Niketalk Confessions Vol. it could get real

- I'm broke and haven't got my best friend a birthday present yet
- I'm probably not gonna have a girlfriend for the next 2 years because I really don't care anymore
- I haven't got laid in a while and don't really care too much for it. At the same time I don't know if I could stay clean for any longer.
- My brother and parents don't even know I'm in a fraternity
- I almost cried today but I didn't.
Originally Posted by C2345air

I miss my brother a lot around this time of year. His bday is june 30, and he passed away on july 27, 2005. I really just want to talk to someone and cry about it because I don't want my family or friends to see me that way.
cheer up hun. I know how you feel, I feel almost the same. & I'mhere if ya need..
im in love with my (female) bestfriend of 7 years. we got really drunk saturday night and had wild sex. i been tellin myself it meant something when in realityit probably didnt..... (to her)

i have a picture of her in my phone that i look at from time to time. when i look at it i cant help but to grin because i think she is so beautiful.

whenever ever i hear a love song that reminds me of her i cry like a baby, especially Have You Ever by Brandy.

i have never admitted this to anyone ever.
-I told myself i wasnt gonna try to get back wit my ex... i lied. we both jumped in head first but realized @!#* wasnt right
-its like 3 or 4 girls that i kno for a fact have feelins for me... and i really dont have any feelins for them cuz of the first confession
-Transformers 2 was a good %*+ movie and im gonna see it again
-I would have no problem smashin a chick my best friend talked to... but i choose not to
-I made my own porno
.... nobody's ever gettin to see that
-I'm workin alot but i kno i'm only gonna spend my money on #!$+%**+
-besides my ex... i lie to chicks all the time. y?... i have no clue

i'll be in and out of this thread like i was the other one

-We had local elections earlier this month and I told my boss I'd vote for his wife..................I didn't.
-Thursday I will have worked 7 days in a row, I'm supposed to have 1 off Friday, my coworker just confided that he's going to 'fake' call insick and miss out because he really wants to go to the casinos on the coast and get _____ drunk. If he calls in, guess who has to cover his shift? Me. I work12a-8a on Thursday night, so when he calls in early Friday morning guess who he'll be calling who will end up working Fridaybecause I don't have the balls to be a snitch nor do I have the balls to tell my coworker to go ___ himself?.........Me. Guess who's working 12 hoursSaturday and 16 Sunday......ME. FML.
had sex with my ex lazt thursday and basicly ruined the relationship she was trying to start with a good, loyal dude. i feel bad, and guilty, only because iknow she deserves better than me. and she just slipped up with me. I ruined her chance at a beautiful relationship because my selfish !%* just wanted to feelclose to her again....
oh. and i will most likely start stickin a #+@! to get over the girl mentioned in my previous post.

she knows this and is disappointed in me. i think its the easy way, she thinks its the dirty way...
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by UnCalled4Boy


She Needs To Get Online So I Can Harass Her

she has work in the morning so thats a no go
a quick pop in b4 work.....
and ill never tell
even though i've E the persons i crush over
-I love my ex still. Her birthday and mine are a day apart and I was thinking about her and although she isnt with a dude, it still killls me that Im not withher
-I havent smashed since the day before a long %+% time ago, I really dont care, but im gettin to the point of exploding (hormones n summer FTL)
-I want a new vehicle, i know I want a lexus or BMW, just not sure if I want to get rid of my SUV
-I want to be a lawyer, but I havent been motivated to go to Law School
-It seems all I do in my life is work and go to the gym, I think Im stuck in a rut
-On top of that Sprint is getting on my nerves with my phone, but I dont know if I want to leave when my contract is up in Feb
i dnt think i can talk 2 one girl @ a time
i jump to do anything my ex wants me to do whether it b chillin or answer the phone im always there for her
i dont do the things that can help me down the line
i blow important things off til the last minute
- Sometimes I feel depressed for no reason
- I'm going through a transition right now socially and I don't know how its going to end
- Sometimes I want to loosen up but cant. Insecurity ftl.
- Me and my childhood friend are growing apart and I understand it and it doesn't make me mad..what makes me mad is he acts like its not happening.
- I absolutely hate the taste of alcohol I just don't get the fascination. I like its effects but if im drinking it has to be mixed with something to helphide the taste. I could prolly count on both hands the amount of times ive ever drank.
- I have handles of whiskey, henny, parrot bay, tequila, vodka, and other liquors under my bed and they will prolly be there for years. Got it all for free andI don't really drink.
- im in love with one of my best girl friends.
- we've done the dirty a couple times, when we had significant others.
- i feel bad for my last ex, cause whenever we went out with my friend...all i could think about was bangin' my friend.

- i think i will end up marrying an asian chick (for my parent's sake). i think asian chicks are cute...but i'm obsessed with latinas. last three womenhave been hispanic, my friend is mexican.

- i think im better than 99% of the people in the world...and sometimes i dont hear people when they talk to me. unless you name is bill gates or warrenbuffet, i dont want to hear your story.

- i hate working, hence the reason i'm typing this right now. once i get a little more money in my savings im going to try and start up my ownaccounting/investment firm.

- ^ following up on that, i have a lot of ambitions but i follow up on about 25% of them.
so it hasn't been my week, nor my month, and it's looking to not be my year.
i don't think i'm fit to be in a relationship anymore.
i'm starting to care less and less bout the people and circumstances around me.
i hate working pt at a shoe store cause i hate selling AFJs and other bs that Nike puts out.
there's a certain NT female that i think is slowly starting to hate me and i can't bring myself to care cause i just don't care bout nothinganymore
- I feel embarrassed to say, but I'm honestly convinced that I give my all to guys and that just pushes them away.

- I miss my old house
- I miss walking out of my room and looking into my brothers room.
- I miss his voice, his eyes, and his screaming at me all the time.
- I miss our late night chats.
- I miss him knowing things without me having to tell him.
- I miss his smile, most importantly. The fact that he could have been extremely mad at me and SCREAM and tell me how much he hated me and never wanted tospeak to me again, but 5 minutes later he was knocking on my bedroom door like if nothing happened with a big smile on his face.
- I miss how he took care of me when mom was out working 2 jobs.
- I miss all the new things he taught me, or things we taught eachother.
- I just miss him period, and its already been nearly 4 years. :/

- Also, I'm envious of every gorgeous girl who has a serious relationship with very attractive guys. I think I'm cute, im intelligent and well-rounded,and I have a very athletic, thick body (softball) and all I can score me are guys who are trying to bang. FML.
- I feel embarrassed to say, but I'm honestly convinced that I give my all to guys and that just pushes them away.

Its allll about balance. But you have to also realize a lot of guys cant handle that, usually because they aren't ready to.
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