No Fap February 2013 vol: IN THE BOOKS. congrats to everyone!

Between the Michigan game about to start, work tomorrow, and the Superbowl.. I should be straight for the weekend. 8)

Sidenote..... GO BLUE!!!
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I'm a damn hornball and I haven't fapped since Jan 30th and I didn't have time get that last one in on the 31st. :smh:

Yesterday was extremely hard for me, woke up with morning wood and had a dream about smashing a chick I went to high school with. I had to find the strength within me to roll out of my bed and pee it out. But I'm still in here with you bros, I will not fail.
if you feel the urge, take a shower or clean your place. I cleaned my apt earlier and it took up a lot of time, also i personally hate chocking the chicken after i've showered. i feel like i deflower myself if i yank after showering
Im out....

Got yambs last night and this morning.

No yambs 2nite.

Had to relieve myself b4 work again in the morning...

good luck

Im pathetic I know.....
taken from reddit

Hey fellow fapstronauts, elder here who attempted an experiment after he got his 90.
After I hit 90, I felt a lack of motivation to continue the challenge. "I'm not feeling the effects, I wanna fap cause I haven't in a while, I can totally keep changing my life while fapping to porn, it's not that big of a difference."
So I stopped and decided to fap until I wanted to go back to NoFap, if ever. This time has come recently, but if there's one thing it has taught me, it has taught me that addiction is very strong.
You see, I forgot how strong of a hold it has on you. All of the sudden, I was relapsing like my first ever time at NoFap all over again. I forgot my own tips and tricks. So in finding my old notes from my 90 day challenge, I remembered what they are.

If you were feeling sufficient effects of no fap, but no longer do, this is because you have gotten used to being awesome. If you feel amazing for a long time, it will get mundane. So you need to spice it up or you will feel mediocre again. This leads to my first major tip, in no particular order:

-Work out. At least 3 times a week.
The thing with working out, is that so many people associate it with getting girls to like you. "Why would I work out so much", they say "I don't want to impress girls so much!". So they don't work out. Or the opposite side of the spectrum:
I workout because I wanna look good for the girls man.

That's not what working out should be for. That's not the guide to happiness. That's a guide to dependence. You should want to work out to improve your health, life, and to improve yourself. Nothing's more satisfying then looking in the mirror and liking the person you see. If you aren't comfortable with your body, you're not going to like the person you see. If you start working out, you're going to like the way you look. I guarantee it. This leads into the next one:
Erase your dependency. Especially on girls and sex.

The prevailing mentality on NoFap is dangerous. Very much so. I see posts all the times that say "I got girls man. NoFap is working perfectly!" Which is fine. Be happy, sure. What I also see is posts that say " I don't have superpowers, girls don't like me, this doesn't work."
NoFap is not a journey to get girls to touch your penis. It is a personal and spiritual journey in a lot of ways. If you are dependent on the love of girls, then you are setting yourself up for failure because girls will not ALWAYS want you. And when you **** up or get rejected, your grip on the challenge will falter. Listen:

Happiness isn't about girls. The moment you realize you can go on for the rest of your life unmarried but still happy is the moment you erase that dependence. The belief that sex is so important is one of the biggest reasons people relapse. Because they can't control their lust. Your testes will not explode if you don't jack off or **** something. You can be happy with yourself, by yourself. Be dependent on yourself. You don't need approval from anyone but yourself. And also, when you start believing this, girls tend to like you more because they can tell you aren't needy. How so? Because you don't act like this girl is quite possibly your only chance to **** for the rest of your life and you don't act like you can't blow this or it's all over. Become self reliant. And:

Become congruent.
There's a principle called Cognitive Dissonance in psychology. It's when you perceive something that sends two conflicting messages. When this happens, it really ***** your brain up because you can't tell what is true and what is false. Here's an example:
I wanna stay on NoFap, but at the same time I wanna jack off.
Two conflicting messages. Sad, mad, and conflicting thoughts are like weeds for your mental state. If not destroyed, they grow and **** up your mind. So, eliminate negative thoughts like that when you think them and let positive thoughts flow. This is also why dependence is painful.
If your belief is "I don't need girls" but you're getting depressed when you get rejected, or you say sex isn't necessary but you're scrolling through ******* edging, you're ******g yourself up. You're saying one thing, but doing another. And actions speak louder then words, so watch this carefully.

Don't edge. Period. Like the earlier weed analogy, edging is dissonance. And you will go too far. Because eventually edging won't feel good either, and you'll want to finish. As animals, we often go into sexual hazes when we get horny. Nothing snaps you out of this later then thinking about where this behavior will leave you. When you finish, you will feel bad and regret the 2 seconds pleasure. I promise you that. It's only when you look down and see you're covered in your semen that the true shame sets in and you regret your actions. It's playing Russian roulette. Every time you play you have a chance of losing everything you've worked hard for.

-Cold Showers. I'm not going to tell you your testosterone increases. But it kills urges really hard. And it makes you feel more awake. Good for morning rituals.

-Change your life. NoFap is energy. Lots of it. Use it to change your life. Learn a new hobby, pick up a new skill, work harder at your job, work out, get better grades. Make a constructive use of your time. Clearly, you're here for a reason. You don't like where you are now, probably. You will stay there until you choose to move. Either you whine or you climb. And the ladder is in front of you.

Stop complaining.
Complaining is the least constructive thing in the world. Not quite destructive, but almost as bad. Complaining is the act of not solving a problem, but whining about it. Wasting valuable time you could have used to solve it, and poisoning your mental state. It's unnecessary and destructive, so don't do it. How do you stop this?

Be optimistic. Look to the bright side of everything. Smile more. Be happy. It's been proven that if you smile, even if it's fake, it makes you feel better. You feel happy. If negative thoughts come up, eliminate them and replace them with positive thoughts. Traffic Jam? Chance to relax and listen to good music. If you know you're ****** or that you're going to be in trouble no matter what, who cares anymore? What use is there getting upset when there's nothing you can do to change it? Stop worrying. It's on par with complaining in terms of uselessness. Let positivity flow. Become that guy who sees the bright side to everything.

Fake it til you make it. The thing with confidence is that it's in a lot of ways a state of being. If you think that you are great and successful, it will start to take root in your mind and actions. It's how affirmations work. A mental state of confidence will make your actions confident.
Filters. K9, RES, all that good stuff. Make the challenge as easy as you can make it. Why go through unnecessary hardship when you can just make it easier on yourself? It goes without saying then that you also need to stop watching Porn. Self explanatory. Dissonance.

Get Active.
Make something of your life. Get the **** off your computer and out of your comfort zone. Just go outside and do ****. As they say, "Everyone's just making it up as they go along just like you.". So go enjoy life. Do crazy ****. **** what people think of you. All that matters is what you think of yourself.

And finally,
Believe in yourself.
Believe you can do it. Make your thoughts congruent with your actions. Take it one day at a time. The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. You do not sprint a marathon. So stop trying to take 90 days as 3 months. Think of it as 90 24 hour segments. Deal with each day at a time. If you look up Mount Everest from the bottom, of course it seems impossible. Just climb. Don't look down, don't look up, just climb. When you're at the top, you have permission to look down.

Stay strong fapstronauts. Those are my tips to success. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to start climbing. I haven't climbed in a long time.
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Still in and day 2 done. All I did was study and now chillin' with this girl. May get yambs.... Not 100% 
That spoiler in the last page sure did the trick. check it out folks.
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