NT Call me bitter but now i know why a woman would cheat or go bad

26 years and only 1 real relationship Talkin bout you know why women cheat or go bad.

Ouchea ventin on jesus birthday rip.

Exactly you ain't lived enough to come up with this conclusion, get some more experience under your belt please.
Sounds like you are going to let a few bad experiences turn you in to a thot.

You gotta rise above young sister.
KellyRep, what's your ethnicity ? Serious question. It'll be easier for me to help you out if I know what your ethnicity is
OP is one of those 6/10 good girls who are coo to goto the movies and bring to family functions but you still gotta have an ivonne who dances on tables at the club are rides a mean ****

Plain Oatmeal and a glass of room tempurature water will get you through breakfast. But you not gonna look forward to it the night before.
Kelly is most likely a fat unattractive broad or a dude trolling

Lock this up with the quickness
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Or maybe broken men have an attraction to you.
Tryin to fix these dudes wen you should be tryin to fix yoself.

26 years and only 1 real relationship Talkin bout you know why women cheat or go bad.

Ouchea ventin on jesus birthday rip.
If this was actually Jesus' real birthday.

No. I'm actually attracted to tortured souls. If you put me in a room with two types of men, one laughing , talking to everyone, upbeat and the other off to himself, quiet, and only making small talk. 9 times out of ten, I will go for the second one.  I will go for him  because I want to know what's going on behind his eyes. It's a turn on for me.

But I'm also more attracted to what is dark than what is light. I think a storm is more beautiful than say a calm, clear day. I like rainy days. The last man I was with was spot on a tortured soul.

It's really my personality.
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I don't know if I have ever been cheated on because girls are good at covering their tracks but I had one ex who I strongly suspected. It's normal to be angry and bitter afterwards and maybe even feel a little bit of resentment for the opposite sex. At some point for your sake and no one else you have to let it go. Carrying around those negative feelings changes you for the worse and as a human being and you have decide what kind of person you want to be. I know a lot of people who cheat and the worst reason to cheat is because you have been hurt in previous relationships. Putting a new person through the kind of pain that made you suffer is completely unfair and it makes you just as bad as the people who hurt you. There good people who are honest and won't cheat. You just have to be patient.
Thanks. Just because I'm out of reps.
Or maybe broken men have an attraction to you.

Tryin to fix these dudes wen you should be tryin to fix yoself.

26 years and only 1 real relationship Talkin bout you know why women cheat or go bad.

Ouchea ventin on jesus birthday rip.

If this was actually Jesus' real birthday.

No. I'm actually attracted to tortured souls. If you put me in a room with two types of men, one laughing , talking to everyone, upbeat and the other off to himself, quiet, and only making small talk. 9 times out of ten, I will go for the second one.  I will go for him  because I want to know what's going on behind his eyes. It's a turn on for me.

But I'm also more attracted to what is dark than what is light. I think a storm is more beautiful than say a calm, clear day. I like rainy days. The last man I was with was spot on a tortured soul.

It's really my personality.

Yo Kelly do you have a queen of spades tat my dude?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If this was actually Jesus' real birthday.

No. I'm actually attracted to tortured souls. If you put me in a room with two types of men, one laughing , talking to everyone, upbeat and the other off to himself, quiet, and only making small talk. 9 times out of ten, I will go for the second one.  I will go for him  because I want to know what's going on behind his eyes. It's a turn on for me.

But I'm also more attracted to what is dark than what is light. I think a storm is more beautiful than say a calm, clear day. I like rainy days. The last man I was with was spot on a tortured soul.

It's really my personality.


The Confessions thread is around general somewhere that will help give you a place to vent, and a place to speak to someone if need be.

I hope your ok, sounds like your misdirecting your love and energy to those types that use it all up and don't have your best interest at heart if they are not giving you what you need as a woman to feel loved, happy and safe/secure in your relationship with them, then you need to step back, cut those relationship/s short that are not reciprocal of your love, time and energy you are putting into them,this apples to everyone (partner/family/friends) it is not worth the heart ache, loving people that do not truely love you back in return, when you are making all the effort jumping out the window for them and receiving nothing in return except let downs and betrayal/pain, it will leave you feeling empty and angry/bitter.

My advice stay away from the dark tortured soul types that are hiding their inner demons, also the killers that come with false smiles, stop trying to save people that wouldn't save you, the ones that once you have dragged them up off the cliffs edge, saving them in their time of need, then turn around and use their free hand to stab you in the back as some form of sick gratitude or reward for your kind nature.

What ever you do, don't let these people change what is good and pure about you, your morals and principals, your niceness and loving nature etc do not let them take an effect on your happiness, never let bad people change you for the worse, letting them infect you with their disease. Turning you into something your not.

You don't need to feel that pain, do not let those cancers into your life. Be careful who you let in, always remember those you love have the power to hurt you the most, people have to earn this trust, be careful who you love and trust, do not open the door for these wolves in sleeps clothing.

like I said, you need to find someone who is right for YOU, that you can trust, that makes an effort with you, is there to help you in your times of need, that you can confide in and always rely on to have your back. Someone who appreciates you and loves you the way you need to be loved.

If you dont have this, what is the point.

Real love, real people, this is what you need to fill your life with.

Meanwhile whilst searching for these people, love yourself, look after yourself, spend your time bettering yourself, tackling life's obsticals, gaining knowledge and wealth, better your quality of life.

I hope this helps you, feel free to pm me if you need some one to talk to.

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What were the red flags that came with the guys you dated? 
They were all extremely insecure. Very bitter about women who'd done them wrong.

One to the point where I couldn't go 5 minutes without responding to his texts. He never went off on me. Just explained how much it bothered him. Respectively. I ended it soon after.

The last one was more evasive but also had a way of demeaning me. I guess, another form of insecurity. He wanted to prove that he was smarter. He just had a way of correcting me.

The last one was more obvious in cheating. Lied about dropping his mom off at the metro. It was closed that day.  I saw St. Ives lotion in his bathroom. He is incredibly white so the lotion, IDK. Also , St. Ives is a feminine brand. When I brought it up, he got defensive , made up some story to try and cover himself . Then got defensive , called me dramatic, the works.  We got into an argument a few weeks later, broke up. A week or so later, I see him with this girl, like in love with him based on their interaction.

There was a point where we reunited. I wanted to come over to see him . Like hookup. I asked spur of the moment . This was months before breaking up and he kept asking if I could do it some other time. RED FLAG.
How quickly did you identify these red flags? Did you confront the boyfriends about these things? If so, how did they react and respond?

Not all men are awful but many are. If you're interested in finding a worthwhile relationship, it's going to take a lot of work. 
I know I'll get some good advice here so let me go.

I've always been the good girl. Went to church twice a week and I lived doing the right thing. Not once in my life have I ever led a man on or lied to him. I was either home, at school, with my family or friends, or I was with him. I'm also not a superficial broad. I wanted smart men over athletic. I chose family oriented over other types. Honestly and truly. I also waited in choosing them to see that they were that way. I'm 26 and have dated only 4 men. Had a long term relationship with one and was intimate with one.  I waited until I was an adult to start seeing men.

The things that ended those relationships were lies.  Smart men do cheat and just because a man looks after his mother and takes care of her doesn't mean that he will be faithful. I've had men I loved look me in the face and tell me boldfaced lies when I knew the truth. Even when I told them I knew. They would even lie to the point of twisting things around on me. Again, not superficial but I'm athletic, in shape, and I'm a pretty girl. I'm not risqué but I think of myself as sexy. I've dated overweight, nerdy, and shy. That's what I chose.

I'm not saying I would sleep with multiple men at once. I'm just never going to have eyes for one again.  I'm just going to always be that person with someone else lined up.  It's too much time and energy wasted in the end to be alone and feeling the way that I do. It's  really hard to care at this point when you see men as threats. Instead of feeling protected and safe, you feel like they have everything it takes to hurt you.

And this isn't  the time for  jokes. Idk. Maybe it is. I'm feeling some kind of way.

I'm not posting a picture.
why would you even make this thread then. .. this NT .
OP should date me srs

i wouldnt lie or cheat. i think its disgusting to do that srs

rather break up with a chick then fool around behind her back.
Explain how.

When someone wants to get serious, I'll just tell him I don't know what I want. Oh, and because I'm not giving him everything, he'll just want me more. Seems like the exact thing men do to women. If he wants to break up, I'll  push one up in line. Men seem to do just fine doing this.
Good luck with that woman
Not threadworthy. Honestly, if OP wasn't a girl (supposedly), then this thread wouldn't have had any replies.

If this was a dude being upfront about being a dude posting these girl problems I think after a bunch of posts of "simp". "YNS" and "you soft" he'd get directed to the pof thread or the yamb thread for help before getting some good advice posts from NTers that have went through similar but yeah probably not as many replies.
why would you even make this thread then. .. this NT .
That's another thing I wonder if this person has spent any time lurking NT general before registering. This aint the place if you won't comply. Which makes me think it's just one big troll job either that or it's a she and she just found the first male dominated forum to seek help from.
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Mega meh.

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