Niketalk: Are your parents still together?

Divorced when i was 3
Dad got remarried; me and him are on shaky grounds
Mom got a BF; me and him dont get along.
yep my mom and step dad are married still after 25 years and stronger still as if they were just married
Naw my parents split up when I was around 4 years old. I don't think it really had any affect on me seeing how I wass super young when it happened. Honestto god I really remember the night it all happened. I was rockin some grey and purple mickey mouse basketball pajamas. Don't ask me why but I can c.learlyremember what I was wearing Ha. My parents both have re-married though and I like both of my step parents. At least they are both happy now.
Still together after 33+ years. Been through a lot to get to the sorta functional family we are now. Parents definitely still have issues, but a lot of themstem from things that are out of both of their control so they've just learned to cope with what they've got.

I've seen my parents both put up with things that would have broken a good number of other people but they've stuck through it. I'm lucky.
naw they split when i 17 n it did hit kinda hard n changed errthing. travelin bck n forth goin frm a house to livin in a lil @#! apt wit 3 people in it ...itwas bad but im over it now.
Nope, they've been separated since I was 9.
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