Ninja Say What?!

My goodness ypou guys are looking wayyyy too into this
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

I understand where you're coming from and finally somebody that sounds logical but why do you feel a need to view it in your own perspective? Why go that route? Why not accept it for what it really is and think nothin more of it? It was simply a play on words. Ducktales? Then why did method man ban the word ninja as an alternative to the real N word then?
I'm not going to debate the usage of the word ninja in the Asian community. I shouldn't have said ducktales, but like I said, I have yet to hear Asians in real life call themselves "ninja". As for why I see the video in my own perspective, people generally tend to perceive messages in different ways. I'm not going to take every word the same way the next man does, that's just how it is. And although I do have my own perspective of the video, I am open to other possible perspectives... so I'm not trying to stigmatize your POV on the matter at all.
I actually saw this vid a few days ago and debated posting it here...but I digress...
other than the "pay your bills" bit... I'm curious... what were the negative stereotypes that you saw?
The dialect they used, using blatant double standards, the "my ninja so lazy", etc.
Personally...I don't see it as a mocking piece at all...rather as mentioned...a satire of the use of the Nword.
And that's fine, but as I said, people will see things differently. Especially the breakdown of "ninjer" and "ninja". That can definitely be interpreted as a mockery of something.

u need a broad son
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

I understand where you're coming from and finally somebody that sounds logical but why do you feel a need to view it in your own perspective? Why go that route? Why not accept it for what it really is and think nothin more of it? It was simply a play on words. Ducktales? Then why did method man ban the word ninja as an alternative to the real N word then?
I'm not going to debate the usage of the word ninja in the Asian community. I shouldn't have said ducktales, but like I said, I have yet to hear Asians in real life call themselves "ninja". As for why I see the video in my own perspective, people generally tend to perceive messages in different ways. I'm not going to take every word the same way the next man does, that's just how it is. And although I do have my own perspective of the video, I am open to other possible perspectives... so I'm not trying to stigmatize your POV on the matter at all.
I actually saw this vid a few days ago and debated posting it here...but I digress...
other than the "pay your bills" bit... I'm curious... what were the negative stereotypes that you saw?
The dialect they used, using blatant double standards, the "my ninja so lazy", etc.
Personally...I don't see it as a mocking piece at all...rather as mentioned...a satire of the use of the Nword.
And that's fine, but as I said, people will see things differently. Especially the breakdown of "ninjer" and "ninja". That can definitely be interpreted as a mockery of something.

u need a broad son
ah.. I missed the "my ninja so lazy" part. those two I see your point.. but I def don't when it comes to dialect. That's just slang period, no one ethnicity has the monopoly on it.

can you explain the double standards though? I don't follow.

And that's fine, but as I said, people will see things differently. Especially the breakdown of the meaning of "ninjer" and "ninja". That can definitely be interpreted as a mockery of something.
I can understand that; however, I don't see it as something where the creators were malicious when creating it, so mocking to me, isn't exactly the proper term.

but, as I've always said before... intent doesn't's the effect on the target audience
ah.. I missed the "my ninja so lazy" part. those two I see your point.. but I def don't when it comes to dialect. That's just slang period, no one ethnicity has the monopoly on it.

can you explain the double standards though? I don't follow.

And that's fine, but as I said, people will see things differently. Especially the breakdown of the meaning of "ninjer" and "ninja". That can definitely be interpreted as a mockery of something.
I can understand that; however, I don't see it as something where the creators were malicious when creating it, so mocking to me, isn't exactly the proper term.

but, as I've always said before... intent doesn't's the effect on the target audience
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

I understand where you're coming from and finally somebody that sounds logical but why do you feel a need to view it in your own perspective? Why go that route? Why not accept it for what it really is and think nothin more of it? It was simply a play on words. Ducktales? Then why did method man ban the word ninja as an alternative to the real N word then?
I'm not going to debate the usage of the word ninja in the Asian community. I shouldn't have said ducktales, but like I said, I have yet to hear Asians in real life call themselves "ninja". As for why I see the video in my own perspective, people generally tend to perceive messages in different ways. I'm not going to take every word the same way the next man does, that's just how it is. And although I do have my own perspective of the video, I am open to other possible perspectives... so I'm not trying to stigmatize your POV on the matter at all.
I actually saw this vid a few days ago and debated posting it here...but I digress...
other than the "pay your bills" bit... I'm curious... what were the negative stereotypes that you saw?
The dialect they used, using blatant double standards, the "my ninja so lazy", etc.
Personally...I don't see it as a mocking piece at all...rather as mentioned...a satire of the use of the Nword.
And that's fine, but as I said, people will see things differently. Especially the breakdown of the context of "ninjer" and "ninja". That can definitely be interpreted as a mockery of something.

There you have it then, you choose to view it in that perspective so you're choosing for someone to be racist when they really weren't. I hope you continue living life like this, thinking the white man is out to do this and that to you. You choose to trap and oppress yourself. If you viewed it in my perspective you'd be free and could live in content that it was just fun and games, but since you choose to view it in your own perspective. You ain't gonna get no where in life. How about you answer my question that i have in bold.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

I understand where you're coming from and finally somebody that sounds logical but why do you feel a need to view it in your own perspective? Why go that route? Why not accept it for what it really is and think nothin more of it? It was simply a play on words. Ducktales? Then why did method man ban the word ninja as an alternative to the real N word then?
I'm not going to debate the usage of the word ninja in the Asian community. I shouldn't have said ducktales, but like I said, I have yet to hear Asians in real life call themselves "ninja". As for why I see the video in my own perspective, people generally tend to perceive messages in different ways. I'm not going to take every word the same way the next man does, that's just how it is. And although I do have my own perspective of the video, I am open to other possible perspectives... so I'm not trying to stigmatize your POV on the matter at all.
I actually saw this vid a few days ago and debated posting it here...but I digress...
other than the "pay your bills" bit... I'm curious... what were the negative stereotypes that you saw?
The dialect they used, using blatant double standards, the "my ninja so lazy", etc.
Personally...I don't see it as a mocking piece at all...rather as mentioned...a satire of the use of the Nword.
And that's fine, but as I said, people will see things differently. Especially the breakdown of the context of "ninjer" and "ninja". That can definitely be interpreted as a mockery of something.

There you have it then, you choose to view it in that perspective so you're choosing for someone to be racist when they really weren't. I hope you continue living life like this, thinking the white man is out to do this and that to you. You choose to trap and oppress yourself. If you viewed it in my perspective you'd be free and could live in content that it was just fun and games, but since you choose to view it in your own perspective. You ain't gonna get no where in life. How about you answer my question that i have in bold.
Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

There are Asians who don't approve of black people that have never even seen a black man or spoken to one in their lives.
You dumb mother f, Read my post I said everyone of my family member have been through getting robbed or held at gun point at one point in their life. So we're only speaking from experience If it never happened my family wouldn't give a shh about black folks. Like my mom said they let me live in peace and I'll be fine. The Asian's you're talking about I have never met one of them so that shows your ignorance surfacing. Y'all wanna point fingers so I'm gonna point fingers back. Black folks is the real racist. Yea I said It, sue me.
If you're studying black people in the hood for why they do what they do as an ethnographic experiment and you still haven't figure it out, I suggest you pick up a history book.
Why don't you pick up a history book on the original Chinese American's that came here in the 1800s and in the end ask yourself who the cry babies are. Also I don't study black people, I simple observe. They used to lynch black people with ropes, They used to lynch China-man's with our own pony tails. People are always saying why you never seen an Asian guy with a white girl and only Asian girls with white guys? It's because in the 1800s Chinese men were not allowed to marry outside their race and only Asian woman are allowed to. Chinese men caught marrying outside their race would be lynched or killed. You may say that was in the 1800s and so was slavery why you do you folks keep bringing it up then? It just shows who the real cry babies are.

I feel the skit is too obvious with who the are making fun of, they had a black dude in the skit, and they used a Kanye West song where they replaced the n-word with ninja. Lets be honest here, these people did not make this skit thinking "this could be applied to anyone". You can tell they're intent was to mock African Americans
I feel Like everyone missed the point of this video by a mile. Lemme break it down to you ignorant fools aiight?

Get into an Asian point of view and think, we as Asians was never able to use the N word because we weren't black. So it became an internet trend as well as a reality trend to replace the N word with the word ninja as an alternative. Now the folks who made this video, made a play on this word/trend, and said "hey, us Asians are the real ninjas, If black folks could claim the N word then we could claim the word ninja". It was simply a play on the word. Those stereotypes thrown in were harmless jokes, same way you'd joke with your homies of different descent. I can tell most of y'all don't have Asian friends. We're chills people. I hope this opened some eyes.

It's really ridiculous how many of y'all is reachin. I posted this video with intent of some LULz I didn't even think anyone would turn this into a racial thing. SMH

l. LOL how does that show my ignorance. You said people all over the world don't have a favorable view of black people. Then you proceed to give an example of black people robbing and stealing as if to make and excuse as to why that is. I proceed to tell you that, many Asian people who hate black people have never had an encounter with black people in their lives. This goes for all forms of racism. Racism is built on assumptions and stereotypes of another people, irregardless of whether you've had an unfavorable encounter with them or not.

Asian people are just as racist and ignorant as any other group. Saying black people are the "real" racist is you clearly expressing your deeply seeded hatred for them. You're basically making the type of arguments a KKK member from Alabama would make to save face.

2. Every immigrant group in this country has been through some hardships, and I commend a lot of them for overcoming it. But 400+ years of systematic, and institutionalized racism. People being stripped of their culture, bred like cattle, and raped for centuries is a big tougher than what the Chinese have been through in this country. I know for a fact that I couldn't have been no slave, I'd commit that early. Hypothetically speaking If I had to choose, knowing what I know about what the Chinese went through in this country. I would gladly take that.

Good try tho, if you got hate in your heart let it out. Just stop making stupid excuses.
Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

There are Asians who don't approve of black people that have never even seen a black man or spoken to one in their lives.
You dumb mother f, Read my post I said everyone of my family member have been through getting robbed or held at gun point at one point in their life. So we're only speaking from experience If it never happened my family wouldn't give a shh about black folks. Like my mom said they let me live in peace and I'll be fine. The Asian's you're talking about I have never met one of them so that shows your ignorance surfacing. Y'all wanna point fingers so I'm gonna point fingers back. Black folks is the real racist. Yea I said It, sue me.
If you're studying black people in the hood for why they do what they do as an ethnographic experiment and you still haven't figure it out, I suggest you pick up a history book.
Why don't you pick up a history book on the original Chinese American's that came here in the 1800s and in the end ask yourself who the cry babies are. Also I don't study black people, I simple observe. They used to lynch black people with ropes, They used to lynch China-man's with our own pony tails. People are always saying why you never seen an Asian guy with a white girl and only Asian girls with white guys? It's because in the 1800s Chinese men were not allowed to marry outside their race and only Asian woman are allowed to. Chinese men caught marrying outside their race would be lynched or killed. You may say that was in the 1800s and so was slavery why you do you folks keep bringing it up then? It just shows who the real cry babies are.

I feel the skit is too obvious with who the are making fun of, they had a black dude in the skit, and they used a Kanye West song where they replaced the n-word with ninja. Lets be honest here, these people did not make this skit thinking "this could be applied to anyone". You can tell they're intent was to mock African Americans
I feel Like everyone missed the point of this video by a mile. Lemme break it down to you ignorant fools aiight?

Get into an Asian point of view and think, we as Asians was never able to use the N word because we weren't black. So it became an internet trend as well as a reality trend to replace the N word with the word ninja as an alternative. Now the folks who made this video, made a play on this word/trend, and said "hey, us Asians are the real ninjas, If black folks could claim the N word then we could claim the word ninja". It was simply a play on the word. Those stereotypes thrown in were harmless jokes, same way you'd joke with your homies of different descent. I can tell most of y'all don't have Asian friends. We're chills people. I hope this opened some eyes.

It's really ridiculous how many of y'all is reachin. I posted this video with intent of some LULz I didn't even think anyone would turn this into a racial thing. SMH

l. LOL how does that show my ignorance. You said people all over the world don't have a favorable view of black people. Then you proceed to give an example of black people robbing and stealing as if to make and excuse as to why that is. I proceed to tell you that, many Asian people who hate black people have never had an encounter with black people in their lives. This goes for all forms of racism. Racism is built on assumptions and stereotypes of another people, irregardless of whether you've had an unfavorable encounter with them or not.

Asian people are just as racist and ignorant as any other group. Saying black people are the "real" racist is you clearly expressing your deeply seeded hatred for them. You're basically making the type of arguments a KKK member from Alabama would make to save face.

2. Every immigrant group in this country has been through some hardships, and I commend a lot of them for overcoming it. But 400+ years of systematic, and institutionalized racism. People being stripped of their culture, bred like cattle, and raped for centuries is a big tougher than what the Chinese have been through in this country. I know for a fact that I couldn't have been no slave, I'd commit that early. Hypothetically speaking If I had to choose, knowing what I know about what the Chinese went through in this country. I would gladly take that.

Good try tho, if you got hate in your heart let it out. Just stop making stupid excuses.
Nah son I can't be racist....I been shot at, I play ball and I eat at this fried chicken joint.

A lot of Asians and other people around the world don't like black family been robbed and stabbed. That's probably why.

I just wanna study the black man in his natural habitat, to see why he is the way he is.

Nah son I can't be racist....I been shot at, I play ball and I eat at this fried chicken joint.

A lot of Asians and other people around the world don't like black family been robbed and stabbed. That's probably why.

I just wanna study the black man in his natural habitat, to see why he is the way he is.

Nah son I can't be racist....I been shot at, I play ball and I eat at this fried chicken joint.

A lot of Asians and other people around the world don't like black family been robbed and stabbed. That's probably why.

Nah son I can't be racist....I been shot at, I play ball and I eat at this fried chicken joint.

A lot of Asians and other people around the world don't like black family been robbed and stabbed. That's probably why.

I can't believe you guys wasted so much time debating over something like this.  If a comedian made these same jokes, it wouldn't be an issue. The people who made this video are clowns, comedians, meant to be funny.
Check out Russell Peters on Def Comedy Jam and tell me he did not have to get like 2454 black people to co-sign his piece before performing it. 
I can't believe you guys wasted so much time debating over something like this.  If a comedian made these same jokes, it wouldn't be an issue. The people who made this video are clowns, comedians, meant to be funny.
Check out Russell Peters on Def Comedy Jam and tell me he did not have to get like 2454 black people to co-sign his piece before performing it. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Nah son I can't be racist....I been shot at, I play ball and I eat at this fried chicken joint.

A lot of Asians and other people around the world don't like black family been robbed and stabbed. That's probably why.

Guess I'll let my hate spew out then, you made a good point. Those damn monkeys held my dad at gun point and put my mother in the hospital. They don't want to go to school, they don't want to work but they wanna spend money. My cousin's got jumped for helping another china-man that was getting robbed. So death to them too. To the ninjas that robbed my aunt in the lower east side Death to them and their descendants. If you have friends or family that's in the crack game, wielding pistols and not giving a f about the law. Death to them too. This is what y'all wanna hear right? So be it. To the Animals that pistol whipped my aunt and uncle in the home invasion and poured boiling water on my aunt. Death to their families and their distant families. Y'all don't want friends, y'all want enemies. This is what ya'll want! People like me want no violence or racism but I guess y'all don't share the same vision as me. To all the ninjas that called me ching chong on my way home death to them too. To all my classmates that I beat up in school for saying pork fried rice in my face stay in the hood and sell your nickel and dime bags. To all these ignorant people I hope y'all get curb stomped word to american history X. This is what y'all want. Y'all like enemies so lets make the biggest population in this world your enemies.

Death to lil wayne, Gucci Mane, Wack Flocka, Soulja boy and all those lames if you think living in the hood is cool curb stomp yourself.

Y'all put me in this corner. The anger y'all brought out in me, I started this thread with no intent of this. The day Asians start doing home invasions, robberies, selling crack and shooting innocent by standers, I'll let y'all say w.e y'all want about Asians cuz at that point theres no reason for me to continue living as an Asian. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Nah son I can't be racist....I been shot at, I play ball and I eat at this fried chicken joint.

A lot of Asians and other people around the world don't like black family been robbed and stabbed. That's probably why.

Guess I'll let my hate spew out then, you made a good point. Those damn monkeys held my dad at gun point and put my mother in the hospital. They don't want to go to school, they don't want to work but they wanna spend money. My cousin's got jumped for helping another china-man that was getting robbed. So death to them too. To the ninjas that robbed my aunt in the lower east side Death to them and their descendants. If you have friends or family that's in the crack game, wielding pistols and not giving a f about the law. Death to them too. This is what y'all wanna hear right? So be it. To the Animals that pistol whipped my aunt and uncle in the home invasion and poured boiling water on my aunt. Death to their families and their distant families. Y'all don't want friends, y'all want enemies. This is what ya'll want! People like me want no violence or racism but I guess y'all don't share the same vision as me. To all the ninjas that called me ching chong on my way home death to them too. To all my classmates that I beat up in school for saying pork fried rice in my face stay in the hood and sell your nickel and dime bags. To all these ignorant people I hope y'all get curb stomped word to american history X. This is what y'all want. Y'all like enemies so lets make the biggest population in this world your enemies.

Death to lil wayne, Gucci Mane, Wack Flocka, Soulja boy and all those lames if you think living in the hood is cool curb stomp yourself.

Y'all put me in this corner. The anger y'all brought out in me, I started this thread with no intent of this. The day Asians start doing home invasions, robberies, selling crack and shooting innocent by standers, I'll let y'all say w.e y'all want about Asians cuz at that point theres no reason for me to continue living as an Asian. 
Originally Posted by Powfo

I can't believe you guys wasted so much time debating over something like this.  If a comedian made these same jokes, it wouldn't be an issue. The people who made this video are clowns, comedians, meant to be funny.
Check out Russell Peters on Def Comedy Jam and tell me he did not have to get like 2454 black people to co-sign his piece before performing it. 
Honestly, I have no problem with this type of comedy. It's OPs comments while he was defending himself that have me worried. I said earlier it is funny (especially the part were the actual ninja came out), but I see how people can be offended.

Originally Posted by Powfo

I can't believe you guys wasted so much time debating over something like this.  If a comedian made these same jokes, it wouldn't be an issue. The people who made this video are clowns, comedians, meant to be funny.
Check out Russell Peters on Def Comedy Jam and tell me he did not have to get like 2454 black people to co-sign his piece before performing it. 
Honestly, I have no problem with this type of comedy. It's OPs comments while he was defending himself that have me worried. I said earlier it is funny (especially the part were the actual ninja came out), but I see how people can be offended.

Right, like I would truly want to live with and "observe" these animals like a science project, I ain't white.

How about we do a poll on Crimes that was done to NT'ers and their family and everyone post the race of the offender, are you too scared to see the results? How about we do a poll on every NT'er that been in a car accident and post the race of the other person. I'm confident the majority of the answers ain't gonna be Asian drivers, but I beg to differ about the first poll.
Black folks are so quick to play the race card It's amazing.
So let me ask you this…do the black people that you live with in the hood know that you consider them to be animals? 
You sure you aren't racist?

So now only black people commit crimes?
No I wouldn't be afraid to see the results because for every statistic you show me of black people perpetrating crimes I could find some that show evidence that whites, asians, hispanics etc. commit similar crimes. Crime data is biased and doesn't report the reasons why blacks and latinos are depicted as more likely to commit crimes. Blacks actually don't commit more crimes than any other race they're just targeted more by law enforcement and are also more likely to be prosecuted by the biased judicial system because most can't afford adequate legal representation. It's also more of a socio-economic issue than a race issue. Poorer people commit more petty crimes than people who are of a higher socio-economic status and because of systematic and institutionalized racism many blacks and latinos are relegated to living in low income neighborhoods where they'd be more likely to rob, steal, kill in order to survive.

You generalizing and assuming that every NTer who's ever been a victim of some crime is gonna say that the perpetrator was black proves that you are in fact a racist because you're perpetuating your unconscious view that all black people are criminals. The negative Asian bad driver stereotype pails in comparison to the countless negative stereotypes that black people are forced to deal with, sorry to break it to you. I'm tired of Asians using that example as a way to discredit black people when we try to educate the few ignorant people who don't understand how hurtful some of these negative stereotypes about our race can be.

I got the intention of the video but it was in poor taste they took it too far with some of the stereotypes that they chose to showcase in order to make their "statement". It was offensive because it was done to get a laugh at the expense of black people (asians doing black face…sooooo hilarious).
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