NIKE ACG thread

Got to take my new Antarktik’s out for the first time and loving them. Far more comfortable than any other boot I’ve ever worn.

For anyone else that owns them, do you pull the laces straight to the front or are you looping them around back? I’m not sure which way is better for the plastic spindle lace holder thing.

which ACG sneaks would u say are best for hiking? mainly like rockyish trails
Got to take my new Antarktik’s out for the first time and loving them. Far more comfortable than any other boot I’ve ever worn.

For anyone else that owns them, do you pull the laces straight to the front or are you looping them around back? I’m not sure which way is better for the plastic spindle lace holder thing.

I loop them around back! ACG have been killing it lately. These antarktiks rock!
Id love a more fitted collection.

I think they're going gradually more fitted with every new collection, they kinda went to the baggiest they could get which was overkill but now it seems they catched on and are going away from that. For example the new trail pants they released seem more fitted than last year's (or year before?) collection. I feel like in the next collection there will be a tighter pant, especially since the women's stuff has pretty much stayed very fitted even with the baggiest collections.
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