Man i'm like on God mode now. 2 times and was ready to go again. I was still so ready when I got home I thought about fapping, only thing stopped me was thinking about this murder I just committed.
Out after 22 days fambs 
 got cancelled on for yambs twice I couldnt take it 

Coming back here for next month.
I started late in this but wow, I'm a week and half deep and Im out here talking to females like 

Mornings and getting to bed are definitely the toughest time, but I feel a whole lot more focused throughout the day which is great.

Anyway I came into here to say Im still going, let it all go on some blonde yambs last night.
Nah b.

I just like watching them cause it's WSHH and since the regular Vine Clips of the Week is usually funny as hell, I expect to see something 17+ funny as hell/interesting on the uncuts.

Na man. I was referring to when a girl had beat my joint off. I was asking if that would constitute as fapping thus causing me to lose the challenge.
Feeling like ****. Pretty sure I just bombed a midterm. Still in though, just going to sleep this off. 
Still ennit...

Not eem getting the urges after this weekend...

Took down both the big booties chicks I met last week, plus my main yamb and a new chick I've known for awhile...

All this weekend...

This challenge is cake after the fapful energy wears off and you start letting these chicks know what's good...
Feeling sick.

Feeling like crap.

Still in this.

One of my closest friends is trying to set me up.

Not sure how it'll unfold but we'll see.
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Yesterday  was rough I think I might have set a world record for longest erection.
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Has anyone else been sleeping DEEP as hell since they've been on no fap?

I would have my computer go off, my iPad go off, and my iPhone go off, and sleep through all of them.

I use to be the lightest sleeper in the world. Now nothing short of someone banging on my door seems to wake me up.
Not necessarily deeper sleep, but I've been having more dreams. And the dreams have been getting kinda crazy too.
Not necessarily deeper sleep, but I've been having more dreams. And the dreams have been getting kinda crazy too.
My dreams have been hella realistic for some months now.

Too many times I'd dream about being a car accident, and wake up pissed I wrecked my car only to go upstairs and see it parked in the driveway.

Or dream I was ultra late for a test and dart up and change clothes in 5 minutes to realize the class wasn't for an hour or two.

It's a lot easier to remember them too. I just don't care to do that. Nothing amazing in terms of the type of dreams.
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