NOPE - New Horror by Jordan Peele - 07/22/22

I saw it last night. I liked it. I’m glad I peeked in here first tho. I think the people who are saying it’s trash had expectations of grandeur or don’t like cerebral movies(Doesn’t mean they’re don’t get it, not smart or deep enough. They just prefer entertaining films over thought provoking films.).

I feel like I have homework to do now. :lol: I don’t think Us is as “black” as some want to make it. There are social references but not necessarily race. Especially, because the clones were attacking everyone(Attack it the Clones lol). I think @tay1 is on to something about the rich and the poor. Like how the clones were underground imitating what the people above were doing. That’s all society is now, poor people trying to imitate what the rich and famous(those in the sun, if you will) are doing. Definitely some Marxism/matrix references with the white rabbits. Its funny, if you type 'white rab-' into google, 'white rabbit symbolization meaning' is the first thing to pop up. JP says its because he's scared of rabbits, but I found this little blurb interesting:

Lastly, the rabbit is submitted to human imperatives such as punctuality, and has lost his ability to not care like a normal rabbit. Through our spirit we create the world in which we live in, and while we grow through this, we create a new unescapable reality for ourselves. You can remain "blissfully" ignorant, or evolve and grow, but you won't be able to unlearn what you discovered in the process of growing.
Innocence is a blessing you will never enjoy. You'll be unaware of it as long as your mind is simple and unbounded by the intellectual world you will create for it. As you evolve, the moment you reach awareness of this innocence is the moment you lose it, because it is not something you can intellectualize, innocence lies in the obliviousness of what innocence and consciousness are.

I knew Lupita was swapped out by the way she was grunting when she killed the white lady. The little boy didn't get swapped, he just realized his mom was a clone. Talking about it with my girl this morning got me realizing all other types of ***. Like how the boy was pretty much a pet for the mom. How that could be symbolism of how some mothers see their children. Like pets. Also, how the Lupita's (not really) clone was dodging the hits so effortlessly because SHE was the dancer.

Walking out of the theater I would've given it a 4/10. After sleeping on it and discussing it with others. 8/10
Yeah but she wasn’t knocked out cold and chained up for 30yrs. She had time to find her way out of there. Instead she chose to stay and live with them and plot an uprising against the real world. If the clone was able to walk up the stairs without anybody stopping her then why couldn’t anybody just do the same?

The clone only did it because the other one did it. They're 'tethered' remember. Thats how the son killed the dog boy.
Saw it last night. Did not enjoy it at all TBH. I left super disappointed. Not scary in the slightest. Some symmetry I found cool but overall I was letdown.


FWIW, I loved Get Out.
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Wait so ppl think the little boy got switched once they arrived at the house?

Y'all keep talking about a magic trick like real magic existed in the damn movie. Wasnt no secret tunnel in that closet.

Besides the kid's evil clone had burn marks all over its mouth and they were already scarred over. There's no way the kid somehow magically swapped places with his evil clone, burned himself, and then starts acting like that later that night with scarred over wounds on the bottom half of his face..

Don't know where y'all getting this from.

Also the little boy was the only one that controlled and bonded with his tether.

He was a weirdo because he understood. Plus him wearing the demon mask and being the first to say "it's US".

It's like he was more in tune.
Saw it last night. Did not enjoy it at all TBH. I left super disappointed. Not scary in the slightest. Some symmetry I found cool but overall I was letdown.


I you still getting scared at movies fam? I ain’t seen a scary movie since Candyman....ironically. But, I feel like it should’ve been billed as a psychological thriller, not a horror movie. :wow: the thiriller shirt!!
I think the theory is more that the little boy was switched out on vacation a few years prior

hence he was building a tunnel in the sand and I think the sister said something to the effect he acts so weird now
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I definitely have to watch this movie again.

Now that I think of it, after he met the bloody hand man at the beach and drew the picture there really was no follow up.
I you still getting scared at movies fam? I ain’t seen a scary movie since Candyman....ironically. But, I feel like it should’ve been billed as a psychological thriller, not a horror movie. :wow: the thiriller shirt!!

I don't get scared at all by horror films :lol: which is why I barely watch them anyhow. My point was, it was billed to be a horror and it was definitely more thriller.
Bout to go check it out with the fam at 2pm showing. That will be five more tickets to the list.
Thank you for supporting the culture! $70M

The movie quadrupled its production cost in less than a week.

“Put simply, Jordan Peele is a genius,” said Jim Orr, Universal’s president of domestic distribution. “He’s managed to tap into something that the domestic box office can’t get enough of. People can’t wait to see what he does next.”
And as far as the non tethered Lupita not escaping you got to remember both of those worlds were literally mimicking each other that’s how they met in the first place :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It’s not like they had people around her that could talk and tell her go up those steps

The old man getting killed when they got to the beach set everything in motion
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Her parents most of been some dumbdumbs to not know it wasn’t her.

Had to reteach her English :lol: forget that post trauma.

Would the clones know they are clones? Would the tether one be freaked out that she saw the real her?

One who ran the mirror spot ain’t notice a damn section that led to a layer of clones? :lol:

Surprised clones Lupita would even want to go back to that vacation spot.

I didn’t hate or love the film. It was cool.
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