Nike Air Jordan Retro Metallic V - 7/23/16

most people here have too many shoes to need two pairs the way nike is releasing retros nowadays

maybe if you just want an extra pair to look at all day
1 pair at retail

2 if i can get one at retail and one on swoosh :nerd: :nerd:
1 to rock 1 to stock and rock later.
got lucky with Supreme 5s & Cement 4s on swoosh. :nerd: :nerd:
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He seems to know his stuff about shoes tho idk about you tho

no he doesnt

hes a little more educated than djswelz

then again this is the youtube generation where if you have your own youtube channel and the money and time you are considered "knowledgable"

so yeah
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no he doesnt

hes a little more educated than djswelz

then again this is the youtube generation where if you have your own youtube channel and the money and time you are considered "knowledgable"

so yeah
Eh he seems like he knows his stuff the vids I've seen of him he doesn't always praise JB/Nike and their retros
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and the ones that do wear the same shoes everyday arent likely to be buying retros let alone two

That's not necessarily true.

Some people can only afford 2 or 3 pairs a year. These shoes aren't cheap.

Some people buy a pair of retros and use them as dailies then buy something else.
i got nothing against nightwing. i think he does bring lots of good stuff as far as shoe info and casual reviews but hes not one to go in detail about retros and misses alot of details on retro shoes which irks me a bit.
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Someone please help me. Im gonna try to buy these on actual release having never done so before. How can i cop? Is it gonna be a raffle or first come first serve basis? I need these.
easy pass the only way i would cop is if i wanted them to look at on a shelf, these are clean but can get ugly real quick, ill just wait for some black infrared 6s 
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