North Carolina woman shoots five kids in the head!!!

This stuff pisses me off.. This broad could have just killed her damn self.. why take the lives of such young innocent kids
RIP to the two that didn't make it, and hopefully the other 3 pull through
Remember kiddies, when committing murder-suicide, do the suicide part first.
I can't imagine the pain the parents of the niece's friend felt when getting that phone call "Your daughter was shot in the head by her friend's aunt." One minute you're at peace thinking your child is safe at their friend's house, and the next minute you're scared your child might be dead the next time you see their face
Damn...right up the road and I ain't even hear about this. $+%%% was triangle got a whole bunch of people killed. Damn...that's the only thing about affairs that I have a fear of. It's one thing to mess around with a female but if she's emotionally unstable you never know it will end up. She couldn't let it
Originally Posted by mholmes87

that's why you don't cheat or involve yourself with other peoples' spouses.. never know what the outcome will be..

i'm a hypocrite though

Wow, RIP to the kids
Originally Posted by MrONegative

As @$%$## up as it sounds...killing your kids and yourself because you're emotionally unstable and selfish is one thing...but shooting her niece, nephew and his friend...picking up her oldest from a sleepover just to kill him...because the married man you were sleeping with doesn't want you anymore?

I wish she would've lived.


but honestly... she wouldnt have made it far...

somebody woulda offed her...
if she was black this thread would be 50+ pages filled with racism. RIP to the kids
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