@nikestore tweeter bot

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I bet you are pro-Snowden... 
I have absolutely no opinion on the guy. Why? Because the information he leaked has absolutely no benefit for me other than a history lesson. At least he could potentially be helping you out.
I have absolutely no opinion on the guy. Why? Because the information he leaked has absolutely no benefit for me other than a history lesson. At least he could potentially be helping you out.
By releasing information that puts our nation at risk? ****!  Dude is a traitor for releasing classified information to the enemy.... Now he is hiding like the coward he is in Russia.  
My Kith and Packer bots were successful today. Got both the Flamingos and Alamos 
You guys are so funny. I repsected everyones wishes. I purchased the update bot and posted the info as I stated I would. I didn't break any promises....

Tighten up dudes...
By releasing information that puts our nation at risk? ****!  Dude is a traitor for releasing classified information to the enemy.... Now he is hiding like the coward he is in Russia.  
Oh, is our country being bombed right now? No? Doesn't affect me.
this forum went from 3-4 people talking to like 15 people. lol people were waiting for the code on the low
The truth is plenty of you guys know I'm about helping others out. Also that I always take the info down after a respected amount of time. Instead you quote it over and over and cry to the high heavens.....

I'd edit your quotes....or maybe you guys really want EVERYONE to have it. Not just NTers.....
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All those ROFLs but you're so mad it's comical....

You mad that the guy who sold me the bot today had your same code?

I thought yours was "custom".....
You really are that dumb HAAAAAA

You didn't buy **** produce a paypal receipt or shut your mouth.

I clearly told you in PM to send me your bot code that you already had and I would fix it for you.

Mine is custom. 200% faster than the piece of crap I fixed for you because I felt bad for your cryin ***
You really are that dumb HAAAAAA

You didn't buy **** produce a paypal receipt or shut your mouth.

I clearly told you in PM to send me your bot code that you already had and I would fix it for you.

Mine is custom. 200% faster than the piece of crap I fixed for you because I felt bad for your cryin ***
I've always questioned that particular script.  

A javascript click event is essentially a mousedown + mouseup event combined over an element.

If I was Nikestore and I wanted to catch folks using this bot, I would setup my product page to record any mouseover events prior to a mousedown event (discard any other mouse event combinations).

Then if the mouseover event was never recorded prior to a mousedown event over the add-to-cart button element - flag the transaction as a bot. 
Evil has this down....

this is the reason im using a much better setup....
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