NO BROOKLYN NETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 19, 2007
Atlantic Yards project in Brooklyn is dead, says its architect Frank Gehry BY JOTHAM SEDERSTROM DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Updated Tuesday, March 24th 2009, 6:49PM Rendering of aerial view of Bruce Ratner's proposed Atlantic yards development, which has been trapped in limbo for months and is likely dead, accordingto its architect, Frank Gehry. The multi-billion Atlantic Yards development in Brooklyn is dead, according to one who should know: the "starchitect"who was going to build it. Asked by a trade paper about "unrealized commissions" he most wishes had been built, famed 80-year-old architect FrankGehry brought up Atlantic Yards. "I don't think it's going to happen," he told the Architect's Newspaper in an interview publishedonline. The comment suggests the troubled relationship between Gehry and developer Bruce Ratner is over. "While Ratner's project is a big questionmark, it appears to be clear that his star architect - a key selling point for the project, its sponsors and Barclays bank - is no longer working on theproject," said Daniel Goldstein, a member of the anti-Yards group Develop Don't Destroy. Ratner's controversial $4.2 billion project has beenstalled because the bad economy has dried up financing. Gehry's Los Angeles-based design firm laid off all two dozen employees working on the AtlanticYards project in November. The sprawling project included a NBA basketball arena and five soaring Lego-like towers. A second phase of 11 towers, affordablehousing and public space was also planned but never finalized. Mayor Bloomberg this week suggested the project may still get built - but on a smaller scale andwithout Gehry. "It would be sad if Atlantic Yards gets built without the Gehry design, which would've been phenomenal for this city," Bloombergsaid. "I gather at this point it looks like that the only ways Ratner's going to get that done is to do it at a lower cost and not to do everything atthe same time."
I could care less the outcome (I'm in Brooklyn, if that matters) but wasn't there a thread a few days ago with info that said this was happening by2011?
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

good, didn't want that basketball team in my borough
The barclays took 8.5 billion from AIG for financing the sponsorship (yes bailout money)
Didn't some dude just post that the Brooklyn Nets thing would happen? Where's that post?
There is a clause in the contract that was signed from the previous owners that are still investors/owners in the team that if the stadium is not up by 2010 orconstruction dies out, then they can buy the team back from ratner for 150 billion (not at all what ratner payed for the team) and the two owners have saidthey will use the clause if anything happens.

Prudential in Newark would be the choice and the Izod Center/Continential/Brendenburgh whatever you feel like calling it can be knocked down. edit - yes therewas a post but this is from the daily news and what now seems like the former head architect. AIG screwed this whole thing up with the barclays.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Didn't some dude just post that the Brooklyn Nets thing would happen? Where's that post?
Yea first they called it off and just recently they said its gonna happen and now they are calling it off for good? I dont know what to believenow.
No one knows for sure but this project right now is dead in the water.

Some are saying that it may be something smaller, some are saying this 80 yr old architect is having a fallout with ratner.

Just know, 8.5 billion was given for the project by AIG from its bailout money.

And for all of those who say seattle gets first dibs, look what I wrote up above. The former Jersey ownership gets first rights and they said they would do it3 months ago and have been trying to buy back the team from ratner.
I cant be a fan of this team much longer, I think I'm crossing over to the Knicksfull time next year.
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