NT Chefs: Help me out!

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

How did you just post nothingness, HTTB?

I think it was an ultimate stoneface


I actually meant to edit my post, but clicked quote by mistake.

Edit fast enough, and "edited by..." doesn't show up.
Nah, I knew that if you edit quick enough, no 'Edited by...' shows up. I just forgot about that.

I was confused because I didn't see anything, so I highlighted, and still nothing showed up, so I clicked to edit your reply, and still... nothing was in your reply for me to edit. I was like 'How did this dude just post... nothing?'



Had you super confused.
Okay I'm going to broil it with lemon, salt, pepper and garlic with brown ice on the side. I wish I had some corn
now being a mod of NT, you are aware, of course, that pics are needed of said cooking adventure or ducktales will be proclaimed to the high heavens. throw insome bubblegum to appease ska as well.
i'm sorry but broiled catfish?
you gotta fry that, i have fried it in a regularpan and it works fine. i've made it blackened once... in the house. dumb move on my part.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

lol.. Ska & catfish. Where's that pic we're all thinking of...?

of topic: what did you use to make that avy Fanatic 15? edit: lol,

hot damn!!!
^Say what now!!!!

I did both actually becasue I couldn't make up my mind
. I had a huge fillet so I cut it into 5 pieces and fried those then put the last two fillets Ihad and broiled them. I taste tested and I like

Pics forthcoming...
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Just kidding.

It's not gross, it's called caring about someone.

Have a heart!
Okay I'll save some fish in the fridge for you when you come here in.. What January, February.. June?
... It will be rotting of course

This is what I did... I need some freaking vegetables in this house

You can use the cornmeal with creole seasoning and/or black pepper and fry. You can use the leftover meal from frying, add milk and egg to it, roll littleballs, add some onion, and you have hush puppies on the side. Red beans and rice also makes a winning combination. Good luck....
Originally Posted by KNUDslpm

sooo, what was better?
They are both pretty good. I think I prefer fried though. The broiled is a nice change. I might just need practice lol

Those hush puppies are a good idea.
No offense, but fried looked a little better...And I usually don't like any fish fried..They both look yum anyways.

Like Dirty said, a cast iron woulda worked wonders..

Cast iron + tuna=
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