NT Confessions 2009

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I'm this close to saying **!+ it and cheating on my girl for the first time in 353 days of being together. It's not out of temptation, but spite.

Cmon fam.

Anyways. I'm a mom. Dog mom. I'm now the proud owner of a female Boston Terrier pup, but we can't take her home till the end of the month. She's only 4 weeks
Nah G, you don't get it... this !%%!! stupid Sam. I swear to God. I'm tired. I try so *@!+*!@ hard to be the better man G but man....
.... on my life I can't deal with this immature $!%#. Basic grown up principles falling of deaf ears FTL. I'm leaning over the edge right now.I'm fining me a skeedattle TONIGHT.... just cuz I'm tired of trying to be good. %%#* it.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I'm this close to saying **!+ it and cheating on my girl for the first time in 353 days of being together. It's not out of temptation, but spite.

Cmon fam.

Anyways. I'm a mom. Dog mom. I'm now the proud owner of a female Boston Terrier pup, but we can't take her home till the end of the month. She's only 4 weeks
Nah G, you don't get it... this !%%!! stupid Sam. I swear to God. I'm tired. I try so *@!+*!@ hard to be the better man G but man....
.... on my life I can't deal with this immature $!%#. Basic grown up principles falling of deaf ears FTL. I'm leaning over the edge right now. I'm fining me a skeedattle TONIGHT.... just cuz I'm tired of trying to be good. %%#* it.
This makes no sense. Drop her then.

BTW....stop calling her immature if you're the one planning on cheating just to spite her.
Immaturity is not WHAT you do, but WHY you do it. I'm very mature. I just fight fire with magma, that's all.
Still have feelings for my ex, yet I hate her right now

I wish I could have a 2nd home on the planet Mars

I secretly want to take every one that says "it is what it is" and put them in a traash compactor
Originally Posted by archnoobie

Originally Posted by fashion1st

Originally Posted by straight lux

so my girl calls me RIGHT NOW (btw, she has created an account here on NT)
and says....

her: hey so ummmmmmmmmmmmmm im on niketalk and i wanted to post something on there...
me: uh huh...
her: so i did...BUT only it was under your account
me: so whatre you trying to say?!
her: well i posted something on the NT confessions 2009 thread and i said something about my BF in there
me: aw hell nah! now everyone is gonna think im mad gay! im going to edit the hell outta that thing right now

now im here typing this down at 4am pst when i should be knocked out
smh for not signing out

lmao!! that was me. sry babe. if anyone saw that... my bad. he aint no *$#%. hes with a female.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you the next EricBerry and Thugnificence

y u gotta do me like that man
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Still have feelings for my ex, yet I hate her right now

I wish I could have a 2nd home on the planet Mars

I secretly want to take every one that says "it is what it is" and put them in a trash compactor
along with everybody that says "at the end of the day"....P. Diddy, Day 26, and Danity Kane would fall under this category
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Immaturity is not WHAT you do, but WHY you do it. I'm very mature. I just fight fire with magma, that's all.

No your not in denial your just selective about the reality you accept.

That stuff is immature dude plain and simple.

If her behavior is bothering you THAT much just break up with her and live the single life.
I thought you of all people would know karma exist.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I'm this close to saying **!+ it and cheating on my girl for the first time in 353 days of being together. It's not out of temptation, but spite.

Cmon fam.

Anyways. I'm a mom. Dog mom. I'm now the proud owner of a female Boston Terrier pup, but we can't take her home till the end of the month. She's only 4 weeks
Nah G, you don't get it... this !%%!! stupid Sam. I swear to God. I'm tired. I try so *@!+*!@ hard to be the better man G but man....
.... on my life I can't deal with this immature $!%#. Basic grown up principles falling of deaf ears FTL. I'm leaning over the edge right now. I'm fining me a skeedattle TONIGHT.... just cuz I'm tired of trying to be good. %%#* it.

You'll regret it and you know it. Relationships are work, hard work, but not THAT kind of hard work. You're too young for this. I'd suggestexiting the relationship. So here's some puppy pictures (not my girl, but representative)



I hate/love you Sam-you-Am
.... we should talk. See, my problem is that I sit around and learn from older (not OLD, but older
) people likeyou, then I try to apply what I've learned to younger girls like her. Then I end up pissing MYSELF off because she is utterly incapable ofunderstanding what seemed so simple just 2 threads ago. Woe is me
. Now I'm sitting back, wantin to go start some shh with somebody just to get my handsdirty
. I hate when I allow ppl to affect me this much. That ain't the me I'm used to. I've changed
Winter, I know what you mean. But it's not worth it trust me. I was in the same situation with you where she was acting immature blah blah. But I love hertop death. Next thing you know we started drifting apart and I go to a party and make out with this girl. Word comes back to my girl and now we're nottogether anymore. I regret it everyday and will for the rest of my life. I love that girl.

-I was talking to said girl yesterday and she asked me about some girl on facebook. She was getting me mad because she kept hinting sarcasm and kept sayinghave fun with her so I just blurted out "Yeah I'm going to skull !+%$ the $!@+ outta her for you"

-I feel like $!@+. Like life is worthless right now.
I'm numbing up to the idea of my girl leaving me. She asked me yesterday if I wanted her to stay, but I couldn't answer. Of course I want herto stay, but that's just for my selfish reasons. I want her to do what's best for her, not for me.

I really don't like chasing women. I love pus, but the work it takes just to seal the deal is too much IMO.

I really feel as though I'm not doing enough. I screwed up this semester and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose my 3.0... smh

I feel as though I'm above everyone. It doesn't matter who, I just look down on everyone for some reason. I always pay attention to the inadequacies ofothers instead of trying to better myself.

I get upset at everything...
here's a serious confession to just you iBlink...

Spoiler [+]
I'm afraid of being wrong about everything I've told you. I'm a realest holding onto idealist beliefs. If I embrace the reality of life and love, I get afraid. I get afraid that I'll never have the right girl, or that when I do get her, I won't have her for long -- so I accept inadequacies in my lady. I even cherish them. I tell her we'd last forever if it were up to me. Those flaws, and my uncanny willingness to accept them unconditionally, are what keeps her near to me. Without them, she could do much better than me. I'm afraid she'll realize this soon enough. This is all because I lost my mother (of course). My biggest fear is not that she'll have sex with another guy. It's that she'll actually love another guy. I hate to admit, but it's not my trusting her that allows me to "forgive and forget" certain suspect $++! she's done. It's my fear of being right. The "me" before her, before March 28, 2007 -- the day my mom died, wouldn't be like this. That "me" would deal with the reality of my suspicions and act accordingly. That me was also scarred beyond recovery by embracing the reality of terminal illness in a parent. when my brother's looked away, I STARED. I wanted to see Death for what it was. I wanted to learn from it. I wanted it to mold me into a strong person. Instead, it crippled me. Death is winning and I'm losing. Death claims a little more of me every day. So, though it's true that I've been forged into steel by the fires of Death, that's not to say I prefer the heat. Sometimes it's easier to cope by placing my belief and trust in ideals themselves, rather than the person assigned with upholding them. I look at the word "integrity" and I act as if everyone has it. Golden Rule, right? I justify that thought by saying, "Well, since I have it, and I have no reason to believe she doesn't, then I'll place my trust in [that]...". It's like sub-leasing your trust by way of deductive reasoning. It's not practical, but it keeps me from imploding and losing hope. I'm emotionally needy, deep, DEEP down and I surmise it's because I was ripped from my mother 3 months prematurely.... and then she died before I fully matured into a man. The two strongest bonds-- mother-to-son and son-to-mother, were BOTH interrupted while I was still "downloading". So now I have emotional "bugs". I realize some part of me will always suffer because of that. So I seek reciprocity in my woman for these feelings of neediness.

I said that to say this:

One can't expect another to reciprocate their feelings. All you can do is appreciate it. Know that and don't question it, ever. Don't ever feel entitled to love if you plan on perusing that girl or any other.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I hate/love you Sam-you-Am
.... we should talk. See, my problem is that I sit around and learn from older (not OLD, but older
) people like you, then I try to apply what I've learned to younger girls like her. Then I end up pissing MYSELF off because she is utterly incapable of understanding what seemed so simple just 2 threads ago. Woe is me
. Now I'm sitting back, wantin to go start some shh with somebody just to get my hands dirty
. I hate when I allow ppl to affect me this much. That ain't the me I'm used to. I've changed
Who I was at 20 is not who I am today. Hell I was alsosingle from age 19-23 !+#. My entire life at that point was all about me. It was a good learning experience. And even then I still have my issues. Except Iknow what my issues are and am working on them but I'm not perfect by any means. And that's OK. No one is. But the thing is one day you're goingto find someone who works well with you - cliche but true, you need to find someone that "completes" you. Shane makes up for what I am lacking, wework well like that. Not to say we as a couple don't have issues
because damn we do, but you make the most of it.

I'm telling you, the distance is a killer. killer, killer, killer. It magnifies the issues one million fold.
• I am the only black dude at my job and see much injustices every day
• Everyone at my job has come at me with the "Yo homie" vibe about them, other times, I don't exist
• I am dealing with a serious procrastination problem
It's gotta be the distance. The real "us" isn't like this

Uh... can I ask you for a favor... see, I like to write (who knew?). So when I'm REEEEEEEEEEEALLY pissed, I don't argue. I don't talk. I be way tooclose to domestic violence
....so I walk away or hang up and I write letters. Now I sent this girl a letter detailing most of what really made me madrecently........and she said "That's dumb." So before I decapitate her, can you grade my essay so to speak
I'm a writer too. Shane and I hash it out over text LOL. I can not articulate my feelings for the life on me, plus he always puts me on the spot when heasks whats wrong. Hate that crap, he knows I'll talk about it in due time. But I digress, go for it. It's slow at work and I'm too busy looking atpuppy crap anyways
Originally Posted by Choppa Suit

I really didnt expect all the fame I'm getting.
Choppa never washes me. Its a damn shame.
Love these gimmick accounts.

I've passed up a good amount of @%#+! in college. I might regret it after graduation.
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