Serious props for posting that ATC link...cooked and so my sis who really wanted one to keep.
I just realized I probably could've copped two (one from the account I used last time and one from the new account) since they changed the product number.

probably didn't need to use my 2nd account/diff card from the 1st order
bro, how many is that total for you now? 
4, depending on how quickly others ruin the market I'll keep one for myself 
i had it but forgot my password. had the page monitor on so i know i was the first to add to cart. welp I definitely **** the bed on that one
Copped one with my mom's amazon, had enough time to sign in through my own and got another (I'm really surprised they didn't limit the people who already got one, I guess since it was a different link than the first release). Looks like my Christmas shopping is done!
I bet these sky rocket in price. Not selling mine though! Huge fan of the movie!
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Copped one with my mom's amazon, had enough time to sign in through my own and got another (I'm really surprised they didn't limit the people who already got one, I guess since it was a different link than the first release). Looks like my Christmas shopping is done!
I guesed the pw for my mom's amazon and was going to buy another - got to checkout but she didn't have payment saved

that was like 5 minutes after i checked out my bottle haha
i got one on my wifes account, and one on mine.
accidentally shipped both to home, hopefully they dont flag that. i doubt it cuz i dont think theyll restock the canceled ones.
i got one on my wifes account, and one on mine.
accidentally shipped both to home, hopefully they dont flag that. i doubt it cuz i dont think theyll restock the canceled ones.

You can change the shipping address anytime
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