
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

we should be able to vote one mod off per month
I agree
instead of people always trying to change this place to better fit their personal needs, how about just going to one of the other million places on the webthat caters to what you're looking for?

this place being clean and work safe benefits everybody - if you were to start changing stuff, adding porn and what not... you'd start alienating peoplefor no reason. nobody here is stopping you from going to all the other places in the world for porn and cursing... so feel free.

But leave NT as it is. It's for the greatest good to keep it clean.
i wish we could flame each other to no ends without repercussions. i got banned 5 times for flaming members. its just teh interwebz.
im from pacoima lmao NO JOKE paxton and herrick
how am i giving the 818 a bad name ???????? its the pr0n capita!!!!!
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