Nigeria bans gay marriage, gay meetings -- Does so secretly

3.  their brain activity is fundamentally different. 

It isn't ignorance though, I have scientific evidence supporting what I say.  It is ignorant of you to proclaim that they are normal without any evidence though.

so what's your solution?

i'm asking as a gay male.

seek treatment? keep my feelings to myself? fight my attraction to the same sex?

Well how can you treat someone like they are normal when their brains prove that they aren't?
Let me know when you're unplugged from the system because you're reiterating the rhetoric that holds humanity down. So there's a chemical imbalance and gays are different from straights, ok. But this word normal? What does that mean to you? What's normal? Quite frankly, there's no such thing as a normal. Because I sit down and do all the things society tells me, I'm normal? But if I think on my own, and entertain an idea that hasn't yet become widespread, I'm abnormal? Were the Wright Bros normal? Is Will Smith normal? Are you normal? The closest thing to normalcy is the one thing all humans do, regardless of their chemical make-up, and you know what that is, bleeding and breathing. That's the only normal that exists in regards to humanity. Stop limiting yourself because two guys kissing makes you uncomfortable. That ideology of separation you pay use to, holds you down.
3.  their brain activity is fundamentally different. 

It isn't ignorance though, I have scientific evidence supporting what I say.  It is ignorant of you to proclaim that they are normal without any evidence though.
so what's your solution?

i'm asking as a gay male.

seek treatment? keep my feelings to myself? fight my attraction to the same sex?
you will never be one of us, your brain is different

sorry about the bad news, guess you will have to live your life as an outcast
The same usual suspects in the race threads are in here with the capes :nerd:

I see.

Truly a brilliant piece of input.

Well how can you treat someone like they are normal when their brains prove that they aren't?


Why stop with gay people though? We can't forget about people with mental disorders like anxiety or depression. Their brain chemistry is "abnormal" so let's treat them as if they're lesser beings, right?
Truly a brilliant piece of input.

Why stop with gay people though? We can't forget about people with mental disorders like anxiety or depression. Their brain chemistry is "abnormal" so let's treat them as if they're lesser beings, right?
They are given medication to alter their behavior. 
How dare autistic people try to get married. They should be locked in a cage.
I better keep my tolerance private too. Wouldn't want more people loving others and trying to make this planet a little more hospitable.
You can't treat gays like normal people because after that pedophiles will be demanding equal rights.  This would be troublesome because their deviant behavior is a result of abnormalities in this same exact part of the brain.  Gay people have an excess amount of white matter in their brains, and pedophiles have a lack of white matter in their the end it comes down to white matter.  

Scientific studies to show I am not making this up,

I have scientific studies to support what I am saying. (Allen and Gorski, 1992) (Study conducted by James Cantor)

Also you can't discriminate against people who are disgusted by gays.  

I was born repulsed by homosexuals.  It is like a food that you hate.  For me it is cow tongue....I don't consciously decide not to like cow tongue, and no matter how hard I try, I will never like it....I don't consciously decide to not like homosexuals, it is just a natural disposition.  You can't discriminate people who can't control the way they feel.  Right guys? 


>"Gays are abnormal and should be treated as such."
>posts study conducted by gay man to prove his point.

I'm sure James Cantor would love reading this.
lol i mean this thread is about a govt sanctioned ......

The government of Nigeria.......

never mind, it is doesnt understand.
and the study I cited is supported by the US government.  Go show me a study that shows I'm wrong...go find one. If you are right it should be easy. 
I found that your book confirmed my experience working with slaves. I think that your are right, Africans do seem made to be slaves. Their coarse manners and slow wits show that they need our guidance to help civilize them and show them the way to proper morality and religion. I recently heard a speech from Senator Calhoun who observed that, "The African is incapable of self-care and sinks into lunacy under the burden of freedom. It is a mercy to him to give him the guardianship and protection from mental death." On a different note, I was surprised that you drew so little evidence from the Bible. After all it is written that slaves should always obey their masters, as we are to obey God. In addition, why did you not mention how science supports slavery? Are you unaware of Professor Thomas Drew's work? In his research at the University of Virginia he has claimed that, "It is as much in the order of nature that men should enslave each other as that other animals should prey upon each other."

That's an excerpt from an actual letter written by a United States senator in 1848.

There were studies, among them Thomas Drew's research, that the government used to justify considering Black as 3/5th of a man.

You can research those actual studies yourself.

Now go away.
I found that your book confirmed my experience working with slaves. I think that your are right, Africans do seem made to be slaves. Their coarse manners and slow wits show that they need our guidance to help civilize them and show them the way to proper morality and religion. I recently heard a speech from Senator Calhoun who observed that, "The African is incapable of self-care and sinks into lunacy under the burden of freedom. It is a mercy to him to give him the guardianship and protection from mental death." On a different note, I was surprised that you drew so little evidence from the Bible. After all it is written that slaves should always obey their masters, as we are to obey God. In addition, why did you not mention how science supports slavery? Are you unaware of Professor Thomas Drew's work? In his research at the University of Virginia he has claimed that, "It is as much in the order of nature that men should enslave each other as that other animals should prey upon each other."

That's an excerpt from an actual letter written by a United States senator in 1848.

There were studies, among them Thomas Drew's research, that the government used to justify considering Black as 3/5th of a man.

You can research those actual studies yourself.

Now go away.
Not the equivalent.  That was observational of behavior to conclude inferiority.  I am talking about brain mapping which is not interpret-able, it is what it is. They aren't even close to being similar. 
are they supported by the US Government?

Well, the Loch Ness monster isn't a product of the US.

Sasquatch is though.

"Though conceding that his existence is "hotly disputed," the Army Corps of Engineers has officially recognized Sasquatch, the elusive and supposed legendary creature of the Pacific Northwest mountains. Also known as Big Foot, Sasquatch is described in the just-published "Washington Environmental Atlas" as standing as tall as 12 feet and weighing as much as half a ton, covered with long hair except for face and hands, and having "a distinctive human-like form." The atlas, which cost $200,000 to put out, offers a map pin pointing all known reports of Sasquatch sightings, and notes that a sample of reputed Sasquatch hair was analyzed by the FBI and found to belong to no known animal."

Sasquatch is real folks!
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I found that your book confirmed my experience working with slaves. I think that your are right, Africans do seem made to be slaves. Their coarse manners and slow wits show that they need our guidance to help civilize them and show them the way to proper morality and religion. I recently heard a speech from Senator Calhoun who observed that, "The African is incapable of self-care and sinks into lunacy under the burden of freedom. It is a mercy to him to give him the guardianship and protection from mental death." On a different note, I was surprised that you drew so little evidence from the Bible. After all it is written that slaves should always obey their masters, as we are to obey God. In addition, why did you not mention how science supports slavery? Are you unaware of Professor Thomas Drew's work? In his research at the University of Virginia he has claimed that, "It is as much in the order of nature that men should enslave each other as that other animals should prey upon each other."

That's an excerpt from an actual letter written by a United States senator in 1848.

There were studies, among them Thomas Drew's research, that the government used to justify considering Black as 3/5th of a man.

You can research those actual studies yourself.

Now go away.
Not the equivalent.  That was observational of behavior to conclude inferiority.  I am talking about brain mapping which is not interpret-able, it is what it is. They aren't even close to being similar. 
how is seeing a study showing chemical differences in the brain between gays and non gays then coming to the conclusion that gays are not normal people and they should not have the same rights as the rest of us not interpretable? that is literally the definition of interpretation 
I found that your book confirmed my experience working with slaves. I think that your are right, Africans do seem made to be slaves. Their coarse manners and slow wits show that they need our guidance to help civilize them and show them the way to proper morality and religion. I recently heard a speech from Senator Calhoun who observed that, "The African is incapable of self-care and sinks into lunacy under the burden of freedom. It is a mercy to him to give him the guardianship and protection from mental death." On a different note, I was surprised that you drew so little evidence from the Bible. After all it is written that slaves should always obey their masters, as we are to obey God. In addition, why did you not mention how science supports slavery? Are you unaware of Professor Thomas Drew's work? In his research at the University of Virginia he has claimed that, "It is as much in the order of nature that men should enslave each other as that other animals should prey upon each other."

That's an excerpt from an actual letter written by a United States senator in 1848.

There were studies, among them Thomas Drew's research, that the government used to justify considering Black as 3/5th of a man.

You can research those actual studies yourself.

Now go away.
Not the equivalent.  That was observational of behavior to conclude inferiority.  I am talking about brain mapping which is not interpret-able, it is what it is. They aren't even close to being similar. 

A.  You're unintelligent.  Like really not smart.

B.  James Cantor, the same scientist you cited to support your bull ****, has rejected any linkage between homosexuality and pedophilia: 

James Cantor, the Head of the Law and Mental Health Research Section of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada, also rejected suggestions of a link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

"It's quite solidly shown in the scientific literature that there is absolutely no association between being a gay man and being a pedophile," Cantor, also Editor-in-Chief of "Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment," told CNN.

C.  I cited an observational study used by the US government to conclude Blacks are inferior to all other races.  YOU cited a brain-mapping study that concluded everyone's brains are different, especially gays.  You're right, they're not close to being similar.

D.  You're not smart.
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