used those this past season for my home BGs after not having a pair since HS. my favorite Nike batting gloves I've ever had. (along with the DE VI)

Using a white/red pair right now this season and they are hands down the best pair of Nike BG's I've owned...will be hunting for another pair this winter.
Using a white/red pair right now this season and they are hands down the best pair of Nike BG's I've owned...will be hunting for another pair this winter.

Easily the most comfortable Nike's I have ever worn. Have a pair in green/black and would love to find white/red somehow.
I guess this is a standard Pro Shirt with the Swoosh being black or colored in by Kevin himself?
In case anyone was considering picking these up. Pretty good price considering they just released.

I can't get the link to work for some reason but 6pm.com has the new MVP Lunar Pre Game for $59.99 free shipping if anyone is interested.
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Anyone have the lunar mvp pregames? the new ones for this year???? Lemme know how they feel!
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You would think they would just wear another undershirt if it's that big of a deal. They must really like the pro combats.

LOL my thoughts exactly. why bother wearing them and like the pics you posted some tear it off or cut if off the swoosh which makes it look even more horrendous. Just wear a generic shirt, the teams must have generic stuff laying around.
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