NikeTalk New Era Fitted Cap Release Thread

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I really do hope this does get sorted out. I spaced on this release and it's saddening to hear that many chargebacks. Charitable donations or something similar sounds like a good idea. I would love another chance at one of these hats; however I see both sides. I'll keep my fingers crossed and a better lookout in the near future :nerd:
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Wowwww charge backs? Didnt all orders have signature confirmation. How could u say u didn't get it if all orders had to sign? People r messed up. Sorry u guys r going thru this
This is why we can't have nice things.

We begged for a 2nd run.

We got it.

And we messed up.

I luckily was able to get one thru the stray caps that were left after the fact, but I feel bad for other nters who didn't get one and now probly never will
Methodical Management Methodical Management sorry to hear about the chargebacks. It really grinds my gears that low-lifes would scam an online forum and charity.

I'm willing to chip in and help make up some of the cost. Least I can do for blessing me with a NT hat. Let me know how I can do this.
This. I'm more than willing to put in some money to cover that money that's in limbo right now.

Damn shame. And I'd love for more of this type of thing to happen in the future, so anything I and we as a community to help smooth over the problems here we should all be willing to do.
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No good deed goes unpunished.  

You can see the level of complaint we had to deal with from registered members in this thread, and then you combine that with the attempted charge back scams and it's a bitter pill to swallow.

We want to see that the maximum possible amount goes to the charity, but it's been three months now and the procedure for dealing with the chargebacks is just dragging on.  We may just have to cut our losses and issue what we can now, minus what was essentially stolen.  

I could see doing a snapback in a very limited basis and then giving them - at my own expense - to people who donate > $X to a group fundraising drive or to people who win contests by doing positive things for the community.  (Posting the most helpful product reviews, giving others a heads up on great deals, etc. etc.)  

I know that most people prefer fitteds, but, given the complexity of order fulfillment with those, we really do need a partner like Cap City to help us make that possible - and we'll just have to wait and see what their appetite might be for another run down the road.  At this point, they may consider it more trouble than it's worth and we would be hard pressed to blame them for it.  

I do hope we can get something done, but you guys deserve to know what type of challenges we're facing.  
lol...I personally spoke to someone who works their about 2 weeks after the release. It was a nightmare for them, kids calling twice a day for shipping info, constant complaints and 
Well that dude above gave me the 7 5/8 for $75 shipped....

What can I do.....NT is in my blood....
A lot of NTers want their size. There would of been more money for the cause if they had made more hats than they did.
A lot of NTers want their size. There would of been more money for the cause if they had made more hats than they did.
True, but when you consider that they were making 0 profit from this, there was a limit to the amount of hats they could make. It's easy to say "just make more hats" when you're not the one paying for it.
stuff like chargebacks and resell in a charity item are things that make me lose faith in humanity :smh:

Methodical Management Methodical Management
I'd be willing to pitch in to help cover the cost of the charge backs.

I just hate that this gives the community a bad name. @eCapCity thank you for doing this for the community and sorry to hear about all the negative aspects of it.
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