Yeah homie. Hit me up after about 8.

Oh yeah, you got a mastered version of that crack-ery you sent me? I think one of those could fit on the tape.
^ Yo Gabe, I have an acapella verse I wrote for the tape but used for a poetry thing for school, but there's no beat under it.

I don't know if you wanna listen to it and see if you wanna use it just like that or ask one of the other NT producers to throw it on a beat or somethingthey're working on or whatever for the tape, just let me know and I'll upload the verse today.
Ladies and gentlemen I would like to announce that the niketalk mixtape series has a myspace page now dedicated to the movement. Add us and support themovement.

some of those beats on pg 10 are pretty good-i can't get on this mixtape since i don't have a mic here in my dorm room, but who produced what? so i cangive em the credit on my soundclick page IF i end up using the beats.
Yo, Rilla.. (ahem) Young Rilla, there may be a split on which track to consider for you on the tape.

I like I want you, but that remix you put in is popular too, which one represents you better?

Let me know. ASAP.

I'd like to thank every single person that sent ANYTHING in to contribute to the project. This has been easily the biggest turnout of support for theproject and I think it will reflect in the quality of the final product. Now we begin making cuts and edits and test our friendships and allegiances as weargue out what's what who makes it who don't and where it all goes.

There's an 80 minute cap on the tape. That way if someone wanted to burn it to a standard CD they could and I promise you I'll give you the best 80minutes NT has to offer. (Does that rate a... nah, nevermind.) But please give us a little while to hammer out the details, pick a single and get everythingsituated. Don't forget to hit us on the myspace.

Check us out, get the original mixtapes and hear the singles from Volume 4.
How far are along you guys? sorry I haven't read thru the thread yet. Need any mixing of the tracks - you know who to ask!
if thats the best punchline u got for a comeback i have nothing to worry about...
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