Ninja Say What?!

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^Your insecurities and generalizations are going to be your downfall. This is just as bad as black people who assume all white people are out to get them. I have many very good asian friends. My best friend in med school right now is Asian.

There are Asian, many Asians that harbor racist feelings against black folks (as evidenced in this thread), on the other hand there are those that are understanding, open-minded, accepting of black people and most importantly don't generalized. You shouldn't judge a whole group of people based on your personal experiences.

Innocent black people/ store owners/ hard-working people in your neighborhood are going through the same frustrations your are. You aint special.
The thing is you guys kept calling me out on me, cornered me into saying the things I said. It's like that's what you guys wanted to hear so I'm just satisfying y'all. About 4 years ago when most of these crimes happened I harbored some STRONG hate and I mean STRONG hate for black folks on some real KKK tip. I was about 15 at the time so I was pretty ignorant to how the world was. I wasn't really understanding of things and I just knew It was the black skin people that was committing these crimes, but in the last 4 years I have gotten older and more mature and these feelings went away and it became less of a black thing and more of a hood thing. It was ghetto folks that were doing this and I stopped looking at black folks the same way, and became more understanding. As for you guys attacking me as a person, I'd tell you right now I ain't gonna go out like virginia tech. When I become a multi millionaire entrepreneur Ima come back and rub it in y'all faces.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^Your insecurities and generalizations are going to be your downfall. This is just as bad as black people who assume all white people are out to get them. I have many very good asian friends. My best friend in med school right now is Asian.

There are Asian, many Asians that harbor racist feelings against black folks (as evidenced in this thread), on the other hand there are those that are understanding, open-minded, accepting of black people and most importantly don't generalized. You shouldn't judge a whole group of people based on your personal experiences.

Innocent black people/ store owners/ hard-working people in your neighborhood are going through the same frustrations your are. You aint special.
The thing is you guys kept calling me out on me, cornered me into saying the things I said. It's like that's what you guys wanted to hear so I'm just satisfying y'all. About 4 years ago when most of these crimes happened I harbored some STRONG hate and I mean STRONG hate for black folks on some real KKK tip. I was about 15 at the time so I was pretty ignorant to how the world was. I wasn't really understanding of things and I just knew It was the black skin people that was committing these crimes, but in the last 4 years I have gotten older and more mature and these feelings went away and it became less of a black thing and more of a hood thing. It was ghetto folks that were doing this and I stopped looking at black folks the same way, and became more understanding. As for you guys attacking me as a person, I'd tell you right now I ain't gonna go out like virginia tech. When I become a multi millionaire entrepreneur Ima come back and rub it in y'all faces.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You're mad at your hand in life, not at "black  white people".


You are the white Dipset General. You post nothing but stupid s_.

Well, actually I'm Mexican-American
Merely pointing out the hypocrisy  of  you  telling someone their  problems  don't  stem  from a race of people, yet  you  seem  to always  want  to  put the blame on whites

Trying to maturely, intelligently and honestly discuss the root of our socio-economic problems, which lead to hurtful outburst like not "putting the blame on whites".

I'm fully aware of the nature of the world and the realities of history. That's why I don't bite my tongue to speak about the role that "whites" have played and I don't hold back from roasting self hating "black" clowns like Anton, either.

You stay trolling in racial discussions, posting nonsensical one liners but scared to speak your probably harbor the same feelings as OP.

What led you to that conclusion? While   my best friend may not be  black I surely  don't  have  reason  to hate  a group  of    people. As for the reason I come in with one-liners , it's  because  the majority of threads  about race on this forum  are a joke. My only hope is my posts  beat  a collage  of pictures.
Wish you could learn from Anton rather than attack him.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You're mad at your hand in life, not at "black  white people".


You are the white Dipset General. You post nothing but stupid s_.

Well, actually I'm Mexican-American
Merely pointing out the hypocrisy  of  you  telling someone their  problems  don't  stem  from a race of people, yet  you  seem  to always  want  to  put the blame on whites

Trying to maturely, intelligently and honestly discuss the root of our socio-economic problems, which lead to hurtful outburst like not "putting the blame on whites".

I'm fully aware of the nature of the world and the realities of history. That's why I don't bite my tongue to speak about the role that "whites" have played and I don't hold back from roasting self hating "black" clowns like Anton, either.

You stay trolling in racial discussions, posting nonsensical one liners but scared to speak your probably harbor the same feelings as OP.

What led you to that conclusion? While   my best friend may not be  black I surely  don't  have  reason  to hate  a group  of    people. As for the reason I come in with one-liners , it's  because  the majority of threads  about race on this forum  are a joke. My only hope is my posts  beat  a collage  of pictures.
Wish you could learn from Anton rather than attack him.
Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^Your insecurities and generalizations are going to be your downfall. This is just as bad as black people who assume all white people are out to get them. I have many very good asian friends. My best friend in med school right now is Asian.

There are Asian, many Asians that harbor racist feelings against black folks (as evidenced in this thread), on the other hand there are those that are understanding, open-minded, accepting of black people and most importantly don't generalized. You shouldn't judge a whole group of people based on your personal experiences.

Innocent black people/ store owners/ hard-working people in your neighborhood are going through the same frustrations your are. You aint special.
The thing is you guys kept calling me out on me, cornered me into saying the things I said. It's like that's what you guys wanted to hear so I'm just satisfying y'all. About 4 years ago when most of these crimes happened I harbored some STRONG hate and I mean STRONG hate for black folks on some real KKK tip. I was about 15 at the time so I was pretty ignorant to how the world was. I wasn't really understanding of things and I just knew It was the black skin people that was committing these crimes, but in the last 4 years I have gotten older and more mature and these feelings went away and it became less of a black thing and more of a hood thing. It was ghetto folks that were doing this and I stopped looking at black folks the same way, and became more understanding. As for you guys attacking me as a person, I'd tell you right now I ain't gonna go out like virginia tech. When I become a multi millionaire entrepreneur Ima come back and rub it in y'all faces.

Oh so you got angry and went on a rant that would make Mel Gibson blush?

Aite I think I'm done here.

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^Your insecurities and generalizations are going to be your downfall. This is just as bad as black people who assume all white people are out to get them. I have many very good asian friends. My best friend in med school right now is Asian.

There are Asian, many Asians that harbor racist feelings against black folks (as evidenced in this thread), on the other hand there are those that are understanding, open-minded, accepting of black people and most importantly don't generalized. You shouldn't judge a whole group of people based on your personal experiences.

Innocent black people/ store owners/ hard-working people in your neighborhood are going through the same frustrations your are. You aint special.
The thing is you guys kept calling me out on me, cornered me into saying the things I said. It's like that's what you guys wanted to hear so I'm just satisfying y'all. About 4 years ago when most of these crimes happened I harbored some STRONG hate and I mean STRONG hate for black folks on some real KKK tip. I was about 15 at the time so I was pretty ignorant to how the world was. I wasn't really understanding of things and I just knew It was the black skin people that was committing these crimes, but in the last 4 years I have gotten older and more mature and these feelings went away and it became less of a black thing and more of a hood thing. It was ghetto folks that were doing this and I stopped looking at black folks the same way, and became more understanding. As for you guys attacking me as a person, I'd tell you right now I ain't gonna go out like virginia tech. When I become a multi millionaire entrepreneur Ima come back and rub it in y'all faces.

Oh so you got angry and went on a rant that would make Mel Gibson blush?

Aite I think I'm done here.

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

The funny thing Is I'm the complete opposite of what you posted, If you met me and engaged in conversation with me you'd be like damn this dude is f-ing chills that's most peoples first impression of me. I don't want to say I'm not a racist because no one in this thread will believe me. I love black folks anyone that knows me knows I do. I just don't like thugs, goons and gangsters but like someone earlier said this is all I see so my perception of black folks is skewed. Which there is truth to. When I say the black people and animals I refered to in this post was the gangsters, criminals, thugs and goons that commited the crimes against my family. I don't have a hate for Black folks. If you don't believe me so be it. I'm not insecure and gonna argue with you on how not racist I am.

Do y'all know anything about the Hong Kong band Beyond? This song speaks about racism in South Africa, Nelson Mandela and all that jazz. Asians love black folks but it seems black folks got something against us. If y'all could spread the love for us we could spread the love for y'all It's that simple. Stop saying Asians are racist against black folks. Cuz if you were in their shoes and you came from Asia and these guys are in the building lobby everyday playing dice, drinking, smoking and pistol wielding. You'll be racist against them too and don't even lie about that.
You could have came off like that earlier homie but I have constantly seen you make nasty racist remarks about "blacks" on NT. Its clear that you harbor a lot of  seriously racist sentiment.

I love and respect Asian people and Asian culture but if I never took the time to find out the truth about your people and thought the same way that you think...I could easily buy into the stereotypes of the weak, passive and ignorant Asian that I constantly see displayed on television. I could hold hate in my heart towards your people due to Chinese oil companies being behind the deaths of millions of Africans in Sudan. I could harbor resentment for the Chinese restaurants and Korean markets, that routinely seek out impoverished black neighborhoods to preemptively prey on poverty fueled ignorance and desperation....but I know better.

I know that most Asians in the hood are struggling just like us, I know that many Asian immigrants are fleeing repressive third world conditions, just like my people, I know that Asians are a beautiful people just trying to make their way in this harsh capitalism world just like everyone else.

The problem between our communities stem from a lack of communication.Many Asians families and communities tend to be very isolationist, especially first wave immigrants. Poor Asian immigrants move next door to poor blacks but there is hardly enough interaction and camaraderie, creating a feeling of resentment on both sides. I have seen brothas in the hood straight up disrespect Asian store keepers and I have seen Chinese restaurant workers attempt to violate innocent children in extremely malicious ways. Its a cycle of ignorance on both sides and it all stems from shared poverty, media misrepresentation and lack of a proper multi-cultural education.

If you know the real and you know that black people are not like the stereotypes that you see on television, don't act like that. Don't lash out and add to the problem. Try to be a part of the solution. Try to help mend the wounds and rebuild the bridge between our communities,nations and peoples. That way we can both rise up from the detrimental situations that our respective people are stuck in.

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

The funny thing Is I'm the complete opposite of what you posted, If you met me and engaged in conversation with me you'd be like damn this dude is f-ing chills that's most peoples first impression of me. I don't want to say I'm not a racist because no one in this thread will believe me. I love black folks anyone that knows me knows I do. I just don't like thugs, goons and gangsters but like someone earlier said this is all I see so my perception of black folks is skewed. Which there is truth to. When I say the black people and animals I refered to in this post was the gangsters, criminals, thugs and goons that commited the crimes against my family. I don't have a hate for Black folks. If you don't believe me so be it. I'm not insecure and gonna argue with you on how not racist I am.

Do y'all know anything about the Hong Kong band Beyond? This song speaks about racism in South Africa, Nelson Mandela and all that jazz. Asians love black folks but it seems black folks got something against us. If y'all could spread the love for us we could spread the love for y'all It's that simple. Stop saying Asians are racist against black folks. Cuz if you were in their shoes and you came from Asia and these guys are in the building lobby everyday playing dice, drinking, smoking and pistol wielding. You'll be racist against them too and don't even lie about that.
You could have came off like that earlier homie but I have constantly seen you make nasty racist remarks about "blacks" on NT. Its clear that you harbor a lot of  seriously racist sentiment.

I love and respect Asian people and Asian culture but if I never took the time to find out the truth about your people and thought the same way that you think...I could easily buy into the stereotypes of the weak, passive and ignorant Asian that I constantly see displayed on television. I could hold hate in my heart towards your people due to Chinese oil companies being behind the deaths of millions of Africans in Sudan. I could harbor resentment for the Chinese restaurants and Korean markets, that routinely seek out impoverished black neighborhoods to preemptively prey on poverty fueled ignorance and desperation....but I know better.

I know that most Asians in the hood are struggling just like us, I know that many Asian immigrants are fleeing repressive third world conditions, just like my people, I know that Asians are a beautiful people just trying to make their way in this harsh capitalism world just like everyone else.

The problem between our communities stem from a lack of communication.Many Asians families and communities tend to be very isolationist, especially first wave immigrants. Poor Asian immigrants move next door to poor blacks but there is hardly enough interaction and camaraderie, creating a feeling of resentment on both sides. I have seen brothas in the hood straight up disrespect Asian store keepers and I have seen Chinese restaurant workers attempt to violate innocent children in extremely malicious ways. Its a cycle of ignorance on both sides and it all stems from shared poverty, media misrepresentation and lack of a proper multi-cultural education.

If you know the real and you know that black people are not like the stereotypes that you see on television, don't act like that. Don't lash out and add to the problem. Try to be a part of the solution. Try to help mend the wounds and rebuild the bridge between our communities,nations and peoples. That way we can both rise up from the detrimental situations that our respective people are stuck in.

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

The funny thing Is I'm the complete opposite of what you posted, If you met me and engaged in conversation with me you'd be like damn this dude is f-ing chills that's most peoples first impression of me. I don't want to say I'm not a racist because no one in this thread will believe me. I love black folks anyone that knows me knows I do. I just don't like thugs, goons and gangsters but like someone earlier said this is all I see so my perception of black folks is skewed. Which there is truth to. When I say the black people and animals I refered to in this post was the gangsters, criminals, thugs and goons that commited the crimes against my family. I don't have a hate for Black folks. If you don't believe me so be it. I'm not insecure and gonna argue with you on how not racist I am.

Do y'all know anything about the Hong Kong band Beyond? This song speaks about racism in South Africa, Nelson Mandela and all that jazz. Asians love black folks but it seems black folks got something against us. If y'all could spread the love for us we could spread the love for y'all It's that simple. Stop saying Asians are racist against black folks. Cuz if you were in their shoes and you came from Asia and these guys are in the building lobby everyday playing dice, drinking, smoking and pistol wielding. You'll be racist against them too and don't even lie about that.
You could have came off like that earlier homie but I have constantly seen you make nasty racist remarks about "blacks" on NT. Its clear that you harbor a lot of� seriously racist sentiment.

I love and respect Asian people and Asian culture but if I never took the time to find out the truth about your people and thought the same way that you think...I could easily buy� into the stereotypes of the weak, passive and ignorant Asian that I constantly see displayed on television. I could hold hate in my heart towards your people due to Chinese oil companies being behind the deaths of millions of Africans in Sudan. I could harbor resentment for the Chinese restaurants and Korean markets, that routinely seek out impoverished black neighborhoods to preemptively prey on poverty fueled ignorance and desperation....but I know better.

I know that most Asians in the hood are struggling just like us, I know that many Asian immigrants are fleeing repressive third world conditions, just like my people, I know that Asians are a beautiful people just trying to make their way in this harsh capitalism world just like everyone else.

The problem between our communities stem from a lack of communication.Many Asians families and communities tend to be very isolationist, especially first wave immigrants. Poor Asian immigrants move next door to poor blacks but there is hardly enough interaction and camaraderie, creating a feeling of resentment on both sides. I have seen brothas in the hood straight up disrespect Asian store keepers and I have seen Chinese restaurant workers attempt to violate innocent children in extremely malicious ways. Its a cycle of ignorance on both sides and it all stems from shared poverty, media misrepresentation and lack of a proper multi-cultural education.

If you know the real and you know that black people are not like the stereotypes that you see on television, don't act like that. Don't lash out and add to the problem. Try to be a part of the solution. Try to help mend the wounds and rebuild the bridge between our communities,nations and peoples. That way we can both rise up from the detrimental situations that our respective people are stuck in.


Respect from one Haze to another Haze.

Anton please leave my thread you ain't about that life, you're fulla of BS. You're a fake. I have no respect for people like. F-ing scumbag.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

The funny thing Is I'm the complete opposite of what you posted, If you met me and engaged in conversation with me you'd be like damn this dude is f-ing chills that's most peoples first impression of me. I don't want to say I'm not a racist because no one in this thread will believe me. I love black folks anyone that knows me knows I do. I just don't like thugs, goons and gangsters but like someone earlier said this is all I see so my perception of black folks is skewed. Which there is truth to. When I say the black people and animals I refered to in this post was the gangsters, criminals, thugs and goons that commited the crimes against my family. I don't have a hate for Black folks. If you don't believe me so be it. I'm not insecure and gonna argue with you on how not racist I am.

Do y'all know anything about the Hong Kong band Beyond? This song speaks about racism in South Africa, Nelson Mandela and all that jazz. Asians love black folks but it seems black folks got something against us. If y'all could spread the love for us we could spread the love for y'all It's that simple. Stop saying Asians are racist against black folks. Cuz if you were in their shoes and you came from Asia and these guys are in the building lobby everyday playing dice, drinking, smoking and pistol wielding. You'll be racist against them too and don't even lie about that.
You could have came off like that earlier homie but I have constantly seen you make nasty racist remarks about "blacks" on NT. Its clear that you harbor a lot of� seriously racist sentiment.

I love and respect Asian people and Asian culture but if I never took the time to find out the truth about your people and thought the same way that you think...I could easily buy� into the stereotypes of the weak, passive and ignorant Asian that I constantly see displayed on television. I could hold hate in my heart towards your people due to Chinese oil companies being behind the deaths of millions of Africans in Sudan. I could harbor resentment for the Chinese restaurants and Korean markets, that routinely seek out impoverished black neighborhoods to preemptively prey on poverty fueled ignorance and desperation....but I know better.

I know that most Asians in the hood are struggling just like us, I know that many Asian immigrants are fleeing repressive third world conditions, just like my people, I know that Asians are a beautiful people just trying to make their way in this harsh capitalism world just like everyone else.

The problem between our communities stem from a lack of communication.Many Asians families and communities tend to be very isolationist, especially first wave immigrants. Poor Asian immigrants move next door to poor blacks but there is hardly enough interaction and camaraderie, creating a feeling of resentment on both sides. I have seen brothas in the hood straight up disrespect Asian store keepers and I have seen Chinese restaurant workers attempt to violate innocent children in extremely malicious ways. Its a cycle of ignorance on both sides and it all stems from shared poverty, media misrepresentation and lack of a proper multi-cultural education.

If you know the real and you know that black people are not like the stereotypes that you see on television, don't act like that. Don't lash out and add to the problem. Try to be a part of the solution. Try to help mend the wounds and rebuild the bridge between our communities,nations and peoples. That way we can both rise up from the detrimental situations that our respective people are stuck in.


Respect from one Haze to another Haze.

Anton please leave my thread you ain't about that life, you're fulla of BS. You're a fake. I have no respect for people like. F-ing scumbag.
Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Then how come all my family members only get robbed and hurt by black people and no body else? Why is it when I'm walking in the streets I only get harassed by blacks? I dont care what statistics is like I only care about what i seen and experienced. So yes Blacks do, do the most crimes and I'll stand by that till I die, because I have had more experience and occasions where It's blacks as opposed to Asian, White, Hispanic. If you really care about racism so much and how black people are viewed, why don't you get off your butt, find a job, be a dad to your kids, pay the bills and tell the same thing to your brothas and make a change word to Tupac? It's cool when y'all say ching chong to us but it's not cool when we speak ebonix
all of y'all curb stomp yourself.
Right, so now we're all jobless, irresponsible dead beat fathers.
The reason why your family is being robbed by black people and no body else is probably because you live in a predominately black neighborhood genius. If I lived in China and I got robbed would it be fair for me to think all Asian people all over the world are thieves who are out to get me? You're looking at your circumstances and a few isolated incidents and making a general assumption about the character and integrity of all black people, you'd be better off just saying "I hate all black people for no reason." then to try and justify it by saying you hate black people because the ones in your neighborhood harass you and rob you…man up, fight back, your a victim because your frail. That's not every black person in the worlds fault so don't take it out on us.  

The ninja/n-word thing isn't funny and I'm tired of people who aren't black trying to point out whatever double standards they feel exist with the use of the n word. For centuries other races have continuously co-opted and exploited black culture despite our protesting and disapproval all while denying us basic human rights. Excuse us for not finding it funny when people try and make a mockery of our desire to not be referred to as n---as or n---ers. You don't understand the history of the word your coming up during a time when it may seem acceptable so you don't understand why you can't use it but videos like the one posted aren't going to make us suddenly give yall a pass. It wasn't cool to be a n----a when we were getting whipped and beatin or having fire hoses and dogs turned on us but now that black culture is considered lucrative it's suddenly convenient to be a n----a. When I'm walking down the street minding my own business and the police stop me and harass me for no reason I don't get to pick and choose when I get to be a n---a, when I'm in a store and being followed around by the people that work there it doesn't matter how many degrees I have or what car I drive to them I'm still a n---a. So it's all fun and games for you guys to sit around callin each other n----as but when you go out into the world you get the luxury of not having to worry about being discriminated against and treated like a n---a by society. I don't care how hood you are don't call me a !%%@!/ninja or any other variation of the word if I don't know, you don't have to understand why it's offense just don't do it.
Originally Posted by HoisanDoiXHaze

Then how come all my family members only get robbed and hurt by black people and no body else? Why is it when I'm walking in the streets I only get harassed by blacks? I dont care what statistics is like I only care about what i seen and experienced. So yes Blacks do, do the most crimes and I'll stand by that till I die, because I have had more experience and occasions where It's blacks as opposed to Asian, White, Hispanic. If you really care about racism so much and how black people are viewed, why don't you get off your butt, find a job, be a dad to your kids, pay the bills and tell the same thing to your brothas and make a change word to Tupac? It's cool when y'all say ching chong to us but it's not cool when we speak ebonix
all of y'all curb stomp yourself.
Right, so now we're all jobless, irresponsible dead beat fathers.
The reason why your family is being robbed by black people and no body else is probably because you live in a predominately black neighborhood genius. If I lived in China and I got robbed would it be fair for me to think all Asian people all over the world are thieves who are out to get me? You're looking at your circumstances and a few isolated incidents and making a general assumption about the character and integrity of all black people, you'd be better off just saying "I hate all black people for no reason." then to try and justify it by saying you hate black people because the ones in your neighborhood harass you and rob you…man up, fight back, your a victim because your frail. That's not every black person in the worlds fault so don't take it out on us.  

The ninja/n-word thing isn't funny and I'm tired of people who aren't black trying to point out whatever double standards they feel exist with the use of the n word. For centuries other races have continuously co-opted and exploited black culture despite our protesting and disapproval all while denying us basic human rights. Excuse us for not finding it funny when people try and make a mockery of our desire to not be referred to as n---as or n---ers. You don't understand the history of the word your coming up during a time when it may seem acceptable so you don't understand why you can't use it but videos like the one posted aren't going to make us suddenly give yall a pass. It wasn't cool to be a n----a when we were getting whipped and beatin or having fire hoses and dogs turned on us but now that black culture is considered lucrative it's suddenly convenient to be a n----a. When I'm walking down the street minding my own business and the police stop me and harass me for no reason I don't get to pick and choose when I get to be a n---a, when I'm in a store and being followed around by the people that work there it doesn't matter how many degrees I have or what car I drive to them I'm still a n---a. So it's all fun and games for you guys to sit around callin each other n----as but when you go out into the world you get the luxury of not having to worry about being discriminated against and treated like a n---a by society. I don't care how hood you are don't call me a !%%@!/ninja or any other variation of the word if I don't know, you don't have to understand why it's offense just don't do it.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Serious question: Is English your second language?
Are you asking this because I told you I was  part Mexican-American? Arghh my people can't catch a break can they.

Nah, im asking because of the stuff that you post. Like that failed attempt at a joke/insult about the Jets that you dropped in S&T last night.

You sound like you don't really have a firm grasp on the English language, either that or you're young.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Serious question: Is English your second language?
Are you asking this because I told you I was  part Mexican-American? Arghh my people can't catch a break can they.

Nah, im asking because of the stuff that you post. Like that failed attempt at a joke/insult about the Jets that you dropped in S&T last night.

You sound like you don't really have a firm grasp on the English language, either that or you're young.
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