Nintendo Thread: Nintendo Direct Mini 03/26/2020

Which Pokémon game will you be buying?

  • Let's Go Pikachu!

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • Let's Go Eevee!

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Both!

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • None!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • O.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nintendo keep playing like it's still 1999

Papis got YouTube on a 2ds but not on a switch at launch?
Anyone here nab the limited edition of Breath of the Wild?

Limited = master sword
Special = no master sword

I tried to. Here's where I ran into a problem.

It was live on Amazon and Best Buy for a really short time LATE last Thursday night. I decided to wait to physically pre-order it in the morning at my local Gamestop so I could pick it and the system up on March 3rd.

I ended up being first in line Friday morning. While I was standing in line I checked my phone repeatedly and it was still up on Gamestop but nowhere else. 10AM came and they let us in, and waited until THEN to tell us that they wouldn't be taking pre-orders on the Master Edition. Literally while I was at the register getting out my cash for the deposit, I popped onto the Gamestop site and got the dreaded black Add To Cart button on the Master Edition indicating that they sold out online. So I pre-ordered the Special Edition in-store instead.

I went out to my car and checked eBay out of curiosity, and literally dozens of parasite resellers had their Master Edition pre-orders listed already, asking generally in the neighborhood of $500 per unit. For a $130 set. It was disgusting.

I haven't seen ONE Master Edition pop up on any retail sites AT ALL since then. I mainly wanted either one of the special edition sets for the Switch case, so I wouldn't have to go out of my way to get a case separately. If no Master Editions ever pop back up again for retail it's not too big of a deal because I'll end up getting the case anyway. But I'd be dead before I spend $500 on one just to get the sword statue.

What was most annoying, though, is being a hardcore Zelda megafan of 30 plus years and going back home that day to see Reggie proclaim in the IGN video, "For the hardcore Zelda fan, THIS (the Master Edition) is the set you want. And THOSE fans are going to do what it takes to get this." Well I tried, Reggie, but still came up short.

Now I realize there were preorders online and I chose to wait until I got to the store thinking that was a viable option, so in that regard the fact that I missed out is on me. But maybe if Nintendo and their retail partners didn't have such convoluted ways of handling pre-orders, i.e. opening them in the middle of the night for most people across America, then more of us would've at least had a better shot before the parasites snapped them all up. It's annoying af, and one of the things that drives me up the wall about Nintendo. Even if not intentionally, they leave a bad taste in the mouths of LOTS of long time customers with experiences like this.

Again, not the end of the world. I would have liked to give the statue to my daughter, seeing that Zelda games are one of our favorite shared interests in general, but at least nothing Nintendo does can ruin that for the two of us. But many of Nintendo's practices are about the farthest one can think of from the idea of "customer friendliness," and you'd think they would be extremely aware of trying not to alienate potential buyers of a major brand new game, system, or both. But whatever.

BTW - One last thing. I find it inexcusable that they've been developing it for 4 or 5 years, yet Switch Zelda still maxes out at only 900p on the TV. And I wonder, will we EVER get a true fully HD Zelda in my lifetime?
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Yea they lifted mines. Canceled/delayed?

I checked my order and it still says it's preordered so I'm thinking it was just a extended hold of some kind. Wonder if it means for instore pickups you have to use the same card, and I'm sure some people will forget and think they got charged twice or something come release time.
Best Buy initially charges your account but after about a week they lift the hold. They'll charge once again before shipping. I believe they do this to stop people being from scalping.


He aint lyin [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Yea, straight ether. And he's right. So many things that should've had at launch and they dropped the ball. Thing is, if you didn't preorder, as time goes on, you might even consider not getting it. Only reason I'm even still considering at this point is for Mario, but I'm def gon by 3rd party controllers if I can.
Pre orders can always be cancelled. I'm 50/50 on this thing. Nintendo games are great but not having a pack in game option, price of accessories, and the online services are bad. Ain't nobody paying full price for 1-2 switch.

Still got a month or so we'll see how it plays out
System will be straight there not going to make the same mistake twice as they did with the Wii U. They have plenty of time to configure the online befire next holiday. I don't think people understand the whole app thing. It's really Probly going to be a good thing moving into the future. Everybody is already on there phone 24/7 so why not be connected to your friends so you can see who's online when your not actually on the system.. most games can build in there own party chats and multiplayer stuff anyway. Sounds like a lot of people are hating because they already have a Xbox or PS4 and are Probly to broke to cop the new system. What is 400$ anyway Zelda and mk8 alone are worth that price to me.
Yea 400 can buy a lot of random stuff but for a console/portable you can get 100s of hours of gaming out of how is that not worth it?
It ain't so much that people are scared to spend $400. It's the fact that you can buy a PS4/X1 for ~$250. Those consoles already have established libraries, multimedia apps, blu ray player, chat via the console, offer 2 free games that you can KEEP as long your subscription is current etc. Right now all the Switch is offering is Zelda on the go.

For the record I'm getting the Switch but I can understand why it's getting so much flack.


This video is the reason why I hate gaming "journalism." For everything he says, Sony and Microsoft have done at gets a pass for. Launching a system with little to no exclusive must own titles is something all three have done. Ports from titles you can easily get on last gen hardware shouldn't be the one thing that made PS4 and Microsoft launches superior. Having Zelda at launch along with 4-5 huge exclusives within the first 8-9 months of the systems life is huge, yet he dismisses it.

As for third party, the Switch is getting a lot more 3rd party the Wii U ever got. All Japanese studios are on board along with a huge number of indie developers. This support is what made the 3DS a success after it's slow start. All this doom and gloom over the Switch is unwarranted. Sure there are some things to be concerned with, like the online, BUT to say it's not going to be a success is a bit pre-mature.

If the Switch has 3DS levels of success Nintendo did their job. It's a reason this thing is sold out all over the place. And no, it's not becasue of low numbers. Nintendo has a chance to outsell the PS4 at launch and can get great momentum with the way they have exclusives lines up until the holidays. Just sounds like he's catering the the Sony Microsoft fanboys to get clicks. People who want something different and want great games along with portability will be lined up to buy the Switch.
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It ain't so much that people are scared to spend $400. It's the fact that you can buy a PS4/X1 for ~$250. Those consoles already have established libraries, multimedia apps, blu ray player, chat via the console, offer 2 free games that you can KEEP as long your subscription is current etc. Right now all the Switch is offering is Zelda on the go.

For the record I'm getting the Switch but I can understand why it's getting so much flack.

This. For all the lack of success the Wii U had, you would think Nintendo would double down their efforts to make sure that they don't repeat the past, what they did was take some steps back. Chat via console is something gamers like and want, period. Bundles are becoming, if not already, cornerstones in how games are sold. Nintendo used to do bundles and may still in the future as of now, they're removing things that led to past success. They're moving like Apple w/ trying to change how things are w/o having the clout that Apple has.

Only thing keeping Nintendo afloat are their core titles in Mario and Zelda, best to license those out and stick to handheld systems.
It ain't so much that people are scared to spend $400. It's the fact that you can buy a PS4/X1 for ~$250. Those consoles already have established libraries, multimedia apps, blu ray player, chat via the console, offer 2 free games that you can KEEP as long your subscription is current etc. Right now all the Switch is offering is Zelda on the go.

For the record I'm getting the Switch but I can understand why it's getting so much flack.

This. For all the lack of success the Wii U had, you would think Nintendo would double down their efforts to make sure that they don't repeat the past, what they did was take some steps back. Chat via console is something gamers like and want, period. Bundles are becoming, if not already, cornerstones in how games are sold. Nintendo used to do bundles and may still in the future as of now, they're removing things that led to past success. They're moving like Apple w/ trying to change how things are w/o having the clout that Apple has.

Only thing keeping Nintendo afloat are their core titles in Mario and Zelda, best to license those out and stick to handheld systems.
For those complaining about the Switch being expensive, lets puts that into context.

The system itself is new hardware that can play console level graphics on the go and double as a home console. Not only that, it comes with a set a joy-con that is packed with expensive tech along with a grip and all the cables. Not only that, you can play multi-play out the box all for $300.

  • The PS Vita, a handheld with console level graphics launched at $300. No extra controller, no ability to play as console. Not nearly the same criticism Nintendo got.
  • PS4 launched at $399 and zero must have launch exclusives. No one batted an eye. Not to mention no way to play multi-player out the box, so right away you had to fork over $65 dollars. Consumers had to pay $455 to play games they could easily get on previous hardware.
  • Xbox One came out with $150 dollar controller packed full of new and expensive tech so. Not nearly he same level of criticism... it's all good.
  • Sony releases expensive VR for what $800. Controllers are $100?? The level of criticism is no where near as high.









Developers and many who've experiences the HD Rumble Nintendo is offering in the Joy-Con is comparable to what is offered in high end VR controllers. The pro-controller has this same functionality. Seems to me Nintendo is offering a lot of value in one package.
It ain't so much that people are scared to spend $400. It's the fact that you can buy a PS4/X1 for ~$250. Those consoles already have established libraries, multimedia apps, blu ray player, chat via the console, offer 2 free games that you can KEEP as long your subscription is current etc. Right now all the Switch is offering is Zelda on the go.

For the record I'm getting the Switch but I can understand why it's getting so much flack.

What was PS4 offering out the gate, besides better graphics? No one was scared after the PS3 didn't live up to previous consoles? Hell some would argue the PS4 still isn't living up to previous consoles. The PS3 had established libraries, apps, and FREE online.

There is a clear double standard here.
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It ain't so much that people are scared to spend $400. It's the fact that you can buy a PS4/X1 for ~$250. Those consoles already have established libraries, multimedia apps, blu ray player, chat via the console, offer 2 free games that you can KEEP as long your subscription is current etc. Right now all the Switch is offering is Zelda on the go.

For the record I'm getting the Switch but I can understand why it's getting so much flack.

What was PS4 offering out the gate, besides better graphics?? No one was scared after the PS3 didn't live up to previous consoles? Hell some would argue the PS4 still isn't living up to previous consoles.

There is a clear double standard here.
Killzone Shadow Fall and Knack both sold over 1M. Killzone is a well known franchise within the PlayStation ecosystem. PS4 also launched with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts, Madden, NBA 2K, FIFA and Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Yes those games were on previous hardware but had only launched about 2-3 months before. If PS4/X1 would have been available before November, they would have launched on all consoles simultaneously. Great 3rd party support fills in the gaps between great exclusives imo.

Switch is getting ports of games that came out years ago. Skyrim is 5 years old...FIVE!!! It's not even getting the Special Edition that just rereleased. After Zelda, what else is there? Splatoon 2 in July, August? That's a 5 month gap.
psvr is $400 and is actually one of the cheapest vr experiences outside of the clumsy phone offerings

but I don't see it as a double standard cause this is the nintendo thread so people are discussing their mishaps

not the other consoles

since gamecube I've only bought mario and mariokart for each new system

64 was the last real nintendo system that offered high quality games of all varieties

they used to focus solely on the games and gameplay but now they focus on selling the gimmick tied into their 4 breadwinners...mario, zelda, smash and kart

but I'm not mad at prices I'm mad at the lack of good games nintendo drops
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All the switch can hope to be the best at is being a great side console.

I personally don't care about all the features it lacks since, i'd rather find alternative solutions.

Nobody's asking the real question though.

Where's Pikmin 4?

Only reason to cop the switch is for nintendo games/experience.

Nintendo subliminally let's us know that with the way they talk about themselves.

"we make games that people want to keep" -reggie

"there will be a regular cadence of games" -reggie
PS4 was offering online features and community that were proven and some level predictability when it comes to games etc.

I understand that we are all Nintendo fans but why are y'all acting like Nintendo hasn't been somewhat of a toss up/gamble when it comes to these things?

Double standards? I am confused.
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No gamer has one console anymore. Nintendo isn't going to make a console that gives you the same as experience as something on the market.
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