Nike Air Max2 CB 94 White\Concord\Black -- Returns 2023

Well that is a very subjective statement. I believe that Barry dominated because even though he had no chance to gain a yard since he was hit in the backfield the majority of times, he still ate. He created his own holes and angles. He simply shouldn't exist. I was going to say Joe Nameth at first but it was Unitas that changed how the position was played. That makes him the most important quarterback of all time. Second will be Joe Nameth because of his Superbowl win helping justify the merger of the leagues. But even Broadway Joe had more help than Barry. Most important is always ahead of best performing IMO.
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Well that is a very subjective statement. I believe that Barry dominated because even though he had no chance to gain a yard since he was hit in the backfield the majority of times, he still ate. He created his own holes and angles. He simply shouldn't exist. Am I wrong?

Not wrong but I think he's being rated to high based off the bums around him. I view Barry being the best RB like someone saying Iverson is the best SG ever.

Iverson is a great player that played on some really weak teams. Him getting to the Finals and beating the Shaq and Kobe Lakers 1 game who went 12-0 vs the West that year was as impressive a win I've ever seen. He did a lot with less compared to the other players in his era. MJ had prime Pippen who is one of the 50 greatest players. No case can be made for Iverson over Jordan though.
Not wrong but I think he's being rated to high based off the bums around him. I view Barry being the best RB like someone saying Iverson is the best SG ever.

Iverson is a great player that played on some really weak teams. Him getting to the Finals and beating the Shaq and Kobe Lakers 1 game who went 12-0 vs the West that year was as impressive a win I've ever seen. He did a lot with less compared to the other players in his era. MJ had prime Pippen who is one of the 50 greatest players. No case can be made for Iverson over Jordan though.

That's a fair assessment but the Iverson situation is kinda different. He stayed in the league a long time but his averages weren't amazing. Barry has the stats that are among the best with those bums "protecting" him. A fair comparison would be if Iverson did what he did if he had 2 extra players on the court guarding him one on 3. People use this argument all of the time for Lebron James and against Bill Russell though.
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We're stuck at a standstill on this topic. What do you think Sanders would have done behind Emmits line though, 3000 yard season possibly?
We're stuck at a standstill on this topic. What do you think Sanders would have done behind Emmits line though, 3000 yard season possibly?

Yea but I would rather have put Barry in the San Francisco line up with. Joe Montana and Jerry Rice. That would seem to fit his play style more because he wasn't really a power runner. 1500 passing and carrying yards easy with more touchdowns. Now if you take Jim brown and give him Emmits line that would be scary.
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Yea but I would rather have put Barry in the San Francisco line up with. Joe Montana and Jerry Rice. That would seem to fit his play style more because he wasn't really a power runner. Now if you take Jim brown and give him Emmits line that would be scary.

9ers makes more sense from a game plan perspective. Brown behind that 90s Dallas line or Sanders with those 9ers. My god, I wouldn't wish that on any defense.

Took a ton of post for us to finally agree on something. Not every NT debate has to end in online violence. Ha ha ha
9ers makes more sense from a game plan perspective. Brown behind that 90s Dallas line or Sanders with those 9ers. My god, I wouldn't wish that on any defense.

Took a ton of post for us to finally agree on something. Not every NT debate has to end in online violence. Ha ha ha

I debate for fun. Its good to excersize your brain that way. Helps increase critical thinking and also helps you look at things from a different perspective.
I debate for fun. Its good to excersize your brain that way. Helps increase critical thinking and also helps you look at things from a different perspective.

So do I but most times it ends in disaster. Mods are called in from all over the world and I'm sent to see principle Meth.

Respect bro.
But back to the Barkley's. That air bag wasn't a deal breaker but when I tried them on that sock liner was way too tight on me. I might cop on discount.
Sanders had a playoff game with negative yards. You can't in one breath say he's the best because his line sucked and he still got off. Then turn around and blame the line for all his bad games he didn't get off in.

He's a great player but not in Jim Browns class. He never would have had negative yards for a game. He hurt more defenders then they hurt him.

First let me start by saying this, my main point was in regards to some folk assuming I am a kid to get internet props, because I brought up Barry Sanders, which made NO sense.

Michael Jordan has had bad playoff games, he got the ball stolen from him. Great quarterbacks have thrown interceptions in playoff games, but they are still consider greats. I never blamed his line for bad games as a matter of fact I did NOT bring up his bad games. My point in regards to his line and his team, is BARRY did NOT have other good/great players around him to take the heat off of him, hell EVERYONE knew the bread and butter was him and the ball was going to him. If you were to put him behind others running backs line along with other stars who are considered great/good, Barry would have done even more damage then what did with the very little to nothing that he had to work with and vise versca I guarantee NO one could have come close to doing what Barry did if they had his team. Period. Again Barry CHOSE NOT to break Payton's record, which he would have done LONG before Emmitt Smith. Come on man, from your other posts I see in other threads, I know you understand this, heck I even had your back in the Lebron thread! :lol: Haha! Lol!
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Archie Manning is the QB equivalent to Barry. Watch any NFL network special where he's the topic and they all say he was the goods. 23,000 passing yards. Two Pro Bowls. Sacked 340 times in 10 seasons as a Saint. 9 losing seasons.

He balled out while literally running for his life every Sunday. Many discussion can be found online about what if he and Bradshaw switched places. My point is if your not willing to give him the same credit you do Barry then your argument falls short. It's the same situation. Yet no one will say he's even a top 10 all time QB. Why is that argument only applied to Sanders?
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Archie Manning is the QB equivalent to Barry. Watch any NFL network special where he's the topic and they all say he was the goods. 23,000 passing yards. Two Pro Bowls. Sacked 340 times in 10 seasons as a Saint. 9 losing seasons.

He balled out while literally running for his life every Sunday. Many discussion can be found online about what if he and Bradshaw switched places. My point is if your not willing to give him the same credit you do Barry then your argument falls short. It's the same situation. Yet no one will say he's even a top 10 all time QB. Why is that argument only applied to Sanders?

I would rank him top ten though.
I would rank him top ten though.

I respect your opinion on the topic more then because your criteria is applied across the board although I don't agree. You would really have to have a odd top 10 at any position if that criteria is used.

Teams like the 85 Bears or 70s Steelers defensive greats wouldn't be worthy of top 10 consideration because they played on stacked teams. HoF players all over the field. It changes the whole history of who the world sees as the real greats.
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I respect your opinion on the topic more then because your criteria is applied across the board although I don't agree. You would really have to have a odd top 10 at any position if that criteria is used.

Teams like the 85 Bears or 70s Steelers defensive greats wouldn't be worthy of top 10 consideration because they played on stacked teams. HoF players all over the field. It changes the whole history of who the world sees as the real greats.

I don't really apply it across the board though. You see, nothing is 100%. In certain situations there are random anomalies. Like if a player that averages 5 points a game goes crazy and gets 50. Some players involved in team sports are in such a terrible situation that it is probability wise impossible for them to have decent stats. Barry Sanders and Archie Manning are among these people. They simply shouldn't have the stats that they have with the players they have. That's why Joe Nameths performance in Superbowl 3 was one of the greatest Superbowl performances in history. He didn't do anything spectacular qb stats wise but everyone knows that they had no business winning that game. It was such a big upset that some people to this day say it was rigged. I try to incoperate as much criteria into my decisions as possible. From surrounding characters to coaching to strategy. There is one guy that Jordan hated to play against. I forget his name but Jordan averaged around 15 points a game while playing against him, yet he isn't mentioned amongst the great defenders. He isn't because he played on a horrible team. There are several anomalies that don't get justice but people remember Barry because of his highlights and him being so close to breaking the rushing record.
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Nike dropped the ball on the Playoff CB 94's
Sorry to blow up this thread, I'm just in love with these shoes... Reeeeally want the 2009 release though due to accuracy..
72and10 72and10 Nice pictures there.

I also noticed you mentioned accuracy. Maybe you might be able to shed some light on my question, which is what are the differences between the 2009, 2010 and 2015 releases?
@THEJISBACK  ...check page 17.

I did some comparison pics of my 02 and 10 pairs. (Black and Purple)

This year's retro has the same colors, but Nike made some big changes.

For cb34 on the insole, Nike air symbol instead, no all white air unit, purple air unit instead, no nubuck tongue, leather tongue instead, no white leather on the upper, used nubuck/durabuck instead, no black stripe coming up the middle of the tongue, just all purple instead.

The 09 or 10 version is the closes one to the original, but even that has subtle differences.

Hope this helps you in any way.
@THEJISBACK  ...check page 17.

I did some comparison pics of my 02 and 10 pairs. (Black and Purple)

This year's retro has the same colors, but Nike made some big changes.

For cb34 on the insole, Nike air symbol instead, no all white air unit, purple air unit instead, no nubuck tongue, leather tongue instead, no white leather on the upper, used nubuck/durabuck instead, no black stripe coming up the middle of the tongue, just all purple instead.

The 09 or 10 version is the closes one to the original, but even that has subtle differences.

Hope this helps you in any way.
Well said.... and i would love to see a few thorough close up comparison pics if you get a chance sir. Maybe a heel shot, a front shot, side shot, and a close up of the upper materials.... I personally was thinking the purple air unit was going to be the bane of this retro for me, but im okay with the purple... HOWEVER, the freakin weird velvetty white nuuck type material on the upper is so weird to me. Why would Nike do that when they put the worlds most buttery leather (for a retro) on the white/old royal pair???

Also is there any differences in quality as far as youre concerned? I cant imagine the 09 being superior due to these being really solid for a retro. Thanks!!
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