NIKE Barkley Posite max

Im gonna be in vegas next week during MaRCH madness...Going t.o be there wed-sat evening so I'm gonna head to the local shoe stores to enter raffles for the posites. Also gonna use chronos' app for rsvp. Anbody have luck copping out there? Just wanted to kinda know what to expect as far as rsvp and raffles go, never tried picking up any high profile release out there....Help is appreciated thx
Hey guys I have a question and figured I would get a decent answer from this forum:

I have an extra pair of DS Chuckposites and want to trade for the eggplants.  How much cash would be fair for the other guy to put on top?
Great trade

2 shoes for 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Not really. You will be getting 2 shoes that have or will have in the future parts of the shoes that will have yellowing. Plus he also wants $100. If you bought them for trade bait then get something better like bred xi's that hold better value, but if not keep em they're one of a kind. 3M, Foam, and GITD all in one plus a classic model shoe, they will be even more appreciated as time goes by.
only way i'd go for the eggplants if is i thought i could swap 'em for some area 72s but i doubt the heat will be as high now that the liner is black. 
Hey guys I have a question and figured I would get a decent answer from this forum:
I have an extra pair of DS Chuckposites and want to trade for the eggplants.  How much cash would be fair for the other guy to put on top?
Start with the retail price difference (tax included). After that feel free to rape the guy if he is really feigning--unless its the other way around :smile:
If there is anyone here that got some sort of plug getting these shoes for retail, please PM me. The day that these shoes come out, I have t be at work at 7:00 AM and I don't have any hook up's in getting shoes now a days...SMH. People are charging rape prices and it isn't fair for those (Like myself) that just want to wear them.. I know it is going to be a hassle getting these when I get off at 3:30 that afternoon, so I'm just seeing if anyone here can help me secure a pair. I have Pay-Pal..
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