NFL Week 12 In Review...

He's definitely in the conversation. Thought he'd be good...but not this good.
Pretty much. Dude has to overcompensate for the lack of talent, hence the reason for the gaffe's. He knows if he doesn't put the team on his back, they don't win.

Trent Dilfer summed it up nicely:

"The Star on the helmet gives you a 20 percent bump in perception, in talent and relevance. Even around the league, when you talk to players and coaches, there's just a perception that goes with the star on the helmet that gives you a 20% bump. I've been a Tony Romo apologist for a long time, I think he OVERCOMES a lack of talent, more than he lets the team down. And I know there are signature blunders at the end of games, but he far outweighs those with great end of game situations and carrying this team."

The real winner isn't the Cowboys, or Romo. Its Floyd 'Seasonal Cheddar' Mayweather for putting 6.5 mill on the Boys and coming out victorious. :smokin
Lack of talent? He can utilize Dez, Terrance Williams, Witten, Austin, and Demarco Murray…on the O-Line sure, but he's got a ton of weapons on offense.

It's more lack of depth behind the stars.

Let's be honest, is Terrance Williams talented or has Romo made him look good? Miles hasn't looked good in two and a hlaf years and Demarco is made of glass. That's not a ton of weapons, that's Dez + Witten and a lot of question marks. Throw in that Witten has started to show signs of slowing.

They've suffered for years with the decisions made to disregard depth to acquire a star or two. They've punted defensive drafting to sign overrated starters on that side and what player outside of Ware that they've drafted on that side has made a solid impact back to back years?

It may not be talent but it certainly is a depth issue.
^Terrance Williams is very talented, good combination speed and size, route running is an issue .

Miles Austin is done tho
Yea talent has never been the problem under Romo's watch. It's been o-line play the past 2-3 years maybe, and definitely lack of discipline all the other times. Terrible DB play here and there as well.

It's definitely been a talent issue. The skill positions are there but over the Romo era the lines have been crap, the secondary has been awful. That's hard to overcome.

Before someone says it, I know the o-line is good this year. For once.
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Ha. This is astonishing reading the last two pages. :lol:

Where were most ya'll three or so years ago when I was fending off dudes left and right about this same topic? :lol:

This is refreshing.
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Ha. This is astonishing reading the last two pages. :lol:

Where were most ya'll three or so years ago when I was fending off dudes left and right about this same topic? :lol:

This is refreshing.

I've been saying this for ages, even Cowboys fans disagreeing with me.

The perception that the Cowboys have had all this talent comes from the Madden/fantasy mindset where all you need are skill positions.

When in reality we know you build off the lines and need depth to succeed, and the Cowboys have had neither. Which is why Romo has had to carry them for years.
Ha. This is astonishing reading the last two pages. :lol:

Where were most ya'll three or so years ago when I was fending off dudes left and right about this same topic? :lol:

This is refreshing.

I just don't argue it anymore. No one on the other side of the argument can seem to grasp that.

Plus, once Tony collapses or make a mental error, that's where all the focus will go.
--Tony Romo has more 4th quarter interceptions when the game is tied, or the Cowboys are up by a touchdown or less, than any other QB since 2006.
--Since 2010, Romo's Total QBR in the first 12 minutes of the fourth quarter/OT is 80. That's second-best in the NFL. However, his QBR drops to a below-average 44 in the game's final three minutes.
--The Cowboys have won one of the last nine games in which Romo has thrown a fourth-quarter interception, with six of those losses coming by seven points or fewer.


"Lack of talent"

Got it.

I've been saying this for ages, even Cowboys fans disagreeing with me.

The perception that the Cowboys have had all this talent comes from the Madden/fantasy mindset where all you need are skill positions.

When in reality we know you build off the lines and need depth to succeed, and the Cowboys have had neither. Which is why Romo has had to carry them for years.[/quote]

Completely agree. And to add an extension to this...Romo's style of play will lend itself to mistakes, but his perpetual need to press the issue can also be attested to the fact that if he doesn't find a way to get it done, it won't get done, so mistakes happen. They're compounded into blunders since they seem to keep happening on a big stage at a big moment under watchful eyes.

Ha. This is astonishing reading the last two pages. :lol:

Where were most ya'll three or so years ago when I was fending off dudes left and right about this same topic? :lol:

This is refreshing.

I just don't argue it anymore. No one on the other side of the argument can seem to grasp that.

Plus, once Tony collapses or make a mental error, that's where all the focus will go.[/quote]

Very true.

Ok, ok...Enough Romo hobnobbing. Will just ride it out in silence until he gets it done. :tongue:
Ha. This is astonishing reading the last two pages. :lol:

Where were most ya'll three or so years ago when I was fending off dudes left and right about this same topic? :lol:

This is refreshing.

I've been saying this for ages, even Cowboys fans disagreeing with me.

The perception that the Cowboys have had all this talent comes from the Madden/fantasy mindset where all you need are skill positions.

When in reality we know you build off the lines and need depth to succeed, and the Cowboys have had neither. Which is why Romo has had to carry them for years.

Never said you were wrong. But you always post about the Cowboys and its always "They only draft at the fancy positions, they've been mismanaged for years, they'll never win anything, why do we talk about them when they've been terrible all these years, they don't deserve the media attention and primetime games, blah ,blah ,blah.

It never changes and you weren't coming into the Cowboy thread looking to discuss anything just crap on the Cowboys some more. The one thread that's supposed to be a "safe haven".

I wish Cowboy fans had that kind of leeway.
So he comes into your thread to make non trolling statements that you don't disagree with yourself. I don't see the problem :nerd:
Never said you were wrong. But you always post about the Cowboys and its always "They only draft at the fancy positions, they've been mismanaged for years, they'll never win anything, why do we talk about them when they've been terrible all these years, they don't deserve the media attention and primetime games, blah ,blah ,blah.

It never changes and you weren't coming into the Cowboy thread looking to discuss anything just crap on the Cowboys some more. The one thread that's supposed to be a "safe haven".

I wish Cowboy fans had that kind of leeway.

Well, that's why I'm posting here now and not in your thread. I was also defending Romo so I don't think I was simply crapping on the Cowboys.
So he comes into your thread to make non trolling statements that you don't disagree with yourself. I don't see the problem :nerd:

Because it's all just to say, like always [the Cowboys have been terrible for years why are they mentioned/regarded so much, if this was any other team they'd be an afterthought].That is trolling. But if you're cool with that I'm going to make a special effort to watch Texans games and discuss
how bad you guys have been this year and how you'll always be a bad team.

All for the sake of discussion. Serious.
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Because it's all just to say, like always [the Cowboys have been terrible for years why are they mentioned/regarded so much, if this was any other team they'd be an afterthought].That is trolling. But if you're cool with that I'm going to make a special effort to watch Texans games and discuss
how bad you guys have been this year and how you'll always be a bad team.

All for the sake of discussion. Serious.

You might think I make the same point about the Cowboys and Romo repeatedly, but maybe that's just in response to others making the opposite point about Romo over and over again.

I don't see how you can talk about the Cowboys and not mention the negatives when they have clearly struggled over the last few years. Would be like talking about the Knicks and you say "Well you always mention James Dolan being a bad owner and the team being cap strapped"
Because it's all just to say, like always [the Cowboys have been terrible for years why are they mentioned/regarded so much, if this was any other team they'd be an afterthought].That is trolling. But if you're cool with that I'm going to make a special effort to watch Texans games and discuss
how bad you guys have been this year and how you'll always be a bad team.

All for the sake of discussion. Serious.

You might think I make the same point about the Cowboys and Romo repeatedly, but maybe that's just in response to others making the opposite point about Romo over and over again.
I don't see how you can talk about the Cowboys and not mention the negatives when they have clearly struggled over the last few years. Would be like talking about the Knicks and you say "Well you always mention James Dolan being a bad owner and the team being cap strapped"

Not the case at all, you have one of the itchiest trigger fingers on this board when it comes to the Cowboys.
You didn't need to respond, you would just create your own opening. Ex. Dez has a bad game.

"Oh, look at dez he's so great with his 2 catches for 21 yards!"
Then loop it into "And great drafting by Jerry Jones picking a receiver when his o-line and d-line are so terrible!" "Doesn't know how to build a team, all glam positions"
Then loop into "And this is why they'll never win anything, Cowboy fans will still bring up Superbowls though!
Then loop itno "But why are we talking about them anyway, they've been irrelevant for so long, what is the infatuation with a loser team that hasn't won anything in 20 years?!"

Same thing all the time.
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Because it's all just to say, like always [the Cowboys have been terrible for years why are they mentioned/regarded so much, if this was any other team they'd be an afterthought].That is trolling. But if you're cool with that I'm going to make a special effort to watch Texans games and discuss
how bad you guys have been this year and how you'll always be a bad team.

All for the sake of discussion. Serious.

You might think I make the same point about the Cowboys and Romo repeatedly, but maybe that's just in response to others making the opposite point about Romo over and over again.
I don't see how you can talk about the Cowboys and not mention the negatives when they have clearly struggled over the last few years. Would be like talking about the Knicks and you say "Well you always mention James Dolan being a bad owner and the team being cap strapped"

Not the case at all, you have one of the itchiest trigger fingers on this board when it comes to the Cowboys.
You didn't need to respond, you would just create your own opening. Dez has a bad game.

"Oh, look at dez he's so great with his 2 catches for 21 yards!"
Then loop it into "And great drafting by Jerry Jones picking a receiver when his o-line and d-line are so terrible!" "Doesn't know how to build a team, all glam positions"
Then loop into "And this is why they'll never win anything, Cowboy fans will still bring up Superbowls though!
Then loop itno "But why are we talking about them anyway, they've been irrelevant for so long, what is the infatuation with a loser team that hasn't won anything in 20 years?!"

Same thing all the time.

Not the case at all, you have one of the itchiest trigger fingers on this board when it comes to the Cowboys.
You didn't need to respond, you would just create your own opening. Ex. Dez has a bad game.

"Oh, look at dez he's so great with his 2 catches for 21 yards!"
Then loop it into "And great drafting by Jerry Jones picking a receiver when his o-line and d-line are so terrible!" "Doesn't know how to build a team, all glam positions"
Then loop into "And this is why they'll never win anything, Cowboy fans will still bring up Superbowls though!
Then loop itno "But why are we talking about them anyway, they've been irrelevant for so long, what is the infatuation with a loser team that hasn't won anything in 20 years?!"

Same thing all the time.

Pretty sure you search my post history you'll find me defending Dez as well.

If you think you get mad negative responses regarding the Cowboys you should take a look at your own fans... When you have people like s4l and Larry David you're going to provoke people to mock your team from time to time.
Case in point... These guys in this exact thread accusing other squads of only beating mediocre teams, while pushing their chests out after beating the Giants like they just won the Super Bowl.
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