NT, A Question Of Hygiene Vol. Washcloth vs. Hands


I use this all over my body with Lever bar soap. Seriously gets you clean. For Face I just use my hands. My skin is sorta naturally moisturized so this method is money for me.

I'm white btw. 
Originally Posted by buggz05

I use virgin tongue. I am racially irrelevant btw.

Doesn't have to be only Black or White, feel free to post your ethnicity if you're comfortable with it. 
loofah for years but i want to start using a wash cloth...

dr. bronner cleaned up by filling the sink with hot water and soap and scrubbed himself with a wash cloth, no extra running water lol.
if its good enough for mr. clean himself, its got to work.
White male.

Hands with some fingernail action if I'm using bar soap, loofa if I'm using body wash.
I don't like washcloths because all that absorbed dirt/soap that builds up over time is nasty imo.
Switch it up , some areas that need tough scrubbing I use wash cloth or loofah otherwise I use my hands.
Natural Loofah. When I was younger and had family constantly coming and going to Central America we'd get like 20 every time someone went to keep a decent supply. Now that I'm on my own and I haven't been down there in 23 years I just use a body scrubber with liquid shower gel.
I've been doing this no soap no shampoo shower for the past 3 months... water only... Im as clean as ever but my skin isn't as dry as it used to be... I also started taking contrast showers because too much hot water is bad for you... I am often commented on my glow (although it is usually at a bar and I am drinking)

washcloth or not most people need to start limiting the amount of hot water and soap they use on their skin, but no one needs to go full force like me...
Washcloth and a bar of soap. Cloth does a better job at exfoliating, and I don't like the lather of liquid soap unless it's that soap that comes with cologne... Which is expensive as hell if you buy it standalone, btw...

And also, I use a new cloth every night. I dont understand how you keep loofah's clean enough to use on a nightly basis... And the no soap thing actually makes sense.. I may try it sometime, but I have a feeling my skin will feel dirty after a few days. I think soap does a better job at washing off all the debris you encounter during the day.
Wash cloths + either some body wash or bar of soap. I just make sure to wash the wash clothes repeatedly.
That whole running the bar of soap all over your body is kind of
to me. I always thought only females
did that when they slowly bathe.

Black on black.
I use a washcloth

It sounds like some people dont machine wash their washcloths after each use, now thats just nasty
Originally Posted by Young Handsome

How can somebody wash their body with their hands only??? The image of rubbin your body to clean yourself is funny

I use a washcloth... one time all the washcloths was derty, so I used an oven mit.

 Gotta luv NT.

BTW. Washcloth, Black. Male.  But keep a separate cloth for my face ... I cant see you getting clean off of rubbin smooth hands with soap on ya body ...

How do you clean good between ya toes?

I use a wash cloth with texture. I don't use that scrub ball thing as that doesn't work well. All it does is create foam.

What you want to do is exfoliate and polish your skin. You need some abrasion to help remove dead skin cells.

I also use my hands as well. You folks ever have mud and realize it won't come off by just shooting water? You'll need to rub soap and use your hand as a buffer to get it out. Our body does wonders, keep good use of it.
I use a straight bar of; I don't understand the you aren't clean if you use your hands if you are using a bar of soap


Originally Posted by Peep Game

Wash cloths + either some body wash or bar of soap. I just make sure to wash the wash clothes repeatedly.
That whole running the bar of soap all over your body is kind of
to me. I always thought only females
did that when they slowly bathe.

Black on black.
are people this insecure in the shower? 

what's next a boardshorts in the shower 
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Wash cloths + either some body wash or bar of soap. I just make sure to wash the wash clothes repeatedly.
That whole running the bar of soap all over your body is kind of
to me. I always thought only females
did that when they slowly bathe.

Black on black.
are people this insecure in the shower? 

what's next a boardshorts in the shower 

Word to #TeamNeverNude
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