No More Tebow Slurpage for the next 8 Months Appreciation Post

What bothers me about the Tebow hype machine is when I hear pundits say "Tebow is someone your kids can look up to". As if Rodgers, Brady, Brees, Manning etc. are thugs who get arrested every week. Those QB's are good character guys and they complete more than 46% of their passes. 
thank the lord!!!!! espn found their next brett favre, lebron james, and tiger woods
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I just can't get down with these anti-slurping threads and comments anymore. Enjoy a good thing while it lasts and ignore all the crap that's out there. Most of you do it @%! backwards and get annoyed with a potentially good thing because you fill your minds with the fodder its fed.

but...............isnt that whats happening now with this post you posted? you getting annoyed by the anti tebow people and their hate for how the guy is praised like he is god?
Doesn't matter.  All the espn channels will still have him as the first story of every show until 2 weeks after the Super Bowl 
.  The obsession with such a mediocre white quarterback is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen in sports.  I'd actually prefer Tiger Woods stories about him banging pornstars again, at least that stuff was kind of interesting.
Nobody is forcing you to watch these shows, and the media is just giving people what the want (esp he casual fan), the ratings for Tebow games are always the highest every week, I can't imagine how high the ratings were last night.
Originally Posted by LA KB24

lol wow you guys are crazy

he got lucky lots of his games but it had to end sometime

Exactly.  dude had a bunch of fluke wins, against sub-par teams, in games that he played horrible at QB.  I'm not hating on the man himself, but we have to be real here.  It's like watching a cheesy Disney movie, and people are waiting for the eventual happy ending with this guy. 
The hoopla over if he should stay/go, and when he does go the circus around his new team is going to be worse.
Tebow is just bs lol God has better things to do then watch him play FOOTBALL. And good christians dont go around flaunting their religion like that SMFH!
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Saw Tebow's press conference at the end of the game: just hard for me to dislike the guy..I'm not even a Broncos fan. Dude's got a likeable personality and represents something the media world doesn't see to often and that's good morals and ethics....

But Tebow's definitely going to have to develop alot more as a QB in the NFL because he's got a bullseye on his chest everytime he loses or has a bad game. 9/26 every other game just isn't gonna cut it moving forward no matter how positive it's been for him and the Broncos this season. John Elway oughta work with the guy in the off-season to improve his game....somethin'.
There are always haters, even if you do it the right way. This is case and point above. What is the problem with Tebow, explain ?
I have been doing a good job of not watching/reading/wasting my time with any NFL stuff cause last week was the first time I heard of this dude.

*continues to ignore NFL until super bowl*
It's ESPN. We know they will find a way to continue the Tebow train.

But I agree it's great they are at least done playing to give us all somewhat of a break.

I never thought the summer of Favre would ever be topped and sadly all it took was 3 years and it already was obliterated. ESPN and the national media proved to themselves they can literally create a superstar and storyline right from their studios and computers and America falls for it hook line and sinker because they have no other choice in the matter. That's not a good thing.

Can't wait for what the script is for next year!
It's difficult for people who just want to catch some sports highlights on sportscenter in the morning.  You have to change the channel until what you want to see is up or find something better on nbatv or espnews.  There's just way too much asking 20 people about their opinion and debating.  They have personalities on their network that try to be bigger than the sports stories (especially that professional troll they have on espn2) and all these twitter-age fans eat it up and love it  
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