Nike Greater Than Series (Cut/Run/Jump)

I had to get the Jumps (multi) over retail on GOAT, because they did not have my size on NDC for quite some time. Now there are a bunch of sizes. Really hoping this will happen with the Cuts.. pretty crazy how they are still unavailable.
been wearing the Jumps for a few days now casually. they are getting more and more comfortable as I kept wearing them. Lebron 15 level comfort with a bit more stability and response. I would say that these would save my knees.
I already like the 2 more shape wise, but I want to see what they did to the upper. It resembles the Kobe 7 upper from that one pic, hope thats just a design and it’s not covered in fuse for so called protection.
Looks like one of the Kyrie lows lol. If the performance is amazing I will cop though. Interested to see other colorways
Hmm. Can see those comparisons, the Kobe 7 from that upper but we can’t tell if it’s the same plasticky material, and the 32 booty.
First look is a step back aesthetically. I bet they’ll play similar and be more attainable. I was kind of optimistic we would randomly see Cuts pop up in FSRs but now im doubtful. Maybe they’ll just fade into oblivion and the 2s will take its place.
Hmm. Can see those comparisons, the Kobe 7 from that upper but we can’t tell if it’s the same plasticky material, and the 32 booty.
First look is a step back aesthetically. I bet they’ll play similar and be more attainable. I was kind of optimistic we would randomly see Cuts pop up in FSRs but now im doubtful. Maybe they’ll just fade into oblivion and the 2s will take its place.
the picture might be fake. I think I might have seen this design of a shoe before with the fuse upper. not sure if it was some midrange KDs.
Just let us buy them to play ball in please. I finally got raptors color to replace one of my early white/blue pairs (if anyone wants a used 10, let me know) for $240 on sx. Feeling like that’s a deal is not fun for what should be a GR hoops shoe.
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I already like the 2 more shape wise, but I want to see what they did to the upper. It resembles the Kobe 7 upper from that one pic, hope thats just a design and it’s not covered in fuse for so called protection.
If that midsole goes over the side of the toes I already know I can't wear them. Will be too narrow for me.
Those potential Cut 2s look interesting. One of my minor grips with the first GT Cut is that the heel feels a little clunky. The heel in the picture above looks like a step in the right direction.
Those potential Cut 2s look interesting. One of my minor grips with the first GT Cut is that the heel feels a little clunky. The heel in the picture above looks like a step in the right direction.
I believe that clunkiness has to do with the sloping construct and balance of the shoe. the forefoot of the GT Cuts was thin and light putting more weight towards the heel.
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