Niketalk: Are your parents still together?

parents split when i was like 6 or 7. the divorce itself didn't affect me at all. the issues intertwined are what got me,
but i have a great relationship with the both of them, my mom made sure me and my sister wouldn't go
without anything even if we didn't have a dad around.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I have "abandonment issues," (as my psychiatrist called it,) which makes it hard for me to become emotionally attached
my BFF was telling that seeing your parents relationship go down the drain affects you.

i was like 13 when i found out my pops cheated. SMH. definitely negatively affected how i view relationships/women...esp living w/ moms (doesnt help that i look like old man)...and even neighbor is always putting the battery in her back cuz she's single/older/bitter her damn self.

the thought of committing/marrying someone and losing it/them totally turns me off.

I co sign ALL of this....

Crazy thing is that I never actually had a conversation with my moms about it but I know the way my pops treated her !*%+#* her mind up for life.

Its almost like shes always been too scared to even put herself out there like that again...She been alone since my pops dogged her and seeing all that firsthand is scary as hell

I kinda went through this my first year in College. Dug myself out tho. Began to realize like w/e. I'm still more blessed than most of the people onthis earth. Hell we could of been born in a poor area of India, China, or wherever else you can think of. It's better to appreciate what you have thanstress something you missed out on. My dad cheated on my mom too and I'd literally punch the dude if he said one negative thing to her. Told him that toolol.
Mine split when I was in the 1st grade. I still have pretty good contact with both of them, but a pretty up and down relationship with my pops.

When I was in 5th grade my moms married another guy and they divorced about 2 years later. It was good as he was an alco and not really a person to raise yourkids around. Since then it was only the three of us - my moms, my brother and me. Its been hard sometimes, but its all good.

Never would like to have it any other way, as I know that my pops and my moms dont really fit together.
My Parents divorced when I was in the 3rd grade, as a kid it bothered me at first

but as I got older and I understood relationships better I watched them remain pretty close as friends and that made me happy
no. but he says she was the only one he ever loved....i guess so with 4 different baby mothers. smh at papa was a rolling stone
Naw they divorced when I was three.
Apparently I got more special treatment then my older sis and my momma didn't like that.
Divorced when I was two. I don't know anything else. Now that my Pops is remarried, it feels weird. About to have a sis too
i wish mine were still together....

my mother died in 05

pops got a girl and moved to another state. Go Figure...
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