Nike Flightposite One x Nike Goadome = Nike I-95 Posite Max Boot :X

OHHHHHHH my mistake, if EVERYBODY from the "urea" says it than its not stupid, is that logic?
I guess you would have to use the same logic so justify these garbage boots, if EVERYBODY from the urea likes them than they are HOT DIZZAM fire :smh:

Are you just trolling for no reason? If everyone from somewhere says something a certain way, then its not stupid,its part of someplaces dialect. Much like if people like something, its popular, if not its unpopular. Ever heard of dialect?

If you put half the energy into acceptance that you do into those pointlessly negative rants, maybe youd have something to contribute. As it stands, you're here trying to force your opinion on people, and then mocking them when they disagree.

Arguing the semantics of someones speech patterns and choice in shoes as justification for your opinion being "correct" is childish behavior fitting for a toddler. Behave as an adult.
Stop derailing the thread with nonsense. Secondly this shoe was not inspired by Wale, but the whole NY,DC,NJ,Bmore "urea" and our love of Foamposite technology. That 30 day or admin approval needs to come a hurry. Dooby pls
Stop derailing the thread with nonsense. Secondly this shoe was not inspired by Wale, but the whole NY,DC,NJ,Bmore "urea" and our love of Foamposite technology. That 30 day or admin approval needs to come a hurry. Dooby pls
thank you i feel the same way. make a internet thug thread for that bs. niketalk is startign to be for ppl that hate on other ppl that dont think like them or agree wit them.

these already down to $170.
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I was referring to him saying people spelled area as urea. It's pronounced that way but most people spell it as urea to make a joke.


As for these boots...I still can't get with em but the prices on eBay was lowering steadily.
I was referring to him saying people spelled area as urea. It's pronounced that way but most people spell it as urea to make a joke.
As for these boots...I still can't get with em but the prices on eBay was lowering steadily.
i know it aint u but this thread went in a toatlly different direcrtion lol. Something about nothing. 
saw the gold ones today at DTLR. was hoping to see the black ones to get an opinion on both.

the 1st 1/2 of the midsole kind of flow. from the silver tab back it was a straight mash up.

the gold upper looks just like the gold flightposite Is in my opinion. none of that Gym Green nonsense that was uttered earlier in the thread.
i saw em today too these r no good the nike check is too small
saw the gold ones today at DTLR. was hoping to see the black ones to get an opinion on both.
the 1st 1/2 of the midsole kind of flow. from the silver tab back it was a straight mash up.
the gold upper looks just like the gold flightposite Is in my opinion. none of that Gym Green nonsense that was uttered earlier in the thread.
def need dem all blks
Damn son..

Are you Hubie reborn or just around to be irritating? 

Bamma I'd say.. 

Oh... sorry... just something else we say around our urea...
Stop derailing the thread with nonsense. Secondly this shoe was not inspired by Wale, but the whole NY,DC,NJ,Bmore "urea" and our love of Foamposite technology. That 30 day or admin approval needs to come a hurry. Dooby pls
thank you i feel the same way. make a internet thug thread for that bs. niketalk is startign to be for ppl that hate on other ppl that dont think like them or agree wit them.

these already down to $170.
these aint moving for anything less then 50 bucks.

they're that ugly.

foamposite boots and da bakins didn't drop in price that fast either lolz.
Still ugly, but this color is better then the gold pair.. Will not purchase...

I'm all about the black.  Worried that as a winter boot, the nylon zipper part is gonna get ugly real quick though.

I love loving an un-hyped shoe, I can pick my own price just by sitting around watching the prices drop.
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