@nikestore tweeter bot

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^ I think he is talking about just that simple scripts and addtocart extensions. The 'boght 'that you have sounds much more advanced and sophisticated.
How trustworthy are these RSVP bots? Seems like there's tons of people selling slots on twitter etc.
^ I think he is talking about just that simple scripts and addtocart extensions. The 'boght 'that you have sounds much more advanced and sophisticated.

There are extremely sophisticated bots, they are essentially a self contained program, they also sell for $200 and up. Or you can get a simple script bot for $25. Some people are ripping people off tho on IG and selling simple script bots for $100-$200 and people think they are getting some advanced bot and they are just getting a simple script bot u can find for free if you look hard enough. Nike is gonna patch them soon enough, mark my words. It's getting out of control. Then the code writers are gonna plug back in and pump out a new one in a week later and the cycle will continue, bots are here to stay gentleman, unless Nike does some type of coded selling system where you need some type of verified Nike ID. it's possible but they would have to rewrite there entire check out process and create an entire new department for the endeavor, which costs money I'm sure they don't wanna spend. I mean, do they really give a ****? It's not like they are losing money... Supposedly Nike is moving away from twitter RSVP this summer, we'll see.

How trustworthy are these RSVP bots? Seems like there's tons of people selling slots on twitter etc.

U can get bots that record your CC # and information and send them back to the creator, u have to be really careful what your doing nowadays. if your going to get into the bot life, I suggest reading up and educating yourself so your aware. And get a bot from someone you trust and never enter your personal checkout info, always do it manually.
how sophisticated do you think these bots really are?

Some are very sophisticated, I just said that lol. Multiple shoes from multiple sites, fully automated, about as sophisticated as you can get with one. I mean they aren't going to take over your computer and start buying up shoes automatically and sending them to their destruction like cyberdyne systems... lol but you get the drift.
i wont release mine only because it makes it less effective, but as soon as i enable it it directly opens up 5 different websites as soon as they are available, picks the shoe and the size, inputs my info,address and payment method and checks out.....there may be an instance where i have to click "check out" but thats about it....i dont resell these, i keep them all. Denims,Black Mints, Brown Suede are rite around the corner......
i wont release mine only because it makes it less effective, but as soon as i enable it it directly opens up 5 different websites as soon as they are available, picks the shoe and the size, inputs my info,address and payment method and checks out.....there may be an instance where i have to click "check out" but thats about it....i dont resell these, i keep them all. Denims,Black Mints, Brown Suede are rite around the corner......

So in other words you just enjoy bragging... real cool bro, thanks for the help lol. I'm sure everyone here is busting at the seams as your story.
But if it only matters adding them to your cart....

Why pay for the rest?

These simple scripts would be enough then right?
I just dont trust myself being able to run it and all that. Guess ill just keep doing the eastbay click and back and click and back an click and back until i get them in my cart
so all out of all this posting, did anyone get a response of a bot? im on the search for a bot as well.
why would someone give out their bot that would decrease their own chances at getting their pairs?
would rather not say which bot i used, pm me if you'd like. i dont think its too too popular but they had a few screenshots of successful rsvps and they guarenteed refunds, and it was through paypal so i tried it out. worked for me 
wait so bots still work?

damn i need to get one then :lol: i need them all red IV's
Any information regarding Bots or where to buy will be greatly appreciated...PM. Thanks. It's crazy out here literally the shoes are sold out within less than 5 seconds when you click the Twitter link.
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