Ninja Say What?!

Let's be real. The only way you can be seriously offended by this video is if you really use the N word as shown in the video. If you're offended your sense of humor is wack. Black ppl are SO quick to say something's racist when it's truly not. When did the word NINJA become a black thing, it's a japanese word so get off the Asian's (OP's) tip. I'm black, if that matters.
Let's be real. The only way you can be seriously offended by this video is if you really use the N word as shown in the video. If you're offended your sense of humor is wack. Black ppl are SO quick to say something's racist when it's truly not. When did the word NINJA become a black thing, it's a japanese word so get off the Asian's (OP's) tip. I'm black, if that matters.
you ninjas found that funny?

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I laughed at the video. I can see how it could be considered racist. The "ninja pay the bills" was kind of the kicker. But the end was funny with the indian guy.

I think it was kind of tongue-in-cheek about the n-word being used by only African Americans and no one else more then is was trying to emphasize black stereotypes (which im not arguing it definitely did that).

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I laughed at the video. I can see how it could be considered racist. The "ninja pay the bills" was kind of the kicker. But the end was funny with the indian guy.

I think it was kind of tongue-in-cheek about the n-word being used by only African Americans and no one else more then is was trying to emphasize black stereotypes (which im not arguing it definitely did that).

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Same asians that hate black people and whose parents tell them how bad black people are, but love to immediate blacks and im sure they love lil Wayne. . Just sayin though ninja.
I don't wanna sound racist but I'm gonna break it to you, a good percentage of the human population don't look at black folks in a positive light so don't say It's just Asians. I've seen and heard countless stories where African Americans both male and female beat, rob, and shot Asians, whether it's Delivery workers, working fathers, or Asian student, hell even my dad been held at gunpoint by robbers. So in the Asian communities stories is passed around because we look out for one another. You say we love to "imitate" blacks, but I grew up in the projects with black folks since I was a little kid. Exposed to drug dealers, pimps, rapist, murderers you name it crack pipe, bottles and needles was an everyday thing for me. Please don't stereotype us, I have taken a lot of effort into learning more about black culture and I really take it with a lot of understanding so please do same for my people. I'm so serious I could write a book on that.
so just because you grew up around "drug dealers, pimps, rapists, murderers, crack pipes, bottles, and needles" everyday you feel you're in tune with the overall black experience? What do your poor living conditions have to do with black culture?  We aren't all pimps, murderers, drug dealers, crack heads, drunks and rapists so why are you equating those things with "imitating" blacks? You don't want to be stereotyped yet you just stereotyped all black people 
I'd love to read your book about how all black people are rapist pimps who drink excessively and smoke crack and hide out in pissy project hallways waiting for their opportunity to rob & kill innocent, unassuming asian delivery people.
Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Same asians that hate black people and whose parents tell them how bad black people are, but love to immediate blacks and im sure they love lil Wayne. . Just sayin though ninja.
I don't wanna sound racist but I'm gonna break it to you, a good percentage of the human population don't look at black folks in a positive light so don't say It's just Asians. I've seen and heard countless stories where African Americans both male and female beat, rob, and shot Asians, whether it's Delivery workers, working fathers, or Asian student, hell even my dad been held at gunpoint by robbers. So in the Asian communities stories is passed around because we look out for one another. You say we love to "imitate" blacks, but I grew up in the projects with black folks since I was a little kid. Exposed to drug dealers, pimps, rapist, murderers you name it crack pipe, bottles and needles was an everyday thing for me. Please don't stereotype us, I have taken a lot of effort into learning more about black culture and I really take it with a lot of understanding so please do same for my people. I'm so serious I could write a book on that.
so just because you grew up around "drug dealers, pimps, rapists, murderers, crack pipes, bottles, and needles" everyday you feel you're in tune with the overall black experience? What do your poor living conditions have to do with black culture?  We aren't all pimps, murderers, drug dealers, crack heads, drunks and rapists so why are you equating those things with "imitating" blacks? You don't want to be stereotyped yet you just stereotyped all black people 
I'd love to read your book about how all black people are rapist pimps who drink excessively and smoke crack and hide out in pissy project hallways waiting for their opportunity to rob & kill innocent, unassuming asian delivery people.
How does someone try to be black? I would like to hear this

And its crazy how when i was growing up anyone other than a black person was looked at wrong for using the N word, as if it was ok to use if you were black. So in this video (which i find funny) the Asian people use the word Ninja. It was a joke get it......... if the actor was not Asian he couldn't call them Ninja.
How does someone try to be black? I would like to hear this

And its crazy how when i was growing up anyone other than a black person was looked at wrong for using the N word, as if it was ok to use if you were black. So in this video (which i find funny) the Asian people use the word Ninja. It was a joke get it......... if the actor was not Asian he couldn't call them Ninja.
Originally Posted by youneedthese

How does someone try to be black? I would like to hear this

And its crazy how when i was growing up anyone other than a black person was looked at wrong for using the N word, as if it was ok to use if you were black. So in this video (which i find funny) the Asian people use the word Ninja. It was a joke get it......... if the actor was not Asian he couldn't call them Ninja.
SMH. The problem with this video is that it does not show people going about there everyday lives and just using the word "ninja" naturally. The people who made this video intentionally thought of every stereotype of African American they could think of, many negative, and just said "We will replace Blacks with Asians, and the n-word with ninja". The entire reason people would find this funny this because they are making the connection in their head "Yeah Blacks act like this, they're lazy, loud in public, don't have jobs, don't pay bills" there is nothing clever about anything in that movie except for maybe the last part with the Indian guy.

If the roles where reversed and some black actors where doing some Hong Kong Phooey type $%*+, solving math problems and crashing cars. You know, all the negative stereotypes that exist about Asian. This forums would explode and tons of people would be on the bat phone to Dirty to get the OP banned.

Finally quit that "black people shouldn't say the n-word either $%*+" so what, get over it, you can't say one damn word, and others can.
Originally Posted by youneedthese

How does someone try to be black? I would like to hear this

And its crazy how when i was growing up anyone other than a black person was looked at wrong for using the N word, as if it was ok to use if you were black. So in this video (which i find funny) the Asian people use the word Ninja. It was a joke get it......... if the actor was not Asian he couldn't call them Ninja.
SMH. The problem with this video is that it does not show people going about there everyday lives and just using the word "ninja" naturally. The people who made this video intentionally thought of every stereotype of African American they could think of, many negative, and just said "We will replace Blacks with Asians, and the n-word with ninja". The entire reason people would find this funny this because they are making the connection in their head "Yeah Blacks act like this, they're lazy, loud in public, don't have jobs, don't pay bills" there is nothing clever about anything in that movie except for maybe the last part with the Indian guy.

If the roles where reversed and some black actors where doing some Hong Kong Phooey type $%*+, solving math problems and crashing cars. You know, all the negative stereotypes that exist about Asian. This forums would explode and tons of people would be on the bat phone to Dirty to get the OP banned.

Finally quit that "black people shouldn't say the n-word either $%*+" so what, get over it, you can't say one damn word, and others can.
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Same asians that hate black people and whose parents tell them how bad black people are, but love to immediate blacks and im sure they love lil Wayne. . Just sayin though ninja.
I don't wanna sound racist but I'm gonna break it to you, a good percentage of the human population don't look at black folks in a positive light so don't say It's just Asians. I've seen and heard countless stories where African Americans both male and female beat, rob, and shot Asians, whether it's Delivery workers, working fathers, or Asian student, hell even my dad been held at gunpoint by robbers. So in the Asian communities stories is passed around because we look out for one another. You say we love to "imitate" blacks, but I grew up in the projects with black folks since I was a little kid. Exposed to drug dealers, pimps, rapist, murderers you name it crack pipe, bottles and needles was an everyday thing for me. Please don't stereotype us, I have taken a lot of effort into learning more about black culture and I really take it with a lot of understanding so please do same for my people. I'm so serious I could write a book on that.
so just because you grew up around "drug dealers, pimps, rapists, murderers, crack pipes, bottles, and needles" everyday you feel you're in tune with the overall black experience? What do your poor living conditions have to do with black culture?  We aren't all pimps, murderers, drug dealers, crack heads, drunks and rapists so why are you equating those things with "imitating" blacks? You don't want to be stereotyped yet you just stereotyped all black people 
I'd love to read your book about how all black people are rapist pimps who drink excessively and smoke crack and hide out in pissy project hallways waiting for their opportunity to rob & kill innocent, unassuming asian delivery people.
You missed my point by a mile too, So when Tupac say things like " The words I say don't come from a mothers or fathers mouth, they come from a pimps mouth or a prostitute or a hustler or a drug dealer. To me, these were my role models" Would you have said the same thing to him? Oh all of a sudden somebody of another skin color says the same thing a brotha would say about his own people, It's "racist". No I don't stereotype black folks, I worked in a soul food restaurant in an neighborhood where you'd have to walk at least 5 miles before you'll see another white guy. If I was racist I'd stay away from black people in fear of them raping, beating, robbing me. But I don't I actually stay closer to black folks in hopes of learning why some do the things they do and also because I look at black folks like human beings. It doesn't help that all 5 of my mom's siblings live in NYC housing projects all over NY and everyone of them been robbed or held at gun point. God forbid all your family members got hit while driving by a China-man (Just throwing out an Asian stereotype out there) and caused financial or health problems to your family member, you'll never look at Asians the same way again and you wouldn't be half as understanding as me. You'll be like F-- them god damn Ch!nks.

I'm just saying there's truth to some of those stereotypes. My neighbor smokes crack all day has a 9 son, and throws a party everyday every time they see me they're asking to borrow some money or want a cigarette (NY smokers know packs be 11.50$ now). I mean I live in the hood too so I'm just as broke as them but they stay thinking just cuz I'm Asian I got money. They gotta get their priority straight, the father is in and out of jail and the mother stays home and smoke crack all day both of them don't work but they got a 72 in TV. SMH priorities not straight.
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Same asians that hate black people and whose parents tell them how bad black people are, but love to immediate blacks and im sure they love lil Wayne. . Just sayin though ninja.
I don't wanna sound racist but I'm gonna break it to you, a good percentage of the human population don't look at black folks in a positive light so don't say It's just Asians. I've seen and heard countless stories where African Americans both male and female beat, rob, and shot Asians, whether it's Delivery workers, working fathers, or Asian student, hell even my dad been held at gunpoint by robbers. So in the Asian communities stories is passed around because we look out for one another. You say we love to "imitate" blacks, but I grew up in the projects with black folks since I was a little kid. Exposed to drug dealers, pimps, rapist, murderers you name it crack pipe, bottles and needles was an everyday thing for me. Please don't stereotype us, I have taken a lot of effort into learning more about black culture and I really take it with a lot of understanding so please do same for my people. I'm so serious I could write a book on that.
so just because you grew up around "drug dealers, pimps, rapists, murderers, crack pipes, bottles, and needles" everyday you feel you're in tune with the overall black experience? What do your poor living conditions have to do with black culture?  We aren't all pimps, murderers, drug dealers, crack heads, drunks and rapists so why are you equating those things with "imitating" blacks? You don't want to be stereotyped yet you just stereotyped all black people 
I'd love to read your book about how all black people are rapist pimps who drink excessively and smoke crack and hide out in pissy project hallways waiting for their opportunity to rob & kill innocent, unassuming asian delivery people.
You missed my point by a mile too, So when Tupac say things like " The words I say don't come from a mothers or fathers mouth, they come from a pimps mouth or a prostitute or a hustler or a drug dealer. To me, these were my role models" Would you have said the same thing to him? Oh all of a sudden somebody of another skin color says the same thing a brotha would say about his own people, It's "racist". No I don't stereotype black folks, I worked in a soul food restaurant in an neighborhood where you'd have to walk at least 5 miles before you'll see another white guy. If I was racist I'd stay away from black people in fear of them raping, beating, robbing me. But I don't I actually stay closer to black folks in hopes of learning why some do the things they do and also because I look at black folks like human beings. It doesn't help that all 5 of my mom's siblings live in NYC housing projects all over NY and everyone of them been robbed or held at gun point. God forbid all your family members got hit while driving by a China-man (Just throwing out an Asian stereotype out there) and caused financial or health problems to your family member, you'll never look at Asians the same way again and you wouldn't be half as understanding as me. You'll be like F-- them god damn Ch!nks.

I'm just saying there's truth to some of those stereotypes. My neighbor smokes crack all day has a 9 son, and throws a party everyday every time they see me they're asking to borrow some money or want a cigarette (NY smokers know packs be 11.50$ now). I mean I live in the hood too so I'm just as broke as them but they stay thinking just cuz I'm Asian I got money. They gotta get their priority straight, the father is in and out of jail and the mother stays home and smoke crack all day both of them don't work but they got a 72 in TV. SMH priorities not straight.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by youneedthese

How does someone try to be black? I would like to hear this

And its crazy how when i was growing up anyone other than a black person was looked at wrong for using the N word, as if it was ok to use if you were black. So in this video (which i find funny) the Asian people use the word Ninja. It was a joke get it......... if the actor was not Asian he couldn't call them Ninja.
SMH. The problem with this video is that it does not show people going about there everyday lives and just using the word "ninja" naturally. The people who made this video intentionally thought of every stereotype of African American they could think of, many negative, and just said "We will replace Blacks with Asians, and the n-word with ninja". The entire reason people would find this funny this because they are making the connection in their head "Yeah Blacks act like this, they're lazy, loud in public, don't have jobs, don't pay bills" there is nothing clever about anything in that movie except for maybe the last part with the Indian guy.

If the roles where reversed and some black actors where doing some Hong Kong Phooey type $%*+, solving math problems and crashing cars. You know, all the negative stereotypes that exist about Asian. This forums would explode and tons of people would be on the bat phone to Dirty to get the OP banned.

Finally quit that "black people shouldn't say the n-word either $%*+" so what, get over it, you can't say one damn word, and others can.
I see what you are saying (especially about using Blk stereotypes). But at the same time these stereotypes fit any race and culture to me (just my view on people in general). I know white people who are lazy, jobless, don't pay bills, crash cars. etc etc. The same can be said about Hispanics. It's all on how someone interprets the skit imo. And as far as the N word goes, i could care less who is allowed to say it. I say it all the time to my Blk, white, Asian, and Hispanic friends. I was just making the comparison to how when i was growing up Blk people felt that they should be the only ones to use that word.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by youneedthese

How does someone try to be black? I would like to hear this

And its crazy how when i was growing up anyone other than a black person was looked at wrong for using the N word, as if it was ok to use if you were black. So in this video (which i find funny) the Asian people use the word Ninja. It was a joke get it......... if the actor was not Asian he couldn't call them Ninja.
SMH. The problem with this video is that it does not show people going about there everyday lives and just using the word "ninja" naturally. The people who made this video intentionally thought of every stereotype of African American they could think of, many negative, and just said "We will replace Blacks with Asians, and the n-word with ninja". The entire reason people would find this funny this because they are making the connection in their head "Yeah Blacks act like this, they're lazy, loud in public, don't have jobs, don't pay bills" there is nothing clever about anything in that movie except for maybe the last part with the Indian guy.

If the roles where reversed and some black actors where doing some Hong Kong Phooey type $%*+, solving math problems and crashing cars. You know, all the negative stereotypes that exist about Asian. This forums would explode and tons of people would be on the bat phone to Dirty to get the OP banned.

Finally quit that "black people shouldn't say the n-word either $%*+" so what, get over it, you can't say one damn word, and others can.
I see what you are saying (especially about using Blk stereotypes). But at the same time these stereotypes fit any race and culture to me (just my view on people in general). I know white people who are lazy, jobless, don't pay bills, crash cars. etc etc. The same can be said about Hispanics. It's all on how someone interprets the skit imo. And as far as the N word goes, i could care less who is allowed to say it. I say it all the time to my Blk, white, Asian, and Hispanic friends. I was just making the comparison to how when i was growing up Blk people felt that they should be the only ones to use that word.
Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Same asians that hate black people and whose parents tell them how bad black people are, but love to immediate blacks and im sure they love lil Wayne. . Just sayin though ninja.
I don't wanna sound racist but I'm gonna break it to you, a good percentage of the human population don't look at black folks in a positive light so don't say It's just Asians. I've seen and heard countless stories where African Americans both male and female beat, rob, and shot Asians, whether it's Delivery workers, working fathers, or Asian student, hell even my dad been held at gunpoint by robbers. So in the Asian communities stories is passed around because we look out for one another. You say we love to "imitate" blacks, but I grew up in the projects with black folks since I was a little kid. Exposed to drug dealers, pimps, rapist, murderers you name it crack pipe, bottles and needles was an everyday thing for me. Please don't stereotype us, I have taken a lot of effort into learning more about black culture and I really take it with a lot of understanding so please do same for my people. I'm so serious I could write a book on that.
so just because you grew up around "drug dealers, pimps, rapists, murderers, crack pipes, bottles, and needles" everyday you feel you're in tune with the overall black experience? What do your poor living conditions have to do with black culture?  We aren't all pimps, murderers, drug dealers, crack heads, drunks and rapists so why are you equating those things with "imitating" blacks? You don't want to be stereotyped yet you just stereotyped all black people 
I'd love to read your book about how all black people are rapist pimps who drink excessively and smoke crack and hide out in pissy project hallways waiting for their opportunity to rob & kill innocent, unassuming asian delivery people.
You missed my point by a mile too, So when Tupac say things like " The words I say don't come from a mothers or fathers mouth, they come from a pimps mouth or a prostitute or a hustler or a drug dealer. To me, these were my role models" Would you have said the same thing to him? Oh all of a sudden somebody of another skin color says the same thing a brotha would say about his own people, It's "racist". No I don't stereotype black folks, I worked in a soul food restaurant in an neighborhood where you'd have to walk at least 5 miles before you'll see another white guy. If I was racist I'd stay away from black people in fear of them raping, beating, robbing me. But I don't I actually stay closer to black folks in hopes of learning why some do the things they do and also because I look at black folks like human beings. It doesn't help that all 5 of my mom's siblings live in NYC housing projects all over NY and everyone of them been robbed or held at gun point. God forbid all your family members got hit while driving by a China-man (Just throwing out an Asian stereotype out there) and caused financial or health problems to your family member, you'll never look at Asians the same way again and you wouldn't be half as understanding as me. You'll be like F-- them god damn Ch!nks.

I'm just saying there's truth to some of those stereotypes. My neighbor smokes crack all day has a 9 son, and throws a party everyday every time they see me they're asking to borrow some money or want a cigarette (NY smokers know packs be 11.50$ now). I mean I live in the hood too so I'm just as broke as them but they stay thinking just cuz I'm Asian I got money. They gotta get their priority straight, the father is in and out of jail and the mother stays home and smoke crack all day both of them don't work but they got a 72 in TV. SMH priorities not straight.

-You do sound racist, whether that was your intention or not

-First you bring up being robbed as the reason  why Asians don't have a good image of black people. There are Asians who don't approve of black people that have never even seen a black man or spoken to one in their lives.

-The video is funny but racist. It's a bunch of Asian people basically doing a caricature of black people.

-The fact that you were in the hood eating soul food and getting robbed is no excuse for you to lump all black people into one category.

-If you're studying black people in the hood for why they do what they do as an ethnographic experiment and you still haven't figure it out, I suggest you pick up a history book.

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Same asians that hate black people and whose parents tell them how bad black people are, but love to immediate blacks and im sure they love lil Wayne. . Just sayin though ninja.
I don't wanna sound racist but I'm gonna break it to you, a good percentage of the human population don't look at black folks in a positive light so don't say It's just Asians. I've seen and heard countless stories where African Americans both male and female beat, rob, and shot Asians, whether it's Delivery workers, working fathers, or Asian student, hell even my dad been held at gunpoint by robbers. So in the Asian communities stories is passed around because we look out for one another. You say we love to "imitate" blacks, but I grew up in the projects with black folks since I was a little kid. Exposed to drug dealers, pimps, rapist, murderers you name it crack pipe, bottles and needles was an everyday thing for me. Please don't stereotype us, I have taken a lot of effort into learning more about black culture and I really take it with a lot of understanding so please do same for my people. I'm so serious I could write a book on that.
so just because you grew up around "drug dealers, pimps, rapists, murderers, crack pipes, bottles, and needles" everyday you feel you're in tune with the overall black experience? What do your poor living conditions have to do with black culture?  We aren't all pimps, murderers, drug dealers, crack heads, drunks and rapists so why are you equating those things with "imitating" blacks? You don't want to be stereotyped yet you just stereotyped all black people 
I'd love to read your book about how all black people are rapist pimps who drink excessively and smoke crack and hide out in pissy project hallways waiting for their opportunity to rob & kill innocent, unassuming asian delivery people.
You missed my point by a mile too, So when Tupac say things like " The words I say don't come from a mothers or fathers mouth, they come from a pimps mouth or a prostitute or a hustler or a drug dealer. To me, these were my role models" Would you have said the same thing to him? Oh all of a sudden somebody of another skin color says the same thing a brotha would say about his own people, It's "racist". No I don't stereotype black folks, I worked in a soul food restaurant in an neighborhood where you'd have to walk at least 5 miles before you'll see another white guy. If I was racist I'd stay away from black people in fear of them raping, beating, robbing me. But I don't I actually stay closer to black folks in hopes of learning why some do the things they do and also because I look at black folks like human beings. It doesn't help that all 5 of my mom's siblings live in NYC housing projects all over NY and everyone of them been robbed or held at gun point. God forbid all your family members got hit while driving by a China-man (Just throwing out an Asian stereotype out there) and caused financial or health problems to your family member, you'll never look at Asians the same way again and you wouldn't be half as understanding as me. You'll be like F-- them god damn Ch!nks.

I'm just saying there's truth to some of those stereotypes. My neighbor smokes crack all day has a 9 son, and throws a party everyday every time they see me they're asking to borrow some money or want a cigarette (NY smokers know packs be 11.50$ now). I mean I live in the hood too so I'm just as broke as them but they stay thinking just cuz I'm Asian I got money. They gotta get their priority straight, the father is in and out of jail and the mother stays home and smoke crack all day both of them don't work but they got a 72 in TV. SMH priorities not straight.

-You do sound racist, whether that was your intention or not

-First you bring up being robbed as the reason  why Asians don't have a good image of black people. There are Asians who don't approve of black people that have never even seen a black man or spoken to one in their lives.

-The video is funny but racist. It's a bunch of Asian people basically doing a caricature of black people.

-The fact that you were in the hood eating soul food and getting robbed is no excuse for you to lump all black people into one category.

-If you're studying black people in the hood for why they do what they do as an ethnographic experiment and you still haven't figure it out, I suggest you pick up a history book.

Originally Posted by youneedthese

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by youneedthese

How does someone try to be black? I would like to hear this

And its crazy how when i was growing up anyone other than a black person was looked at wrong for using the N word, as if it was ok to use if you were black. So in this video (which i find funny) the Asian people use the word Ninja. It was a joke get it......... if the actor was not Asian he couldn't call them Ninja.
SMH. The problem with this video is that it does not show people going about there everyday lives and just using the word "ninja" naturally. The people who made this video intentionally thought of every stereotype of African American they could think of, many negative, and just said "We will replace Blacks with Asians, and the n-word with ninja". The entire reason people would find this funny this because they are making the connection in their head "Yeah Blacks act like this, they're lazy, loud in public, don't have jobs, don't pay bills" there is nothing clever about anything in that movie except for maybe the last part with the Indian guy.

If the roles where reversed and some black actors where doing some Hong Kong Phooey type $%*+, solving math problems and crashing cars. You know, all the negative stereotypes that exist about Asian. This forums would explode and tons of people would be on the bat phone to Dirty to get the OP banned.

Finally quit that "black people shouldn't say the n-word either $%*+" so what, get over it, you can't say one damn word, and others can.
I see what you are saying (especially about using Blk stereotypes). But at the same time these stereotypes fit any race and culture to me (just my view on people in general). I know white people who are lazy, jobless, don't pay bills, crash cars. etc etc. The same can be said about Hispanics. It's all on how someone interprets the skit imo. And as far as the N word goes, i could care less who is allowed to say it. I say it all the time to my Blk, white, Asian, and Hispanic friends. I was just making the comparison to how when i was growing up Blk people felt that they should be the only ones to use that word.
I feel the skit is too obvious with who the are making fun of, they had a black dude in the skit, and they used a Kanye West song where they replaced the n-word with ninja. Lets be honest here, these people did not make this skit thinking "this could be applied to anyone". You can tell they're intent was to mock African Americans
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