Niketalk > ISS (from my experience)

sick ik 23

Dec 20, 2007
ok so couple of weeks ago i get banned from ISS. so im posting in the lounge or something and this mod is acting real weird. like typing stupid stuff. so isaid something like "damn this guy must be high or something."
next thing i know, i'm banned. cant even go on the site cuz of my IP address and everything.
so basically what im trying to say is, people on ISS can get way too emotional and personal about stuff. same thing happend with my friend, he called a mod outor something and he gets banned like 10 minutes later.
If you say one little thing to someone, they start crying over it. I've been browsing through NT for about a year but recently decided to sign up andbecome a member. so far, with my experience on NT, everyone seems chill and cool (well most, there are some exceptions out there). The mods seem cool also,better than those on the-site-which-must-not-be-named.

anyone else have some stories from other websites that have pissed you off or something?
good for you no do a 180 son and go back

reading you post, you basically said your mad cuz you got banned
someone wants attention

you ever see Backdraft? if not go check it out b/c you are the dude about to open the door
"anyone else have some stories from other websites that have pissed you off or something? "

there was this one dude who kept posting on Niketalk with a story about how NT was better then ISS it seemed that this post was pointless.

^^^ that sentence falls into the "something" category of your question.
.. give this dood a chance.. at least he welcomes nt with open arms.. while y'all are shooing him away
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

.. give this dood a chance.. at least he welcomes nt with open arms.. while y'all are shooing him away

after being rejected by !$$

but anyways welcome to NT: a place to not be caught slippin
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