion. There aren't very many people who don't understand the dangers of the sport. Its obvious.

I think you're missing my point. And its ok. Perhaps its something I can't explain any further
a practice squad player is totally different than being a guy who’s active and on the field during the game.
Football is football tho still a risk. Dudes don't get hurt in practice? Also just looked it up they make about 136k after taxes, agent, ECT not much more than 55k and you gotta pay 6 more weeks ijs. I love football I would play for free tho so I might need to sit this one out lol
a practice squad player is totally different than being a guy who’s active and on the field during the game.
is it though. Those practice squad players are probably risking themselves even more than these XFL players. Practice squad dudes are playing against the best. Size, speed, tremendous athletes on a day to day basis.
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Football is football tho still a risk. Dudes don't get hurt in practice? Also just looked it up they make about 136k after taxes, agent, ECT not much more than 55k and you gotta pay 6 more weeks ijs. I love football I would play for free tho so I might need to sit this one out lol
practice squad makes $136k? Thats more than I would have guessed. I know after the draft, the ones undrafted can get some nice signing bonuses to go to a certain team.

The cost benefits outweigh the dangers for a lot of these athletes. $136k is probably $100k more than what most of these guys would make in the real world.
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