NT Chefs: Help me out!

No offense, but fried looked a little better...And I usually don't like any fish fried..They both look yum anyways.

Like Dirty said, a cast iron woulda worked wonders..

Cast iron + tuna=
^Non taken. I plan on investing in a caste iron soon.

I'm not a big fan of hot sauce btw lol.

I check out those recipes too.
Good luck finding an iron skillet willing to submit to a caste system.


Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Okay I'll save some fish in the fridge for you when you come here in.. What January, February.. June?
... It will be rotting of course

This is what I did... I need some freaking vegetables in this house



Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Before you begin, go get a bag big enough for all of the catfish to fit into.

Now, for the breading:
- 1/3 cup cornstarch
- 1/2 tsp. paprika
- 3 egg whites, lightly beaten (whip/whisk them in a small bowl until they're frothy)
- 2 cups flaked coconut

And for the sauce:
- 1/2 c. sour cream
- 1/4 cup pina colada mix
- 1/4 crushed pineapple (drained)
- 2 tbsp. sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

2. Combine the paprika and cornstarch in a bowl.

3. Place the coconut in another bowl.

You should have 3 bowls now; an egg white bowl, a cornstarch/paprika bowl, and a coconut bowl.

4. The bag I mentioned earlier, big enough for all of the catfish to fit into? Place the catfish in the bag.

5. Walk to your nearest outdoor garbage container, and place the catfish into it.

6. Go to the store and get a pound of shrimp.

7. Dip the shrimp one-by-one into the cornstarch/paprika mixture, then the egg white, then the coconut.

8. Bake on a non-stick cookie sheet (or a regular cookie sheet sprayed w/ PAM or something) for like 10 minutes, then take them out, flip them over, and bake them for a few more minutes (watch the; if you have an oven with a window, that would be great).

9. Mix the ingredients for the sauce.

Coconut shrimp!




I love topics like these

oh,and deep fried ftw!..and while you're at it,deep fry some shrimp and oysters too and u got a seafood platter!

but not with cornmeal...do they sell fish fry in your area?thats all we use down here...
Fanatic - Catfish works well with marinades. I sometimes use Korean barbecue marinade on catfish and throw it on the grill.

BUUUUT since your food is cooked, I guess you can give it a shot next time.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by KNUDslpm

sooo, what was better?
They are both pretty good. I think I prefer fried though. The broiled is a nice change. I might just need practice lol

While fried anything might taste better than broiled I think you also have to consider the health benefits. Whether you exercise/are active the oil/fats fromfrying something aren't good for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever eat anything fried but literally you could fry about anything and make ittaste good. Frying food and making it appetizing is wildly easy. While I'm not saying you should cook absolutely the healthiest method every single timebut I think that certainly has to be considered/noted that broiling is far far healthier method of cooking.
^I totally agree with you. 'm always trying to find recipes for healthier meals so if you know of any others throw them my way

Good luck finding an iron skillet willing to submit to a caste system.

Oh you
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by KNUDslpm

sooo, what was better?
They are both pretty good. I think I prefer fried though. The broiled is a nice change. I might just need practice lol

While fried anything might taste better than broiled I think you also have to consider the health benefits. Whether you exercise/are active the oil/fats from frying something aren't good for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever eat anything fried but literally you could fry about anything and make it taste good. Frying food and making it appetizing is wildly easy. While I'm not saying you should cook absolutely the healthiest method every single time but I think that certainly has to be considered/noted that broiling is far far healthier method of cooking.
i feel you, i'm an active dude though so i don't worry too much. i don't eat exactly healthy, but definately not unhealthy either.
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