Nike NBA Apparel and Jersey Thread: 2017-18 NBA Season Takeover

Since there was discussion about the annual City Edition NBA jerseys recently, I'm definitely on the side that doesn't care for them and thinks it's exorbitant they have them annually.

I admit I've maintained an archaic preference for jerseys based on the bygone era when it was just the standard home white and away color jerseys for each team. And with some alternate color jerseys thrown in with some teams, particularly the less popular or bad teams that could use the appeal based on their status.

But I do understand why they exist on an annual basis since Nike took over the NBA contract in 2017. I can actually see it from the perspectives on all sides.

I understand it's clearly a money grab for Nike since they know there's demand for them among lots of fans, so it's quite understandable they're about profit based on that.

I understand lots of fans will clamor for variety with jerseys, so that's why there's a market for them.

I've accepted that the City Edition jerseys are here to stay as long as Nike has the NBA contract. I'll just stick to my guns about my preferences for jerseys and not get them.

I'm the same, I prefer just home, away and alternate. It feels more traditional and team-like, instead of just a money grab every way possible. Nowdays lots of jerseys don't even reflect their own team colours :rolleyes
Kings AU :

Ohhhh, these look so good. Definitely copping the black & white, just gotta figure out which players for which color.
I just bought an Icon Ja Authentic. I really wanted the Statement but it was gone in 48. I knew I should have bought it last night when it was still there. Bought it with my American Express and received an email that said they were giving me an additional $20 off my jersey. Not a bad deal, at all.
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I just bought an Icon Ja Authentic. I really wanted the Statement but it was gone in 48. I knew I should have bought it last night when it was still there. Bought it with my American Express and received an email that said they were giving me an additional $20 off my jersey. Not a bad deal, at all.
Wow where do they have authentics I went to a grizzlies game earlier this year and the team store didn’t even sell any authentics
Wow where do they have authentics I went to a grizzlies game earlier this year and the team store didn’t even sell any authentics

Forgot about those.

Cavs need to lean in more to navy based unis or go more old school with the lighter blue or orange unis
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