Nike Air Jordan 4 Retro "White/Cement" - The Aftermath - NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

Not to be a **** about the flaws, but will they affect you wearing them?

I doubt you'll see (flaws) them if you rock them.

I know we're all paying $220 plus tax, but in the end. They are supposed to be on your feet. The flaws won't make them unwearable.

But I understand y'all concerns.
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When its mass produced in x numbers and sold @ 200$ something each thats made in china for $10 each shoe I mean the logic would imply that these shoes would be made in large numbers at low cost in short months of time (fast)

so the final product looks 2% satisfactory to the 1st consumer
40% satisfactory to the next customer,
75% satisfactory to a different one or veteran customer
maybe 95% satisfactory to the newest customer

All customers have different expectations and satisfaction points. If you couldnt really find a lot to complain about on some nikes and jordans, then its seems the 80s-90s were those times ALOT of NEW people missed out.

remastered =\= original.
Original > remastered all day everyday.

If you live in the remastered era then it depends how much you can accept and/or complain about that decides whether you buy and keep, buy and sell, or not buy at all

The future for Nike is large profits at low costs in quick amounts of time, and its just not possible to make high quality shoes at low costs and charge cheap prices to consumers IF Nike want to be really rich. The Nike of the 80s and 90s had better quality products and lower net worth. Nike of the 20xx makes different (maybe lower) quality products and have a higher net worth.
You're 100% correct.

It's a business. Nike keeps rushing these out and cutting corners on quality while jacking the price and they continue to sell out. Why would they change the model?

Until people quit buying them, they're going to keep shipping the same product.
wtf is going on in here? Just went through 50 pages of nonsense and I'm embarrassed for some of the ridiculousness I'm reading. My fault for reading it.

You guys, block member feature works fantastic. I think some of you enjoy the trolls in here, even if you talk bad about them.

My pair arrived today. Just what I expected. I don't expect much. Nothing remastered about these, but I'm still extremely happy I have them. Will be posting a before (1989) and after picture from the same spot I originally took a pic with these on over the weekend. Flame suit will be activated.

and @jessewalls. Damn kid. You played yourself so hard the last couple of days.

I went back four pages and not much going on.....wash rinse, repeat. Same as 2012 only worse.

Aside from some pics which have some poor quality, mass produced anything by different humans will never yield a perfect product. If people don't like them, return them or sell and be done with it.
I thought these were nice tho. Out of the 14k posts there were only 5-10 true flaws posted.. That's a pretty high pass rate. But speak with your money.. If jordans don't sell they will make changes. Until then accept they will give you garbage so long as you pay for garbage.
My girl won a FNL raffle AND bought these for me on release day. [emoji]128513[/emoji]

I promptly proposed that night.

People need to put down the microscopes and wear the shoes. ALL shoes have little imperfections it's just the way it is, Even OG's had these issues.

I still have a few OG releases, and had many more years ago. I think most people who compare the quality of today to then actually never owned the OGs. Glue smell, stains, and misalligned panels existed then too. $100-120 for a pair 25-30 years ago was a lot of money. I had to save up all year and run paper routes to buy these.
bro everyone paid $220+ for this pears and you expect no complains if there are defects. I would not complain if I bought this as fakes, but this is legit shoes from nike and you downplaying this defects too much.
I'm happy with these, I rocked em day after release, it feels like I'm wearing pillows! [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]
my pair from NDC came in earlier today.  love em, smells great to me lol no flaws on mine.  gonna put em on ice for a little while before i break em out.   
My pair looks exactly like that. Some ridges on the right toe box and a lot of wrinkles on the left toe box like it's almost half way tumbled.

I can live with those those after seeing some of the pics of the uneven heels and what not. Honestly, after a few wears those ridges and creases will be the least of our worries.

I think we're seeing this stuff because of the leather they used.
I still have a few OG releases, and had many more years ago. I think most people who compare the quality of today to then actually never owned the OGs. Glue smell, stains, and misalligned panels existed then too. $100-120 for a pair 25-30 years ago was a lot of money. I had to save up all year and run paper routes to buy these.
I feel you on the glue smell! That moment I crack open the box the first time is always magical for me, but this time I cracked it open and got hit in the face with what smelled like straight nail polish. Usually the shoebox has that awesome leather smell, this one smells like a nail salon. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
If anyone stops you in the street to notice the flaws... I'll give you one of my pairs. I'm sure every single shoe i have must have defects, including my dress shoes that are made from actual leather. No one has ever stopped me on the street to inspect my shoe, no one has time for that, people are always on the move. People have told me in passing, "nice shoes" because taking a glance at some shoes is quicker than inspecting every inch of it. 
did u try to clean it off before asking here? id try soap and water with a toothbrush first. if that dont work, use a mr clean magic eraser. if that also fails....just get a black marker and fill in that white so its black like the rest.

i did that with the lowtop 5s that most recently came out. there was tiny tiny spots on the black midsole rubber that either chipped or didnt get painted correctly. u could see the white underneath. i wasnt gonna send them back just because of that. it was an easy easy fix.  i took a perm marker, and just went over those spots. cant even tell at all.
might try that, expected a flawless pair but quality control at nike seems trash with all flaws in this shoe...[emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji]
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I still have a few OG releases, and had many more years ago. I think most people who compare the quality of today to then actually never owned the OGs. Glue smell, stains, and misalligned panels existed then too. $100-120 for a pair 25-30 years ago was a lot of money. I had to save up all year and run paper routes to buy these.

A lot of people who are complaining never owned or were born during a time when retros didn't exist.  Originals suffered from the same issues as the current times.  Only difference is, the internet allows for everyone to talk about it.
i havent read much of this thread but i just got mine today, opened the package and got punked. My shoes have these ******* stains all over it. Half the leather is shiny and the other half is dull. Looks like someone just greased up my leather. And its prominent on both shoes. 

(big *** triangle down the middle pictured above)
When I get a pair of kicks I notice many "imperfections" and Ill show my girl she will tell me to put em on feet and then ask if I can still see the "imperfections" from my vantage point 95% of the time I cant. Then I relax and forget about it.
bro everyone paid $220+ for this pears and you expect no complains if there are defects. I would not complain if I bought this as fakes, but this is legit shoes from nike and you downplaying this defects too much.

No one expects no complaints, there will always be complaints about any product and as consumers we all have every right too complain. But my point is that if people think a product that is produced in the numbers that these shoes are produced in wont have any imperfections they are sadly mistaken. The shoes have always had these small imperfections and always will. People just seem to look for these flaws way more then ever before.
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