NT At what age did you first move out of your parent's house ?

I'm 23 and still home. By 24, I will be able to afford a house. Last year, I decided that there was noooo way I was going to pay $1,000/month in my city for an apartment when it could go towards a beautiful home.
for those of you saying 17-18, are you counting the years you were in college as being "moved out?"

I was officially out at 23...
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell


I was given the option to:
- Join the military
- Go to college
- Don't care but you can't stay here

I joined the Army and then started college afterwards.  My kids will have the same options.
my parents were the same way, they gave me three options and three months to chose one of those options, i was pissed back then but im so grateful they did, i will be doing the same to my kids
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