Nice guys lose because there is so many of them

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I'm a nice guy. I really am.

Women just respond so much better when I treat em like they ain't
, so I do it.

forreal, girls step over you when they see that you're just a nice guy, too nice to be anything more than a friend. You have to step up and prove that you can take handle your own.

And why should you do that?--- especially if you have to win someone's approval especially a woman, that is a complete waste of one of your most preciouscommodities that you can ever have and can't get back----TIME. If she dosen't like what you stand for and what you represent then keep campaigning. Onemonkey don't stop no show. There's a HUGE world out here. Not all women act like this.
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I'm a nice guy. I really am.

Women just respond so much better when I treat em like they ain't
, so I do it.

forreal, girls step over you when they see that you're just a nice guy, too nice to be anything more than a friend. You have to step up and prove that you can take handle your own.

And why should you do that?--- especially if you have to win someone's approval especially a woman, that is a complete waste of one of your most precious commodities that you can ever have and can't get back----TIME. If she dosen't like what you stand for and what you represent then keep campaigning. One monkey don't stop no show. There's a HUGE world out here. Not all women act like this.

This dude stay spittin' truth . . . respect.
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I'm a nice guy. I really am.

Women just respond so much better when I treat em like they ain't
, so I do it.

forreal, girls step over you when they see that you're just a nice guy, too nice to be anything more than a friend. You have to step up and prove that you can take handle your own.

And why should you do that?--- especially if you have to win someone's approval especially a woman, that is a complete waste of one of your most precious commodities that you can ever have and can't get back----TIME. If she dosen't like what you stand for and what you represent then keep campaigning. One monkey don't stop no show. There's a HUGE world out here. Not all women act like this.
This dude knows what's goin' on.
Nice is always interpreted as pushover...

I'd rather be called a Good guy...someone who treats women well...but still has a backbone.
i lose respect for chicks who stick with them %^@#$ wanting to be treated like shhh. they deserve to be treated like doormats.
Originally Posted by Gameover2

i lose respect for chicks who stick with them %^@#$ wanting to be treated like shhh. they deserve to be treated like doormats.

They go back to bad guys for sex, and then come to nice guys to get pampered/treated out nicely.
Not all women are the same. Just be yourself and the right one will like you for who you are.
i dunno, i think younger, naieve girls tend to mess around more with the "bad" type guys. but eventually, they're gonna settle down and want adude that treats them right. sucks cuz then they become your sloppy seconds. not all girls know this though so you just gotta be patient or get yourselfnoticed somehow.

and, yeah. i'm still surprised that there are chicks 30+ that the can't differenciate or don't learn from past mistakes. they let themselves bemistreated and abused by dudes over and over again. some are single moms too. smh
guys just want something they don't want and girls are the same way. but girls are more psycho, thinking that they could reform dudes who treat them badly.their vagina powers have a halflife of 3 months of less because there are 18 billion other females that dudes be beasting over in a split second.
In my opinion, chicks just want someone with some sort of backbone or edge. You can be nice and not be a pushover. I am very kind of respectful to women, yetat the same time I tend to have a sort of cocky joking style. I like to treat girls who I think are pretty like they are average or below, simply because theyaren't used to it. By nice guys women mean swag-less pushovers, not respectful men in general. I'd consider myself a very nice guy, but if you @**!around you are getting cut off quicker than AI in his prime.
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Be yourself, and you'll win the right girls. All the others will be weeded out.
Cliche for truth.

There will eventually come along a girl who typically never looks your way, who is totally into you.

You can't set people between nice guys and bad guys.... we are each ___guys in our own respects and other things that matter shine.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by starbury03

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I like nice guys. There are plenty of women who settle for the respectable ones.

Just sayin'.

Don't worry she's a reverse racist. None of them can spell correctly

Ahem...I am not a racist nor do I discriminate against anyone in any shape or form...not even in reverse. Everything I wrote was spelled out correctly thefirst time too.
Girls like a-holes, pure and simple. I even got the girl I'm hooking up with now to admit that she'd rather be treated like $@+*, that's why I knowshe's nothing special.
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

IMO, If you are a nice guy, then it is their loss, not yours. Don't need to change who you are for anybody, especially if its a positive characteristic.

There are over a billion females over 18 on this planet---you think i'm stressing that some women prefer "bad boys" over nice guys?

Women take my kindness for weakness, being from the South women assume that I don't have a backbone, and take advantage of that---but i'm real laid back and come from a family that has hospitatble upbringings, and humility, so it takes a lot for me to break ---but like I said it's on them. If they want other men to treat them bad it's on them. You reap what you sow.

there is a difference between being nice and trying to be nice

people that are genuinely nice don't feel spiteful about friend zoning

guys who try to be nice only act nice in front of the girls and then becomes a straight up douche to everyone else, and they wonder why they aint getting it
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