Whether he was Marty McFly, Scott Howard, Stuart Little, or Milo Thatch this man has made my childhood special and got me into one of the greatest movie franchises of all time. It's only necessary to help him and countless others out when the time arises.

"If You Put Your Mind To It, You Can Accomplish Anything"

-Dr. Emmet Brown/Marty McFly
You sir, have won the internet today. Complete truth right there. I couldn't have said it better. 
One and done for me. I don't care if I take an L, the fact that my 10 bucks goes toward a good cause is enough for me. It may only be 10 bucks but I'm putting in my grain of sand.

well one of the dudes who won it just bought 1 ticket. 
Dead honest. IF I won, I would not sell them. I'd keep them an wear them once a year.... on October 21st. But that's just me. Plus donating went to a good cause too!? It's fantastic. 
This is why I dont understand why some "regular" folks droppin a couple thousand on tix think that will help their odds. These athletes rappers celebs could drop 100G to enter this charity and not blink an eye. I mean donate if you wanna donate, but dropping a couple grand thinking you'll win because you bought more tix than most folks .....come on
Thanks! Good luck to you too!
Thanks! Good luck to you too!
Grizz please. You hit regardless
Bruh the old ones are on ebay for 10k. These are less than 100 and actually self lace. These are atleast going to sell for 20k+ easy. If ppl wear em and they become more rare for a DS pair.... RIP....
Yea I know but still it's just crazy how people are willing to drop 20+ bands on these but hey we live in a world where people are willing to drop more money on shoes than a car it makes me wonder how much the other self lacing Nike shoes are gonna go for with this self lacing tech
Glad the release is finally here! Here are answers to some of your questions:

-There is more than 89 pairs made, thats just all that is available for public. Other pairs will not be given away to anyone, F&F, etc. I know some will be utilized to replace faulty pairs if needed.

-If you win a raffle, you will win the shoes. You will not have to purchase them

-Employees can't rig the system, because this specific draw is being handled by 3rd Party. They will notify Nike of the results. Hell, employees can't even donate to win one, they will be disqualified. It's truly a random process & theres going to be quite few lucky people who win for small amounts. Although more donations aids success, there will be millions of entries, so odds aren't really favorable.

-Unsure why there is only 4 sizes, but production was challenging for this pair, so one could attribute that to be the reason for this.

I personally respect the approach for such a high demand item. No backdoors, No violence & No Robots. Nike also enhances the amount of money that can be donated to the MJF Foundation in this manner & if people are worried about "losing" money they don't understand this initiative, shouldn't enter & don't deserve to win.

Good Luck to all & I hope everyone who truly wants these gets them!

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Glad the release is finally here! Here are answers to some of your questions:

-There is more than 89 pairs made, thats just all that is available for public. Other pairs will not be given away to anyone, F&F, etc. I know some will be utilized to replace faulty pairs if needed.

-If you win a raffle, you will win the shoes. You will not have to purchase them

-Employees can't rig the system, because this specific draw is being handled by 3rd Party. They will notify Nike of the results. Hell, employees can't even donate to win one, they will be disqualified. It's truly a random process & theres going to be quite few lucky people who win for small amounts. Although more donations aids success, there will be millions of entries, so odds aren't really favorable.

-Unsure why there is only 4 sizes, but production was challenging for this pair, so one could attribute that to be the reason for this.

I personally respect the approach for such a high demand item. No backdoors, No violence & No Robots. Nike also enhances the amount of money that can be donated to the MJF Foundation in this manner & if people are worried about "losing" money they don't understand this initiative, shouldn't enter & don't deserve to win.

Good Luck to all & I hope everyone who truly wants these gets them!

Thank you for the information PO, appreciate you for stepping up!
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