November 2008 website/store/outlets updates post! No OT!

Damn Carmines again?

Man can we get some more 2's to hit Please!!! Some I's, III's, & IV's would be awesome too!!
over 100 pairs came in,sat there for 3 days, bulk buyers right now grabing limit of 10 pairs each
Damn, FINALLY got through @ aurora - no 10.5 or 11 left for me, so no luck. Guy that answered said they only have size 7.5, 13, and 15 left
Edinburgh Premium Outlets 16 or 17 in the carmines. I had a real cool dude at an outlet do a system search for 10.5, 11, and 11.5. it looks like were out ofluck on those sizes guys.
damn, thanks for looking into those sizes TheSwoosh. much appreciated. oh well, i need to save some chedda for the 28th anyway.
who else has the carmine?? i called folsom & oh nothing left anything close to 9.5 - 10.5
Got through to Ohio, they just said 13 only, if that. Damn it, missed again. If anybody knows of any other places getting them, somebody please let me know. IfWilliam Rivera is right and they are "hare-like" as he says, then these should be in a few more outlets any time now. Let's hope! What's theprice? $100? $110? Thanks for all who dropped info.
damn I missed it they should have dropped 2morrow cause u was at school smh what was that price on them and I'm sure there isn't any 10.5-12 left
yo if anyone has the b-grade carmines in a size 13 please sell me a pair I missed out.
Thanks to William Rivera and jojo for all the valuable info..i got my size 9.5..hopefully everythin is good and went thru fine at Aurora, OH..
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