Nokia N900- $50 rebate, Firefox now available.

Didn't go read all the specs but if anyone can answer me this I might just buy 3

Does it clean my clothing and perform fellatio for that price?
Finance plans for a phone? I think that's a sign that it's probably too expensive. I doubt it does anything that the less expensive phones (BB, iPhone)can't do, anyway. What's the selling point for this thing?
^^ Its basically a tablet u can make phone calls on.
It has a camera on the front for video calls as well as
Firefox and full flash. Really its probly the best phone
for internet use.
Just saw the Motorola Droid thread. Sounds like it's going to be pretty similar, and half the price.
For those who think the phone is overpriced, most phones of this caliber are around $500-600 or more, but carriers subsidize the price because you sign atwo-year contract with them. This phone is $600 without a contract just like how a Blackberry Bold or an iPhone would be $600 or more without contract.
This phone is NOT going to T-Mobile. No N Series has ever gone to a US network, and I doubt it will ever. The price for his is pretty reasonable, consideringpast N Series have been $800. This phone will definitely be the best phone out.
I spoke to a T-Mobile rep he said that once you put the sim card in the phone it becomes insured. Can anyone confirm this?
Originally Posted by Halftime718

I spoke to a T-Mobile rep he said that once you put the sim card in the phone it becomes insured. Can anyone confirm this?

How are they going to get a replacement for a phone that no US carrier has?
I been up on Nokia N-Series phones... Since the G-Gage... lol.. I had one -_-

It looks really dope, but sometimes I stop and think, do I REALLY need all this on a phone? Plus, I cant see myself giving up BBM...

Between my netbook and BlackBerry, I think it's all I need...
I hadn't thought of that, I guess ill put another phone insurance and if anything have that as a back up incase some %@+$ happens
Honestly, it's just way too expensive to make a dent in the US market. I mean, no carrier is going to get it? So, the only way to get it is to pay fullprice? $6-700 is just not something 95% of people want to spend on a phone that will be out-staged in a matter of months.

It won't catch on for business/corporate users because the BB line has a foothold in that market deep enough to make Jenna Jameson jealous, and it'stoo expensive for recreational users (iPhone's target market).
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Honestly, it's just way too expensive to make a dent in the US market. I mean, no carrier is going to get it? So, the only way to get it is to pay full price? $6-700 is just not something 95% of people want to spend on a phone that will be out-staged in a matter of months.

It won't catch on for business/corporate users because the BB line has a foothold in that market deep enough to make Jenna Jameson jealous, and it's too expensive for recreational users (iPhone's target market).

makes it that much more exclusive for the ppl that do decide cop
That's what I thought when I got my Nokia 9800 (I think that's the number) communicator. I was the only person I ever saw with one, but it wasn'tworth it. New phones with just as many, or more, capabilities came out shortly after at a lower, subsidized price.
people said the new N97 that came out this past summer was the "Best phone out" but my friend went to dubai this summer to meet fam and copped it was so wack..touch screen was like a Palm Treo..froze up..chunky..only good thing was the camera...

so if this is anything like the n97 its probably just hype...the n95 was a good phone for its time though..most nokias are crack...but since the n97 imskeptical.
Originally Posted by SN Souljah

people said the new N97 that came out this past summer was the "Best phone out" but my friend went to dubai this summer to meet fam and copped it for was so wack..touch screen was like a Palm Treo..froze up..chunky..only good thing was the camera...

so if this is anything like the n97 its probably just hype...the n95 was a good phone for its time though..most nokias are crack...but since the n97 im skeptical.
true, S60 5th edition was bugged like crazy, if you still have it u should hold on to it tho cuz nokia is known for releasing phones with betaquality firmware and fixing it up later on. I copped a 85 just because i didnt want a half baked phone that would be that price. firmware 2.0 should fix then97 up tho.
That's why he hates it, because their lack of phone options...

It's either this of the HD2 and I don't think I can wait until Janurary so I'll cop this, if its wack im sure it will be easy to sell.
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